traditional structure

[trəˈdɪʃənəl ˈstrʌktʃɚ][trəˈdɪʃənəl ˈstrʌktʃə]

[计] 传统结构

  • The traditional structure model is broken through in structure according to particular requirement of portable point and area weapon .

    该模型依据单兵点面杀伤武器的特殊要求,在整体布局上突破了 传统自动武器的 结构模式。

  • It analyzes difference of cast-in-place beamless hollow floor and traditional structure technical features of cast-in-place beamless hollow floor are discussed introduces key link of construction points out its foreground is extensive .

    分析了现浇无梁空心楼板与 传统 结构 模式的区别,论述了现浇无梁空心楼板的技术特点,介绍了该技术的施工关键环节,指出该技术的推广应用前景是十分广阔的。

  • This paper analyses and compares the difference between the traditional structure method and the object oriented method it also examples the application of this technology in the simulation training system of stored-program controlled telephone switch by an instance .

    该文分析和比较了 传统 结构化方法和面向对象方法的优缺点,并以一个实例说明了该技术在程控交换仿真训练系统中的应用。

  • In this paper the thermodynamic system traditional structure matrix of power plant is improved the structure matrix which considers thermal efficiency of the heater is inferred this structure matrix has been integrated and the rules to fill this matrix are also detailedly represented .

    本文对电厂热力系统 传统 结构矩阵进行了改进,推导出了考虑加热器热效率的结构矩阵,并对该矩阵结构进行了整合,填写规则也被详细阐述。

  • And the practice of e-government breaks traditional structure and operation mode of traditional government promote the integration of governmental organization and governmental function and provide a new opportunity for solving the problem effectively .

    而电子政务的实施,打破了 传统的政府 组织 结构和运作方式,促进了政府组织和职能的整合,为有效解决行政成本问题提供了新的契机。

  • According to software engineering rules we accomplish the requirement analysis and system design of inventory management system by using traditional structure design method and UML language and develop the software system of inventory management .

    结合软件工程的思想,运用 传统 结构化设计方法和UML语言对库存管理系统进行了需求分析和系统设计,并给出了软件的部分实现。

  • Object oriented programming is combined with the traditional structure query language to establish a seamless programming environment which can enhance the query mechanism within a database system .

    传统 结构化查询语言和面向对象的编程思想结合起来,形成一种无缝的编程环境,以进一步加强数据库查询机制。

  • Lawyers for Business offers legal services of a conventional legal practice without the traditional structure clients receive quality advice at an extremely cost effective price .

    商业律师提供了一个传统,但无 传统 结构的法律执业的法律服务,客户端收到一个极具成本效益的价格优质的咨询服务。

  • Water-using networks with mixed structure can take account of the freshwater consumption the network complexity and the system flexibility simultaneously and integrate the advantages of the traditional structure and the internal water main structure .

    混合结构的水网络可以兼顾新鲜水量、网络 结构复杂性及用水系统控制柔性,综合了 常规水回用 网络新鲜水用量少,中间水道水网络结构简单的优点。

  • This system has already been put into oper-ation and the result indicated that the system operates better real-time character stability and reliability easy to operate the whole performance index is superior to the traditional structure - oriented realization scheme .

    上述系统已投入实际运行,运行结果表明,系统运行有较好的实时性、稳定性和可靠性,操作方便,整体性能指标优于 传统前后台 结构的实现方案。

  • The autopilot has the traditional structure . 3 . The Control System has designed in this paper .

    自动驾驶仪具有 传统 结构 形式,内回路为阻尼回路,采用连续的控制方式;3.设计了阻尼稳定回路;

  • This coupler is used in Y-branch and MMI structure and the simulation results show that the output of Y-branch and MMI structure with this coupler has better symmetry in comparison with traditional structure .

    在Y分支和多模干涉结构中使用了这种结构,模拟结果表明,采用这种耦合器的Y分支和多模 干涉 结构具有非常好的输出对称性。

  • The main reason is : the program analysis and design of object-orientation excelled that of traditional structure its advantage is it is expected to solve two main problems of software engineering & the control to software complexity and the raise in software production .

    主要原因是:面向对象程序分析与设计优于 传统 结构化程序分析与设计,其优越性表现在,它有希望解决软件工程的两个主要问题&软件复杂性控制和软件生产效率的提高。

  • The traditional structure functionalism gave a more integrated analysis fram about it .

    传统 结构功能主义范式在这方面建立了较为完整的分析框架;

  • Only a single objective is considered in the traditional structure design .

    传统 结构 优化设计一般都是考虑单目标。

  • In this paper traditional structure rating of merit is changed into precision analysis and estimation of the input and output signal of the structure frequency-domain analysis is introduced to system identification .

    本文将 传统 结构性能评价过程转变为结构输入和输出信号的精确分析与估计过程,引入频域分析技术进行系统辨识。

  • Traditional Structure and Modern Significance of Folk Festival Sports

    民间节庆体育的 传统 结构与现代意义

  • Social and geographic mobility along with changing economic fortunes break down the traditional structure of family life and erode old forms of association and collective membership .

    社会和地理意义上的流动性,连同不断变化的经济命运,打破了 传统家庭生活的 结构,侵蚀了旧式的社会交往和集体从属关系。

  • Migrating to OO development from traditional structure development need improve the old software process in software organization this paper introduces a method of realizing software process improvement aiming at the status of big software organization .

    传统 结构化开发过渡到面向对象开发,需要对软件组织内部原有的软件过程进行改进.针对大型软件组织的现状,介绍了一种实现软件过程改进的方法。

  • It has broken through the bondage of traditional structure of computer .

    它突破了 传统计算机 体系 结构的束缚。

  • Ulysses is different from traditional structure and narrative content .

    《尤利西斯》无论在 结构 形式还是在叙述内容方面都与 传统小说背道而驰。

  • Anti - traditional structure ;

    主要从四个方面:反 传统 结构

  • Through the instance analysis the seismic capability of sliding isolated structure was compared with traditional structure . The isolated impact on the function of varying factor of friction is discussed .

    通过实例分析计算,比较了隔震滑移结构与 传统 结构的抗震性能,讨论了不同摩擦系数作用下对隔震性能的影响。

  • This paper researches the plane stiffness of new composite structure for slab on the lower flange which is compared with the traditional structure for the slab on the top flange .

    本文研究了将楼板置于钢梁下翼缘的新型组合结构平面刚度,并和 传统的将楼板置于钢梁上翼缘的 结构 形式的平面刚度和极限承载力作了比较。

  • In this paper the analysis for strength of valve with traditional structure under the faulty condition is carried out which can be regarded as a judgment of supercritical units .

    本文就 结构的阀门在强度和关闭速度尤其是汽轮机在故障状态下的阀门快关过程方面是否能满足超超临界机组的要求进行了强度和动强度分析。

  • A new system structure is presented which differs from the traditional structure of video compress coding system .

    在此基础上,对系统的结构进行了优化,提出了一种不同于 传统二维DCT系统的新 结构

  • Complex structures and many similar characters make it very hard to use traditional structure analysis and statistical methods to get satisfying classification results .

    而结构复杂和相似字多又使得 传统 结构分析方法和统计识别方法难以取得满意的效果。

  • But the study certainly suggests that a college education needs to be broad and general and not defined primarily by the traditional structure of separate departments staffed by professors who want most of all to be at the forefront of their own narrow disciplines .

    不过,这项研究无疑告诉我们,大学教育需要广博和宽泛,不应该主要由院系的 传统 结构来框定。这些院系各行其是,里面的教授多数想要成为各自狭窄学科的翘楚。

  • The structure characteristics of the plastic parts of the bottle lids were analyzed . Four positions need forced demoulding . For this the mould design adopted a 5_plate and 4_open structure that differed from the traditional structure .

    分析了瓶盖塑件的结构特点,即有4处需强制脱模,故在设计模具时采用了与 传统 结构不同的五板四开式结构,并介绍了模具的工作过程。