top line

[tɑp laɪn][tɔp lain]


  • The top line of this page hasn 't been properly printed .

    这页 上端印刷得不好。

  • Please sign on the top line of each check .

    请在每张支票的 签字。

  • Try : wide frames with a strong top line . a larger square frame can give balance to a long . oval face .

    尝试:宽镜框,上 沿儿很显眼的镜架,一个大大的方形镜架能平衡你的长圆脸。

  • The top line of a hill mountain or wave .

    山或者是波浪的 最高 线

  • Please sign on the top line .

    请在 上签名。

  • You 'll get paid more for that than for building a war chest of cash . But the real question is how many high-return capital projects can you invest in to deploy that capital in a way that will accelerate top line growth and / or margin improvement ?

    这样做的回报将超过持有越来越多的现金。但真正的问题是,有多少可供投资的高回报资本项目能让你通过运用这些资金来提高 收入增长率和/或利润率?

  • So in a worst case scenario only two of the10 years may show a decline in top line metrics .

    因此,在最恶劣的情况下,只有10年中的前两年可能会出现在 线指标的下降。

  • In profile the top line of skull should parallel the top line of muzzle but on a higher plane due to the presence of a slight but definite stop .

    脑袋的轮廓 线和口吻的轮廓线相互平行,由于 部轻微但清晰,所以脑袋的轮廓线略高于口吻的轮廓线。

  • The type on the top line will be more suitable for display use the type the bottom the bottom line more for text use .


  • Make doorsill line seal top line basically be to consider to plan as a whole of fund bear ability make sure income and expenses is balanced .

    制定门槛线、 封顶 线主要是考虑统筹基金的承受能力,保证收支平衡。

  • Canvas paneling at sides top line and heel .

    帆布镶板两侧, 线和脚跟。

  • It is used to level uneven seams of heel and thick them so as to make top line hem and joints become smooth and neat .

    适用于鞋靴修内口后之捶平修整作业。对鞋后跟凹凸不平的接缝,折边处太厚进行整平处理使 鞋口、鞋面的折边或接合处平整美观。

  • The problem illuminated by Fitch is that domestic Sears and Kmart stores have continued to underperform other retailers on top line growth and operating margins have also lagged .

    惠誉列出的问题是西尔斯和 凯马特美国门店的增收增幅继续落后于其他零售商,营业利润率也滞后。

  • Method One : When the host by running a function key the top line of the host screen Please Wait then run the host and the extension finished the circle you can enter the host menu .

    方法一:主机在运行的时候按一次《功能》键,主机屏幕 上面的一 显示“请等待”,那么在主机和分机运行完这一圈,就可以进入主机菜单。

  • The ATM application itself is the top line .

    ATM应用程序本身是 上面 直线

  • A headline with the top line flush left and succeeding lines indented to the right .

    大标题的 首行左对齐接下一行右对齐。

  • Today in addition to improving the bottom line through increases in productivity companies are aiming to grow the top line through investment in innovation .

    如今,公司除了通过提高生产力来抬高底线外,还在努力通过在创新方面的投入来提高 线

  • The characters on the top line ( see drawing ) have a much bigger contrast than the characters on the bottom line .

    上面 字母比下面的字母有着更大的对比度。

  • I think that a really good open-heart unit needs a minimum of300 operations a year to keep it on top line .

    我认为一套真正完善的体外循环心脏手术装置,需要一年至少动300次手术,才能使它发挥出 最大 效力

  • Write the title of your essay on the top line .


  • We look for midsize companies with matured business model sustainable profitability and potential for significant top line growth .

    公司寻找中等规模公司的投资机会,这些公司须具备成熟的商业模式、稳定的盈利能力,以及 良好的成长性。

  • Now this top line translates roughly into .

    现在 上面这一 大致可翻译为。

  • Initial analysis on the measurement and locating methods of the toe line and top line in the excavation section

    挖方段坡脚线及 坡顶 线的测量放样方法初析

  • Also as growth rates have been below recent Chinese levels companies have concentrated less on growing the top line and more on improving all-important cashflow .

    此外,由于(这些地区的)增长率在近些年一直低于中国水平,企业不再那么在意 收入的增长,而是更多的注意力集中在了改善无比重要的现金流上。

  • You look at your income statement and if the top line looks good you think you 're doing all right because you 're focused on the money coming into your company .

    看损益表时,如果 收入还不错的话,你就会认为自己做得挺好,因为你关注的是流入公司的钱。

  • The acquisition was a classic business school case study where we assumed the top line would just grow and we would reduce the cost of goods sold he says .

    这起收购是经典的商学院研究案例,我们假设 营收只会增长,而我们将可以降低售出产品的成本,他说。

  • Mesh paneling at padded tongue and top line .

    在填充的舌头和 线的网格镶板。

  • The top line is the name the middle line is the street ; the bottom-line is the city and the state or the province .


  • Pure classic craft ivory archaize cupboard door shallow wooden-grain top line lamp line and decoration column and sky orange background colour is harmonious .

    纯古典工艺,乳白色仿古柜门,浅木纹 线、灯线及装饰柱与天空橙背景,色彩和谐。