trade debtors


  • An Empirical Study on Factors Affecting Trade Liabilities and Protection for Debtors

    商业负债影响因素的实证研究及其 债权人保护

  • The importance of regulating competition in the same business and affiliated trade is not only to protect the legitimate interests of listed company but also to protect the legitimate interests of small and foreign shareholders and debtors of the company .

    法律对上市公司同业竞争和关联 交易问题进行规制的重要意义不仅在于能够保障上市公司的合法利益,更在于还可以公平地维护全体股东, 尤其是小股东和境外股东的合法利益。

  • The possessory lien on cargo in carriage by sea as one of the important maritime trade legal system whose exercise is not only for the protection of creditors but also for safeguarding the legitimate interests of debtors .

    海上货物留置权制度作为重要的海上 贸易法律制度之一,其关乎到能否保障债权人的债权,还对能否维护 债务人的正当权益起到影响。