trade embargo

[treid ɛmˈbɑrɡo][treid emˈbɑ:ɡəu]


  • When persuasion fails the Security Council can take stronger action such as imposing economic sanctions or declaring a trade embargo .

    如果劝导失败,安全理事会可采取更强烈的行动,如实行经济制裁或宣布 贸易 禁令

  • On the Form of USA 's Trade Embargo Policy to Cuba

    试论美国对古巴 禁运政策的形成

  • They agreed to raise the trade embargo if three conditions were met .

    若能满足三个条件,他们同意终止 贸易 禁运

  • On the other hand the government persuaded American member countries and European allies to support the trade embargo policy successfully .

    另一方面成功地说服美洲国家组织成员国及欧洲盟国支持其 贸易 禁运政策。

  • Among these its Trade Embargo Policy to Cuba is main aspect .

    其中对古巴 实行 贸易 禁运是其政策的主要方面。

  • This is largely because of us and European sanctions including US restrictions on the dollar in the Iranian Oil Trade and an EU embargo on oil which are designed to persuade the country to halt its nuclear programme .

    这主要是由于美国和欧洲的制裁,包括美国对伊朗石油 贸易使用美元的限制和欧盟(eu)的石油 禁令,这些 措施都是为了迫使伊朗终止其核计划。

  • The hand-rolled cigars are a major export for the Caribbean island although they are limited by a long-running US trade embargo .

    虽然受到长期的美国 贸易 禁运限制,手卷雪茄依然是加勒比岛国的主要出口产品。

  • Trade embargo against Nicaragua He applied to the court for an injunction .

    对尼加拉瓜的 贸易 禁令他申请法院发禁止令。

  • Trade has lagged since the embargo .

    禁运以来, 贸易停滞不前。

  • The ship was impounded under the terms of the UN trade embargo

    该船因触犯联合国 贸易 禁运条款而被扣押。

  • Trade embargo against Nicaragua

    对尼加拉瓜的 贸易 禁令

  • AMD is not allowed to flog its gear in Iran which is under a technology trade embargo .

    AMD公司不允许其处理器被非法出售给伊朗,这属于技术 贸易 禁运

  • Yet the House in late July approved proposals by two Republican members to ease travel and trade restrictions while leaving most of the42-year-old trade embargo intact .

    然而,白宫在七月底同意了两个共和党成员的提议,缓解对与旅游和商业的限制,同时废弃了有42年之久未曾修订过的 商业 禁运条例。

  • But Karel de Gucht European Trade Commissioner said that lifting the embargo required a unanimous vote from all EU Member States something analysts say is highly unlikely .

    但欧盟 贸易专员卡洛德古赫特(kareldegucht)表示,取消 武器 禁运需欧盟所有成员国全票通过,分析人士称,这是极不可能实现的目标。

  • Efforts to lift the trade embargo in Congress also face opposition from the Republican leadership .

    在国会中寻求解除 贸易 禁运的努力也面临共和党领导人的反对。

  • Before the Korea war the United States has already established the stern trade restraint measures to China which is the same to the soviets and the eastern European countries but did not practice the overall embargo .

    朝战前,美国已经确立了对华与苏联及东欧国家同等水平的严厉的 贸易管制措施,但并未实行全面的 禁运

  • You can never trade with a country you are at war or have a trade embargo with .

    你不能和正和你处于战争中或对你有 禁运的国家做 贸易

  • A multilateral trade embargo will take force immediately .

    多边 贸易 禁令将马上生效。

  • The country is suffering from a crippling trade embargo and is locked in a war of words with its neighbour Russia .

    该国正在遭受严峻的 贸易 禁运并深深陷入了与其邻国俄罗斯的口舌之争。

  • Congress sputters and stamps its little feet but really cannot do anything to punish China short of a trade embargo and tariffs .

    国会吵吵嚷嚷,步伐迈得很小,不能做任何事情来惩治中国,缺少 贸易 禁令和管制。

  • Mr Carter said the decades-long US trade embargo and travel ban damaged the Cuban people and hindered rather than helped reform .

    卡特表示美国近几十年来的 贸易和旅游禁令给古巴人民造成了损害,对 古巴改革无益且妨害了其发展。

  • In addition the cancel of differential embargo on China not only improved deteriorating economic and trade relations between China and West since embargo but also produced certain positive effects on economic stability and development of society of Britain and the Commonwealth .

    此外,对华差别 禁运的取消不仅使恶化的中西 经贸关系得到重新加强,而且对英国及其联邦经济社会的稳定与发展产生了一定的积极作用。