trade barrier

[treid ˈbæriɚ][treid ˈbæriə]


  • Our country Furniture Enterprise exports under the overseas technology trade barrier comes under the serious influence .

    我国家具企业出口在国外技术 贸易 壁垒下受到严重影响。

  • Content Abstract : After entering WTO the export trade of China is influenced greatly by foreign green trade barrier .

    内容提要:自从加入WTO后后,中国就经常面临着国外的绿色 贸易 壁垒,这对我国出口贸易造成很大的影响。

  • Recent years technical barriers to trade have gradually become a new trade barrier because of its rationality and necessity .

    技术性贸易壁垒以其自身存在的合理性和必要性,逐渐成为了阻碍国际 贸易发展的新 壁垒形式。

  • On the Difficulties and Solutions of Technological Trade Barrier in Developing Countries

    发展中国家在技术性 贸易 壁垒中面临的困境及路径选择

  • Technical trade barrier has become one of the biggest barriers in controlling our export trade .

    技术性 贸易 壁垒已成为抑制我国出口贸易的第一大壁垒。

  • Add : what do technical trade barrier of China and international standard code have to distinguish ?

    附加:中国的技术 贸易 壁垒与国际标准法规有什么区别呀?

  • Ceramic enterprises should take vigorous efforts to deal with the green trade barrier ;

    陶瓷企业应注重应对绿色 贸易 壁垒的组织工作;

  • However trade friction trade barrier and RMB revalue among others are also influential in a passive way on the international trade of China .

    然而,诸如贸易摩擦、 贸易 壁垒、人民币升值等因素也对我国对外贸易产生了不利影响。

  • By introducing the implication and the feature of green trade barrier this article analyses its negative and positive influence upon the export trade of China .

    本文主要通过介绍绿色 贸易 壁垒的涵义和特点,详细地分析了绿色 贸易壁垒对我国出口贸易的影响。

  • After China joined WTO with the gradual cancellation of trade quota and trade barrier will bring forth unprecedented developing opportunities for Chinese textile apparel industry .

    中国加入WTO后,随着配额等 贸易 壁垒的逐步取消,给中国纺织服装业带来了前所未有的发展机遇。

  • Feasibility Study of Technicality Trade Barrier Early Warning

    技术性 贸易 壁垒先期预警的可行性研究

  • Forest certification is considered an important method to promote the sustainable development of forestry industry and becomes a new trade barrier in the international trade .

    森林认证是促进林业可持续发展的重要手段,在国际贸易中有成为 贸易 壁垒的趋势。

  • The union have ask the government to impose trade barrier on foreign car .

    工会要求政府对外国小汽车实施 贸易 壁垒

  • Technical Trade Barrier and Strategy Research Faced by Chinese Textile and Clothing in Post - quota Era

    后配额时代我国纺织品服装面临的技术 贸易 壁垒及对策研究

  • We should take active attitude and feasible countermeasures to stride over the green trade barrier .

    我们应该采取积极的态度,切实可行的对策,跨越绿色 贸易 壁垒 障碍

  • The Study on Japanese Agricultural Products Trade Barrier Affecting Chinese Agricultural Products Export and Strategies

    日本农产品 贸易 壁垒对中国农产品出口的影响与对策研究

  • We have to face the new problem and challenges & Green Trade Barrier . This noun may be familiar to us .

    我们不得不面对一个新的问题和挑战,那就是绿色 壁垒

  • This is a trade barrier in the name of environmental protection and it constitutes an attack on the interests of travellers and the international aviation industry it said in an editorial .

    这是以环保为名义设置的 贸易 壁垒,对广大乘客利益和国际航空业都将造成打击,新华社在一篇社评中表示。

  • The green mark system and green trade barrier in international trade

    国际贸易中的绿色标志制度与绿色 贸易 壁垒

  • The Countermeasure Analysis of the Green Trade Barrier to Chinese Shoes Product ; International Technical Criterion for Toxicants in Footwear

    我国鞋类产品出口应对绿色 贸易 壁垒对策分析鞋类产品中有毒有害物质的国外技术法规

  • Preliminary Analysis on the Temporary Rules of International Trade Barrier Investigation of China ;

    初步解读我国《对外 贸易 壁垒调查暂行规则》

  • It is of profound significance to study this trade barrier for China to safeguard its own economic interests and realize sustainable development in the complex international environment .

    对这一 贸易 壁垒进行研究对中国在复杂的国际环境中维护自身经济利益以及实现可持续发展具有深远的现实意义。

  • Process and Production Methods ; trade barrier ; like product .

    生产过程与生产方法; 贸易 壁垒;相似产品。

  • To lift trade barrier from import

    取消对进口的 贸易 壁垒

  • Non - trade barrier replaces tariff to be trade condition within cross - border service delivery .

    在跨境的服务贸易过程中,非 贸易 壁垒取代关税成为重要的贸易壁垒。

  • The government have lift trade barrier on foreign car .

    政府已解除了对进口小气车的 贸易 壁垒

  • Chinese government and industrial associations have to assume the duty to establish the pre-warning mechanism of green trade barrier .

    政府和行业协会要建立绿色 贸易 壁垒预警机制;