track down

[træk daʊn][træk daun]


  • Track down a few happy travelers and they 'll tell you it 's not just about length .


  • He finally managed to track down the book the wanted .

    他最终设法 找到 他要的书。

  • I hunt and track down the strange and unusuai .

    我搜寻和 捕捉一些奇异和不寻常的事物。

  • This can result in undefined and unexpected behavior which can be difficult and time-consuming to track down .

    这可能导致不明确、不可预见的后果,要 跟踪这种情况也是很困难很耗 时间的。

  • You are one tough woman to track down .

    你是个很难 追踪的女人。

  • I 'll track down all of you whores .

    我会将你们这些婊子 赶尽杀绝

  • You may need to track down drivers for some hardware .

    您可能需要 跟踪一些硬件的驱动程序。

  • And my bounty hunters can and will track down these thieves .

    我的 赏金猎手一定会 抓到那些贼的。

  • I 'm gonna try to track down these people .

    我打算试着 跟踪这些人。

  • Then I track down the latest updates and test their functionality .

    那么,我 追踪最新的更新和测试其功能。

  • Car manufacturers stamp a vehicle identification number at several places on new cars to help track down stolen vehicles

    汽车制造商在新车的好几处地方打上车辆识别号码,以便于 追查被偷车辆。

  • With this Xdebug configuration in place you now have more clues to track down the perpetrator .

    当此Xdebug配置就绪后,您现在有更多的线索可以 跟踪犯罪者。

  • You can track down and compare data while dealing with different problems .

    你可以同时 追踪和比较数据处理不同的问题。

  • Using kdb you will be able to track down the system crash problems quickly .

    通过kdb,您将能够迅速 跟踪 导致系统崩溃问题。

  • I feel a desire to track down the answers .

    我感觉到一种 找到答案的渴望。

  • It take the police several day to track down their quarry .

    警方用了几天时间 追查到案中目标。

  • She had spent years trying to track down her parents

    她已经花了好多年时间试图 追寻父母的 下落

  • How about you go see if you can track down the trash artist .

    你去 找找看这个废品艺术家怎么样。

  • I can track down every lead .

    我能 追踪每一个线索。

  • I need to track down a vehicle .

    我需要 追捕一辆汽车。

  • It 's going to be really difficult to track down who ordered them .

    追查 谁订购了这些东西真的有困难。

  • I 've been trying to track down the book I lost last year .

    我最近一直在 寻找我去年丢的 本书。

  • This allowed us to find changes easily and if needed to track down any performance issues .

    这使得我们可以简便地查找更改,并且如有需要,可以 找到任何性能问题。

  • I track down and kill your kind .


  • The snake can now wait and track down the dead rat using its jacobson 's organ .

    蛇现在只需等待,用雅可布森器官 追捕 死老鼠。

  • I don 't know where that old story came from I 've never been able to track it down .

    我不知道这则旧传闻的出处,我从来没能 考证 结果。

  • I haven 't been able to track down the source of the rumour .

    我还未能 追查 这一谣言的出处。

  • Now police are using it to solve the case and track down the killer .

    现在,警察正利用它来解决案子并 追踪杀手。

  • It took the students half an hour to track down Professor Li at the teacher 's recreation center .

    学生门在教师休闲中心花了半个小时 李教授。