tool design

[tul dɪˈzaɪn][tu:l diˈzain]


  • Random Directive Vector Dimension Chain and Its Application in Machine Tool Design and Manufacture

    随机方向矢量尺寸链及其在 机床 设计制造中的应用

  • This paper introduces the two coordinate Numerical control milling machine tool design .

    论文介绍了两轴实验型 数控系统的 设计

  • According to the experiments of the influence of aiguille 's diameter of drill press on idle power analyzing to calculate the gist of idle power on drill press thereby establishing the basis of machine tool design for the future .

    通过木工钻床钻头直径对钻床空载功率影响的实验研究,得出了钻床空载功率的理论计算依据,从而为今后 机床 设计奠定了基础。

  • The computer-aided jig tool design and management is one of the research contents of the computer-aided design technology as well the important constituent of the process planning information .

    计算机辅助工艺 装备 设计与管理是计算机辅助设计技术的研究内容之一,也是工艺信息化的重要组成部分。

  • Spiral bevel milling cutter head sharpening machine Rotary Cutting Processing of Acme Screws and Their Cutting Tool Design

    螺旋锥齿轮铣刀盘刃磨床梯形螺纹丝杆的旋风铣削工艺及 铣刀 精确 设计

  • Tool Design and Application in Virtual Clay Modeling

    虚拟油泥造型 工具 设计及应用

  • With this model the geometric parameters for machining the insert pocket of the turning tool with maximum rake angle are obtained while the other requirements of the tool design are satisfied .

    采用二维非线性约束优化方法建立可转位车刀刀片槽几何参数优化计算的数学模型,使用该模型可得到满足 设计要求并使 车刀前角值为最大的车刀刀片槽加工所需的几何参数。

  • The Localization Method for Refactoring Based-on Metrics and It 's Tool Design

    基于度量的重构定位方法及 工具 设计

  • Costing buying stock control tool design and so on .

    成本核算、采购、库存管理、 机床 设计等等。

  • Three-dimensional Simulation Tool Design Aiming at 6-DOF Manipulator Based on OpenGL

    基于OpenGL的六自由度机械臂三维仿真 工具 设计

  • Analysis of the contact-track of multi-axis envelope milling abnormal spiral-rod Rotary Cutting Processing of Acme Screws and Their Cutting Tool Design

    多自由度包络铣削异形螺杆接触迹分析梯形螺纹丝杆的旋风铣削工艺及 铣刀的精确 设计

  • The centre provided training services on injection mould design press tool design CNC programming and other shorter courses as well as seminars .

    该中心提供培训服务包括冲压 模具 设计、注塑模具设计、数控编程、以及其他课程。

  • Ensure all new tools meet company design and manufacturing standards by conducting detailed tool design reviews & approving tool design prior to commencement of manufacture .

    在生产开始前,通过 工具详图 设计评估及改进工具设计以确保所有新工具符合公司设计和制造业的标准。

  • The quick development of numerical control and CAD / CAM makes the traditional molding tool design and manufacturing change radically .

    数控技术及CAD/CAM技术的迅速发展使传统的 模具 设计与制造方式发生了根本性变化。

  • Research on machine tool design and simulation based on virtual prototype

    基于虚拟样机的 机床 设计与仿真研究

  • The molding protocol has a large impact on the cure tool design .

    压模程序对固化 工具 设计有很大影响。

  • Applications and Researches on Computer Simulation Technology for Heavy Machine Tool Design

    面向重型 机床 设计的仿真技术研究及应用

  • TBM ( Tunnel Boring Machine ) Cutting Tools Configuration is one of the most important factor during TBM cutting tool design .

    盾构机刀具配置是盾构机 刀具 设计中是非常重要的。

  • The conclusion of the paper will be useful for EPT interpretation and logging tool design .

    所得出的结论对电磁波传播测井曲线的解释和电磁波传播测井 仪器 设计有一定意义。

  • Good knowledge of the molding tool design .

    良好的 模具 设计知识。

  • : It is an important problem to indicate the maximum displacement coefficient ingear slotting tool design process .

    确定最大变位系数是插齿 设计的一个重要问题。而顶刃变尖是限制插齿刀最大变位系数的条件之一。

  • This article analyses and researches the characteristic of the small diameter deep-hole processing the honing tool design and the craft question . It gives some typical processing examples and analyses the processing effect .

    针对小直径精密深孔加工中珩磨加工的特点、珩磨 工具 设计以及工艺问题进行了分析研究,举例分析了加工效果。

  • The Using of INVENTOR in the Scheme of Machine Tool Design

    INVENTOR软件在 机床方案 设计中的应用

  • Taking the user into consideration has probably always been a part of tool design .

    设计 工具时,使用者一直是考虑的一部分。

  • This paper proposed one kind of CNC machine tool design proposal which is suitable precisely cuts .

    本文提出了一种适用精密切割的数控 车床 设计方案。

  • Rotary Cutting Processing of Acme Screws and Their Cutting Tool Design

    梯形螺纹丝杆的旋风铣削工艺及 铣刀 精确 设计

  • Application of CAD in Blade Tip Grounding Tool Design

    CAD技术在磨叶片叶尖 工具中的应用

  • Stiffness is one of the most important criteria in machine tool design .

    静刚度是 机床 设计的重要指标之一。

  • Researches on the effect of vertical logging speed on NMR logging responses can provide a sound basis for tool design and data interpretation .

    研究垂直方向的速度对NMR测井响应特征的影响,能够为 仪器 设计和资料解释应用提供重要依据。