track gauge

[træk ɡedʒ][træk ɡeidʒ]


  • The weighting test device is designed for testing the weight of 4 & 6 axis locomotives and vehicles with different track gauge and wheelbase .

    机车、车辆整车称重试验台是为满足各种不同 轨距、轴距的4轴、6轴机车,车辆整车出厂型式试验,例行试验称重而研制的测试设备。

  • Insulated pipe center track gauge

    中心用绝缘钢管 轨距

  • Study on TTH widening of railway track gauge on curves

    铁路曲线 轨距加宽的研究

  • A method how to determine track stiffness in high-speed turnouts has been established . Its core technologies include dynamic calculation between high-speed vehicles and turnouts and analysis with dynamically expanded gauge .

    并建立了以高速车辆-道岔耦合动力计算及动态 轨距扩大分析为核心技术的高速道岔 轨道刚度合理取值的确定方法。

  • The influence of train running speed wheel-rail friction coefficient vehicle load track geometric irregularity partly load gauge and the shape of wheel tread on derailment was emphasized .

    论文重点分析了车辆运行速度、轮轨摩擦系数、车辆载重、 轨道几何不平顺、偏载、 轨距 大小、车轮踏面形状等因素对脱轨的影响。

  • Curve superelevation critical transversal track resistance and gauge keeping strength are the principal parameters governing the passing speed of trains over the curve .

    曲线超高、 轨道临界横向抗力、 轨距保持强度是控制列车曲线通过速度的主要参数。

  • In addition the track conditions are extremely bad such as small track curve radius deficiency of cant worse irregularity in some economic worse countries . Or even the vehicle derail because the gauge too loose .

    另外,有些经济落后国家的线路条件极为恶劣, 轨道曲线半径小、超高不足和线路不平顺差,甚至发生直线轨道上由于 轨距过宽引起轮对掉轨而发生车辆脱轨的现象。

  • Code for design of standard track gauge railway in industrial enterprises

    工业企业标准 轨距铁路设计规范

  • You 're right they are flared to cove the wider track and far larger wheels and are made of lighter gauge steel .

    你说得对,他们是来湾爆发更广泛的 跟踪和大得多车轮和作出的打火机 衡量钢铁。

  • On this basis the new standard for the widening of curved track gauge in China are worked out .

    新标准比现行标准缩小了曲线 轨距加宽起始半径,能使我国主要干线曲、 直线 轨距基本一致,简化 轨道 设备,有利于铺设和养护 维修工作。

  • The gauge-alignment measurement device for former GJ & 4 type track inspection car was installed on the gauge lifting beam of the journal box .

    原GJ&4型 检车的轨距-轨向测量装置安装于轴箱上的 轨距吊梁上。

  • User groups can be monitored in a controlled environment to track their live interactions with the portal to help gauge whether usage is meeting business and usability expectations .

    在可控制环境中监控用户组来 跟踪 运行的用户交互,帮助 测定使用情况是否满足业务和可用性预期。

  • Among them an outdoor test track inspection apparatus includes rail inspection instrument measured the orbital plane coordinates track top elevation gauge level track direction height and distortions state track geometry parameters .

    其中,轨检仪室外检测内容包括轨检仪实测轨道平面坐标、 顶高程、 轨距、水平、轨向、高低及扭曲等轨道几何状态参数。