tool slide

[tul slaɪd][tu:l slaid]


  • The shape changes are transferred to tool rest by the contact of slide valve then the parts needed are processed .

    靠模通过与 滑阀相连接的触头 外形变化传递给 刀架,从而加工出所需零件。

  • The Research of New Control System on Constant Wire Tension for Hs-Wedm Modular units for machine tool construction Slide units Dimensions

    新型复合快走丝线切割机床恒张力控制机构的研究 GB/T3668.4-1983组合 机床 通用 部件 滑台尺寸

  • For the characteristics of machine tool select the differential hydraulic cylinder and bilateral slide valve . Build the mathematic model of the system basing on the first step simplified it .

    针对其在 机床 应用特点,选择了差动液压缸和双边 滑阀作为其动力机构。建立了仿形刀架机液伺服系统的数学模型。

  • Modular units for machine tool construction Wing bases for slide units Dimensions Calculation of Side Slippage of Disc Cutters for TBM and their Installation

    GB/T3668.6-1983组合 机床 通用部件 滑台侧底座尺寸岩石掘进机盘形滚刀的安装及侧滑量的计算

  • Aiming at the nonlinearity of machine tool axis this paper presents the methodology of fuzzy slide mode controller based on slide mode control theory in the viewpoint of VSS .

    本文针对 数控 系统轴控制中存在的非线性问题,从变结构理论的角度,应用边界层滑动控制理论设计了一个模糊 滑动控制器。

  • First of all access to a great deal of information through understand deeply the current status of the development of profiling tool slide . Come to a conclusion that development a new high-speed non-circular hydraulic profile modeling tool rest is feasible .

    首先查阅了大量的相关参考资料,通过深入的了解目前仿形 刀架的发展现状,提出一种新型高速非圆体液压仿形刀架的可行性。

  • Hydraulic profile modeling tool rest as a typical application of the hydraulic position servo control system which contents two parts : profile modeling and tool rest and tool rest is rigid connected by slide valve and differential cylinder .

    液压仿形刀架是机液位置伺服控制系统的典型应用,由靠模和刀架两部分组成, 刀架滑阀和差动缸刚性连接而成。

  • The reasons causing distortion of machine tool slide guide during surface hardening was analyzed and the way to reduce distortion was offered and the good result is obtained .

    机床 导轨表面淬火畸变的原因进行了分析,提出了控制机床导轨表面淬火畸变的措施, 应用效果明显。

  • The article compares and analyzes the statical stiffness of slide ram-tool carrier system deducing the tool carrier stiffness effect on the whole machine and discusses the selection of feasible cross section of the slide ram .

    本文通过对滑枕一刀夹系统的静刚度对比分析,介绍了立式车床立 刀架的静刚度及对整机的影响,并论述了 枕截面的合理选择。

  • The Way to Reduce Distortion of Machine Tool Slide Guide During Surface Hardening

    减少 机床 导轨表面淬火畸变的措施

  • The Research of Contact Rigidity of Machine Tool Slide Ways and its Influence Factors

    机床 导轨结合部接触刚度及其影响因素的研究

  • Modular units for machine tool construction Slide units Dimensions

    GB/T3668.4-1983组合 机床 通用 部件 滑台尺寸

  • Tool windows that have auto hide enabled temporarily slide into view when the window has focus .

    当窗口具有焦点时,已启用“自动隐藏”的 工具窗口将临时 到视图中。