top left corner

[tɑp lɛft ˈkɔrnɚ][tɔp left ˈkɔ:nə]


  • The left and top attributes position the element with respect to the upper-left corner of the page .

    left top属性根据元素与页面左上 的相对位置定位元素。

  • There are two radio buttons at the top left corner of the login screen Login and Admin .

    在登录屏幕的 有两个单选按钮,Login和Admin。

  • To get started add an account using the account control in the top left corner .

    要开始使用本软件,请先在 的帐户控制 中增加一个帐户。

  • The best matches appear in the top left corner of the result overview .

    最好的比赛出现在 的结果概述。

  • Experimental Study of Epikeratophakia Lathing at Room Temperature The top left hand corner is cut away on all cards for easy stacking .

    室温下切削表面角膜镜片的实验研究 每张卡片的 角都切去了一 ,便于叠垛。

  • Move the PERFORMER window to the top left corner .


  • For example to describe a rectangle you specify the starting point for the top left corner and then the length of the two sides .

    比如矩形只需要给出 作为起点,再 两条边的长度就行了。

  • Inside the frame 's content area the loop 's guard is placed towards the top left corner on top of a lifeline .


  • The snippet below places the key on the top left corner and sets a box around it .

    下面的代码片段将关键字 在了 ,并在它周围设置了一个框。

  • To print a single sheet you must exit the Poster and Banner Printing Options dialog box and reposition the ruler so it 's at the top left corner of the area you want to print .


  • Click the SAVE icon ( top left corner )

    单击SAVE图标( )。

  • The top left hand corner is cut away on all cards for easy stacking .

    每张卡片的 角都切去了一 ,便于叠垛。

  • Write ' By Airmail ' in the top left hand corner .


  • The brand name is printed on the front top left corner .


  • By default a Swing frame appears in the top left corner of the screen .


  • Where is the top left corner ? Where does the Texture begin ?


  • Before we move on take a quick peek at the Business Integration view ( typically in the top left corner of the workbench ) .

    继续之前,让我们简单了解一下BusinessIntegration视图(通常位于工作台的 )。

  • The text opt is placed inside the frame 's namebox and in the frame 's content area the option 's guard is placed towards the top left corner on top of a lifeline .

    文字“opt”是被放置在框架的namebox里的文本,在框架的内容区,选择项的约束被放置在生命线 顶端上的

  • Notice the logo in the top left corner of the Web page .

    请注意Web页面 的徽标。

  • There are also options for placing the window relative to the top left corner of the window .

    还有相对于窗口 放置窗口的选项。

  • I move the activity field to the top left corner because I want catalog readers to see the activity name first .

    我将“活动”域移到 ,因为我希望目录读者首先看到活动名称。

  • In the top left corner of the Global security page click New .

    在Globalsecurity页面的 ,单击New。

  • The teacher asked me to put my book and pencil-box in the top left corner of the desk .

    老师要求我把书和文具盒 在课桌的

  • This widget was the checkbox in the top left corner of tables that allowed you to select / deselect all the checkboxes in that column .

    这个小部件是在表的 的复选框,它允许您选择或取消选择该列上的所有复选框。