tool holder

[tul ˈholdɚ][tu:l ˈhəuldə]


  • The achievement stated in this dissertation is important for utilization micro-feeding tool holder and improving the precision of the lathe machine .

    上述研究成果对于开发实用性微进给 刀架和提高超精密车床的 加工精度,具有重要的理论意义和实用价值。

  • Concise Analysis on the Selection Length of Locating-lock in Machine Tool Holder Design

    基于 夹具设计中定位销长度的分析

  • Mechanism of Tool Holder Tension Adopting Spring and Hydraulic

    采用弹簧与液压的 刀柄拉紧机构

  • As part of design method of tool holder practical performance parameters are measured by experiments and the measured data demonstrates the reliability of this method .

    并作为 刀架设计方法的一部分,通过实验对微 进给 刀架的实际性能参数进行了测量,同时测量数据验证了方法的可靠性。

  • Computer Aided Design and Simulation of the Linear Servo Tool Holder Control System

    直线伺服 刀架控制系统的计算机辅助设计与仿真

  • Research on Cam Turning Tool Holder Driven by Linear Motor

    直线电机驱动的凸轮车削伺服 刀架 系统研究

  • The design theory and design calculation method of a new type of micro-feeding tool holder ( MFTH ) driven by PZT and taking double parallel four-bar flexure hinges as elastic deforming component are presented .

    介绍了一种以PZT作动器为动力源,双平行弹性铰链为弹性变形元件的新型微进给 刀架的设计理论及设计计算方法。

  • Author developed the modularity speed-rasing tool holder it can realize : the same tool holder can match different machines with different Morse taper tool holder ;

    作者开发了模块化牵引驱动增速 刀柄,适用于同一锥柄的机床可以实现不同的增速比及同一增速比的增速刀柄可以用于不同型号锥柄的机床。

  • This machine is composed of Bed frame Gear box Pressure head Tube rest Tool holder Subsidiary tank Coolant tank Chip conveyor as major components .

    构成品由底座,齿轮箱,压力感受器,管 支架工具 ,储罐 支架,冷却剂箱,排屑输送机等构成。

  • This article analyses in the design of machine tool holder when using cylinder-lock as locating part the locate using of locating-lock and the decide of locating-lock measurement .

    分析了 机床 夹具设计中,使用圆柱销作为定位元件时,定位销的定位作用及定位销临界尺寸的界定;

  • 16 tool holder must be designed to provide a minimum of 4 of steel thickness on all sides of cavity imprint .


  • An example would be to apply this control to make sure the tool and holder can pass through a narrow channel of part geometry .

    应用该控制进行试验,以确保 刀具 刀架能通过零件几何的狭窄通道。

  • Design of a Linear Servo Tool Holder System with High-Frequency Response Long Displacement and Micro-Feed

    高频大位移微进给直线伺服 刀架的设计

  • Research on the Linear Servo Tool Holder System for Noncircular Cutting

    非圆截面车削中直线伺服 刀架系统的研究

  • Fault Analysis and Treatment of the CNC Lathe Tool Holder Control System

    数控车床 刀架控制系统的故障分析与处理

  • Therefore the selection focus of tool holder for HSM is balancing and accuracy .

    故选择高速加工用之 刀柄时应注意其动平衡性及精度。

  • No matter lack or exceed both will have effect on the work accuracy of tool holder and then have effect on the process quality of workpiece .

    无论欠定位或过定位均会对 夹具的定位精度产生影响,从而影响到工件的加工质量。地面控制点( GCPs)的精度、分布和数量是决定提取DEM数据精度的关键;

  • In this paper we improve it on the basis of its absorption of the original multi-position tool holder advantages and make it trialing to the vertical turning and milling and quenching composite machining centers . 3 .

    本文在吸收原有多工位 优点的基础上将其改进,试用于开发的立式乍铣磨及淬火复合加工中心。

  • Since the energy which strikes the tool holder inclu des the explosive gas pressure and the kinetic energy of the moving plunger thus a high initial acceleration of the tool holder is obtained .

    由于撞击 块的能量包括爆炸气压和冲块的动能两项,所以夹刀块能获到很大的初始加速度。

  • Error compensation control of repetitive feedback in servo system for tool holder

    伺服 刀架系统的反复反馈误差补偿控制

  • Machining Precision Mirror Surfaces & Its Micro position Fast Servo Tool Holder

    精密镜面的加工及其快速微动伺服 刀架 研制

  • If customer purchase few sets of saddles grounding head milling head tool holder can be installed with them respectivelyformore convenience .

    购置多付拖板可分别安装磨头、铣头、 刀架,便于对刀准确,方便使用。

  • Design of micro-feeding tool holder used in turning machining

    车削用微进给 刀架设计