
[tuθt, tuðd][tu:θt]


  • Predatory black-and-white toothed whale with large dorsal fin ; common in cold seas .

    黑白色食肉型 牙齿和大型背鳍的鲸;常见于寒冷的海水中。

  • The remedies of changing toothed coupling into diaphragm coupling are put forward .

    提出了改 齿 联轴器为膜式联轴器的补救措施。

  • Marine bivalve mollusk having a heavy toothed shell with a deep boat-like inner surface .

    海生双科类软体动物,壳重而 齿,壳内表面深且象船。

  • For example it appears from their brain structure that toothed species are unable to smell .

    打个比方,从他们的大脑结构看来, 锯齿不能闻。

  • Toothed segment must be removed .

    齿 必须拆下。

  • Straight-cut gear A Study on the Tooth Profile Correction of New Type Arc Toothed Belt Pulleys

    直齿圆柱齿轮,正齿齿轮新型圆弧 齿 同步带带轮齿廓修形研究

  • Check that the toothed locking pin is not stiff .

    检查 齿锁销是否灵活。

  • To tear up in a toothed machine .

    在有 齿的机器上拆碎布

  • You need to get a copy of your credit report and go over it with a fine toothed comb .

    你需要找一份你的信用报告,并详述与罚款 齿梳子。

  • A toothed wheel that engages another toothed mechanism in order to change the speed or direction of transmitted motion .

    一个 齿轮咬住另一个齿轮为了改变传动装置的方向和速度。

  • The tab contains a toothed wheel which is driven at a high angular velocity by the impinging airstreams .

    舵片上有一个 齿的轮,这个轮受到气流的冲击而高速转动。

  • Remove the special tool toothed segment .

    拆下专用工具 齿

  • This one is used as a starter and drives the starter clutch member via a toothed belt .

    这个人是作为启动和驱动器的起动离合器成员通过 齿 带。

  • Flocculus has thick toothed .

    小叶有粗 锯齿

  • Perennial Eurasian nettle established in North America having broad coarsely toothed leaves with copious stinging hairs .

    北美洲归化的多年生欧亚荨麻,叶子宽阔质地粗糙 齿,叶子上还有浓密的刺毛。

  • A writing implement with a small toothed wheel that cuts small holes in a stencil .

    有小 齿轮可以在蜡纸上刻小孔的书写工具。

  • Toothed segment can then be removed .

    齿 随后可被拆下。

  • Gear : Machine component consisting of a toothed wheel attached to a rotating shaft .

    齿轮:一种机械零件,固定在旋转轴上的 齿的轮子。

  • A toothed metal band driven by two wheels .

    由两个轮子驱动的带 锯齿的钢带。

  • A toothed wheel or rack engaged with a pawl that permits it to move in only one direction .

    连接着棘爪的只能允许朝一个方向运动的 齿轮或齿轮架。

  • A device for locking together two toothed edges by means of a sliding tab .

    一种可以通过滑行的 片来锁闭两条 锯齿边的装置。

  • The toothed slide block is provided with an arc-shaped groove .


  • One centrally located camshaft per cylinder bank is driven by a fiberglass-reinforced toothed belt .

    一个位于中央的每缸银行是由凸轮轴驱动的玻璃纤维增强型 齿 带。

  • Move by degrees in one direction only as of toothed wheels .

    使 锯齿 的轮子仅向一个方向运动。

  • Large toothed frog of South and Central America resembling the bullfrog .

    南美和中美 牙齿的大型蛙,形似牛蛙。

  • Extinct primitive toothed bird with a long feathered tail and three free clawed digits on each wing .

    已经灭绝的原始 鸟,尾巴羽毛长,每个翅膀有三个独立的爪。

  • Genus of Old World perennial herbs with spirally arranged toothed leaves .

    旧大陆一个多年生草本属,螺旋形排列 锯齿 叶。

  • The most common example of a machine element is a gear which fundamentally is a combination of the wheel and the lever to from a toothed wheel .

    机械零件最常见的例子是齿轮。齿轮基本上是由轮子和杠杆的结合而形成的一个 齿 轮子。

  • It belongs to a group of whales called toothed whales .

    它属于鲸鱼分类中一组被称之 齿鲸

  • Remove tensioning roller for toothed belt .

    拆下 齿带张紧滚柱。