track man

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  • In1961 London Jenny Mellor is a16-year-old schoolgirl on track to enter Oxford University when she meets a charming older man David Goldman who pursues her romantically .

    16岁的珍妮是一个智慧开朗的小 女人,就读于英国伦敦乡下一所女子学校的预科班,她的后果很好,是众所 等候考上牛津大学的“种子选手”。

  • Laura : Well they 've formed a special task force to try to track the man down and they 've got my sister 's apartment block under surveillance .

    罗拉:警方成立了专责小组 追踪家伙,同时派人监视我妹妹那栋公寓大楼。

  • It was unfortunate that the police were put off the track by the man 's seemingly excellent alibi .

    不幸的是, 非常巧妙地证明自己当时不在现场,这使警方 迷失了方。

  • The natural historical course brought out by Marx and Engels is only aimed at the total developing track of the world history rather than the tempo and concrete realization form of the historical evolution and it cannot be changed by man 's will .

    马恩所说的自然历史过程仅仅是针对世界历史总的发展 轨迹而讲的,而不是说历史演进的快慢、具体实现形式等,也是不以 人们的意志为转移的。

  • Research on Cognitive Style of Chinese High level Track and Fielded Man

    对我国优秀 田径 运动员认知风格的现状研究

  • But the guy working the one on the track off to the side he didn 't choose to sacrifice his life any more than the fat man did did he ?

    但是那个家伙在干活,站在另一 轨道上的 ,他和那个 胖子一样,他也没有选择牺牲自己的生命,不是吗?

  • Research on the Cause and Prevention Countermeasure of Rear-thigh Muscles Pull on Track Man in High College

    高校 、跳类 运动员股后肌群拉伤原因及预防对策

  • Wilma was discovered by Tennessee State track coach Ed Temple the man who prepared her to win Olympic gold in the100 and200-meter dash and the400-meter relay .

    田纳西州的 田径教练 爱德·坦普尔发现了威尔玛,并且帮她做好准备,赢得奥运会100米、200米冲刺及400米接力赛的金牌。

  • Clear the track there said the man with two big baggages as he tried to walk through the crowd .

    那个带着两件大行李的 一边 口里叫着“请让路”,一边试着想穿过人群。

  • Chinese Man 's Track and Field Sports Capability Analysis & Predict the Track and Field Achievement of the Chinese Man of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games

    中国男子田径运动实力分析&对2008年北京奥运会中国 男子 田径运动成绩预测

  • The basic strategy of Running the country lawfully established in Constitutional forms the PRC has finally embarked on the track of the rule of law from the rule of man .

    依法治国的基本方略在1999年以宪法形式确立,共和国终于从 人治走上了法治的 轨道

  • The algorithm has been used to track the motion of a floating man in a natatorium with complex backgrounds variable lighting conditions and occlusion of marking points with very good results .

    该算法已用于 人体水中漂浮运动 跟踪,在复杂背景、光照不稳定和标志点被部分遮挡的情况下求取了人体运动的时间历程,获得了满意的效果。

  • Based on the method of documentation aiming at the actual level of track and field development of China this article analyzed and summed up the training characteristic of man and woman high jump 、 man 110m hurdle 、 woman middle-distance race and marathon .

    运用文献资料法,针对我国 田径 项目的实际发展水平,对我国 男女跳高、男子110m栏、女子中长跑及马拉松项目的训练特点进行归纳分析。

  • Keep track of the man wearing a grey hat .

    跟踪 那个戴顶灰帽子的

  • Southeastern said that the tree overhangs the London-bound track and so it was not safe to run services while the man refused to come down - although trains out of London were able to run normally after an initial closure .

    东南火车公司说这棵树的树枝悬垂在伦敦圈 铁轨上方,由于这 男子执意不下来,所以给列车运行造成很大的安全隐患,但在铁路关闭前已经驶离伦敦的列车仍可正常行驶。

  • Viewed from sexuality the rate of development in female 's track and field event was quicker than in man 's and this situation will be go on for about twenty years ;

    从性别上看,中国 田径女子各项群在发展速度上均明显高干同类 男子项群,中国田径近二十年来逐步形成“明盛阳衰”的状况将继续维持下去;

  • Providing all this is true how do we track this man down ?

    就算这些全是真的,我们怎么 跟踪家伙

  • For example ex - federal Germany is as early as to aim at the teenager track man select material with educate to establish to rise the own buildup system in 1985 and receive the good result .

    例如,前联邦德国早在1985年就针对青少年 田径 运动员的选材和培养建立起自己的组织体系,收到良好的效果。

  • They are on the track of the man who appointed the meeting with him .

    “他们已经在 跟踪那个和他约会的 了。”

  • By keeping track of a young novelist The Man behind the Book is connecting the various pieces of Wang Wen-xin ʼ s literary career .

    《寻找背海的 》以年轻小说家寻觅的踪迹,串起 王文兴的文学生涯。

  • Any improvement is good yeah I hope we are on the right track said one man .

    “任何改善都是好的,是的,我希望我们已经走上 正轨。”一位 老兄说道。

  • Fission track dating of 4th layer of the Peking Man Site

    北京 猿人遗址第四层裂变 径迹法年代测定