track number

[træk ˈnʌmbɚ][træk ˈnʌmbə]


  • A counting system known as points is used by some states to keep track of the number and severity of moving violations of which an individual may be convicted .

    一些州使用积分计算系统来 跟踪了解个人在交通违规事故中所达到的违规 次数和严重程度。

  • With chkconfig and top it 's possible to track down a fair number of large space users figure out what they provide and remove them if you don 't need them .

    使用chkconfig和top这两个命令,可以 跟踪 很多大内存用户,了解它们提供了什么,如果不需要的话就可以删除它们。

  • The track number is just a guess so you ll get a chance to confirm each guess .

    所得到的 曲目 数量只是一个猜测,所以您将需要去确认每一个猜测。

  • UPS WAP Tracking allows you to track one ? tracking number ? at a time .

    UPSWAP包裹追踪允许您一次 追踪一个包裹追踪 编码

  • If issued at regular intervals during a normal production or test cycle you can capture and track the number of messages that have been processed during that interval and the queue high depth .

    如果在正常的生产或测试周期中按一定的间隔发出此命令,则可以捕获和 跟踪在此期间已处理的消息 数量和队列最高深度。

  • Track a higher-capacity number of items or operations per second .

    跟踪每秒量较大的项或操作的 数目

  • Based on a LRF sensor the dynamic multi-target tracking program is verified effective to track a number of dynamic targets .

    本文基于激光测距传感器,构建了一种动态多目标的跟踪方案,用来 跟踪环境中的 个动态目标。

  • The CLR JIT can only track a fixed number of variables for register allocation ; once it has to track more than this it begins to spill the contents of registers into memory .

    CLRJIT只能 跟踪固定 数目的寄存器分配变量;一旦需要跟踪的 数目超出这个 数目,它就开始将寄存器的内容移到内存中。

  • They have been making a great effort to keep track of the number of visitors to their store .

    他们正花大力气,对 光顾过他们商店的顾客进行 跟踪服务。

  • For a SUM you would just add to some stored number ; for an ave you could either stash into some sort of list for storage or add to a running total and keep track of the number of times called .

    对于SUM,可以添加到某个已存储的数字;对于ave,既可以保存到某个列表中进行存储,也可以添加到一个累计总计并 跟踪调用 次数

  • A STOCK table that links part keys and supplier keys and keeps track of the number of parts on hand at each supplier .

    STOCK表,将零件键与供应商键相链接, 跟踪每家供应商手头上的零件 数量

  • He 'd track the number of words he wrote per day on a chart so as not to kid myself .

    他把自己每天要写的 字数 在一张表格上,这样就不会糊弄自己。

  • When I first ran the software it identified the vast majority of tracks and albums and automatically corrected the metadata including track name and number artist name and album title and genre .

    当我第一次运行该软件时,它识别出了绝大多数歌曲和专辑,并自动修正了包括 歌曲名称与 序号、歌手姓名、专辑名称和流派在内的元数据。

  • A simple method can simulate the delivering of the converter number in the rolling steel line can track the converter number precisely and reduce the amount of labor .

    介绍了一种简单可行的方法,实现 钢坯炉号在轧线上的模拟传递,在保证炉 传递准确性的同时,减少了一定的人为工作量。

  • The computer will automatically keep track of the number of items and their price .

    电脑会自动 记录物品的 数目和价格。

  • That is on track to be the lowest number since the third quarter of 2009 when companies were still weighing up the impact of the financial crisis .

    这很有可能 下自2009年第三季度以来的最低 纪录,当时各公司仍在评估金融危机带来的影响。

  • The radar beam can track a number of targets almost simultaneously .

    雷达波几乎可以同时 个目标。

  • The remote host need only keep track of the last sequence number it serviced and make sure that it never services a request older than the next expected sequence number .

    远端主机只需要 了解它所处理的最后一个序列 ,并确保不处理比下一个预期序列号更旧的请求。

  • The first thing we added is a variable to track the number of clicks _numberOfClicks . Next we added this line : this . btnClickMe . TouchDown + = BtnClickMeTouchDown ;

    第一件事情,我们添加了一个变量来 跟踪点击 次数,numberOfClicks。

  • You can track this number by typing echo $ ? at the command prompt .

    可以在命令提示下输入echo$?来 检查这个 数字

  • I 've lost track of the number of times I 've completely missed a potential optimization the first time around .

    忘记 统计自己第一次忘记进行优化的 次数了。

  • You can see schema_info faithfully track the current version number .

    可以看到schemainfo忠实地 跟踪当前版本

  • One of the most common requirements by business leaders in the healthcare industry is the ability to keep track of the number of transactions over a period of time .

    卫生保健行业中商业领导们最常见的需求之一就是能够 了解较长时间内的业务 动态

  • What if I lost track of my account number ?

    如果我 了我帐户的 号码怎么办?

  • Use this report to track the number of issues over a given date range .

    使用此报告 跟踪在给定日期范围内创建的问题 数量

  • Track the number of transactions per day grouped by database name partition number and timestamp to help with workload planning .

    跟踪每天的事务 数量,并按照数据库名称、分区编号和时间戳对其进行分组,以帮助进行工作负载规划。

  • The Wuhan-Hefei railway adaptability analysis about stations distance and number of arrival-departure tracks . This section discusses reasonable station distance and track number .

    武合铁路站间距和到发 线适应性分析,讨论合理站间距离和车站合理的到发线 数目

  • As you establish a good selling track record the number of items that you can list will increase automatically .

    随着你信誉的增长,你可以 上传的商品 数量会自动的增加。