tracing information

[ˈtresɪŋ ˌɪnfɚˈmeʃən][ˈtreɪsɪŋ ˌɪnfəˈmeiʃən]

[计] 跟踪信息

  • ODBC Driver tracing provides you with information about the names of the ODBC APIs that are getting called from the application as well as their parameters .

    ODBCDriver 跟踪为你能提供了从应用程序调用的ODBCAPI的名称 信息,以及它们的参数。

  • In addition LBS can provide entertainment information traffic report map and guide target ad interactive games vehicle tracing remote information processing .

    另外,位置业务可以提供娱乐消息、交通报告、地图和向导、目标广告、交互式游戏、车辆 跟踪、远程 信息处理等服务。

  • Taking paddy in storage as an example in this study a tracing information acquisition system in storage was proposed based on wireless sensor network which enable to gain the grain identification temperature and humidity in bulk grain and grain moisture information .

    本文以 稻谷储藏环节为例,提出了利用无线传感器网络设计储藏 环节 信息采集系统,实现稻谷身份标识信息、仓储温湿度、稻谷含水率信息的采集。

  • Imaging method is based on tracing radioactive rays and information theory cored in calculating the instantaneous visual angle .

    试井信息成像方法以射线 追踪 信息理论为基础,其核心是计算油藏边界的瞬时“视角”。

  • Acquisition screening and tracing of engineering information of construction enterprises

    施工企业工程 信息的搜集筛选与 跟踪

  • With failed request tracing you can always capture the valuable tracing information when errors occur even if they are intermittent or hard to reproduce .

    使用失败请求跟踪,可以在错误发生时始终捕获有价值的 跟踪 信息,即使它们是间歇性的,或难以复现的。

  • Tracing these information is the main approach to solve the problems of continental evolution and the continental dynamics .

    对这些 信息 示踪,是解决当今大陆地质演化,解决大陆动力学关键问题的主要途径。

  • On the basis of these discussions some aspects building pro-active system are provided including establishing information tracing system exploring information issuance channel building clients consultation and feedback platform etc.

    同时,针对以上情况,提出了我国建立园艺产品应对国际贸易壁垒预警机制的措施,如构建信息 跟踪机制、开发 信息发布渠道及建立用户咨询、反馈平台等。

  • The Output section provides the location of the converted WAR or EAR file the location of any generated Jython scripts and the log file which contains tracing and debugging information .

    Output部分提供了迁移的WAR或EAR文件的位置、生成的任何Jython脚本的位置,以及包含 跟踪和调试 信息的日志文件。

  • Any non-trivial application will generate substantial logging and tracing information for business purposes and debugging purposes .

    出于商业目的和调试目的,任何有价值的应用程序都将生成丰富的日志和 跟踪 信息

  • Moreover displaying tracing output information in the page as the page is running can be distracting .

    而且,当页正在运行时在页中显示 跟踪输出 信息会造成混乱。

  • Adaptive algorithm and its theory have already been applied in noise reduction classification object identification and tracing information merging et. al .

    自适应方法的算法、理论已经在遥感图像处理的降噪、分类、目标识别与 跟踪信息融合等诸多领域开始应用。

  • With the implement of the regulation of the recall management of the defect products has caused an extensive concern in traceability and the establishment of the tracing information system from each side of the society .

    随着我国缺陷产品召回制度的正式实行,产品可追溯性管理与 追溯 系统的建立立即引起了社会各方的广泛关注。

  • You must consider what tracing information is likely to be needed in a deployed application so that all likely tracing scenarios are adequately covered .

    您必须考虑在已部署的应用程序中可能需要什么 跟踪 信息,以充分地包括所有可能的跟踪方案。

  • Analyses and summarizes the quality tracing information flow traceability information system points and the reaction of the information system establishment on enterprise work flow optimization .

    对质量 追溯 信息流及追溯系统要点进行了一定的分析和总结;分析了系统建立对企业流程优化所起的作用。

  • Because tracing displays sensitive information such as the values of server variables it can represent a security threat .

    由于 跟踪会透漏一些敏感 信息,如服务器变量的值,因此可认为是一种安全威胁。

  • The logging should be switchable to multiple levels of detail and should enable correlation of tracing information across systems such as via the logging of accurate timestamps or header identifiers .

    日志记录应当可转换为多种详细程度,而且应当使跨系统的 跟踪 信息具有相关性,例如通过记录准确时间戳或者报头标识符。

  • This paper proposes a fault simulation method called Critical Path Tracing of Multi-Fault Information Flag .

    提出了一种故障模拟方法&多故障 信息标志的临界路径 跟踪

  • Consequently it is of important current significance that make full use of the virtuosity technology for information system integration digital communication network and data collection to constitution an integrated humanistic container logistics information system and implement the real-time tracing for the state information of container .

    因此,充分利用高速发展的信息系统集成技术、通讯技术、网络技术及数据采集等高新技术,构建人性化的高度集成的集装箱物流信息系统,实现集装箱状态 信息的实时 追踪具有重要的实际意义。

  • To take things even further you can write your own tracing modules that provide new ways to process and output the tracing information .

    若要更进一步,可以编写自己的跟踪模块,为处理和输出 跟踪 信息提供新的方式。

  • Safety strategy of Container Tracing Management Information System

    集装箱 追踪管理 信息系统的安全策略

  • Viewing tracing information in a separate trace window .

    在单独的跟踪窗口中查看 跟踪 信息

  • Research on the dynamical tracing methods of manufacturing information for e-manufacturing

    e-制造模式下制造 信息动态 跟踪方法研究

  • LogFile is the full pathname of the file to which tracing information is written .

    logFile是记录 跟踪 信息的文件的完整路径名。

  • This type of low level tracing information is helpful to the developers of the Ruby interpreter and to a certain degree the Rails core team .

    这种低级别的 跟踪 信息对Ruby解释器的开发者,以及在一定程度上对Rails核心团队来说是有用的。

  • Critical Path Tracing of Multi-Fault Information Flag

    多故障 信息标志的临界路径 跟踪

  • By comparing the two values you can obtain the execution time for a specific function or operation and use the tracing information to provide execution and performance statistics .

    通过比较这两个值,可以得到特定函数或操作的执行时间,可以使用这种 跟踪 信息提供执行和性能统计数据。

  • A Network-based Logistics Tracing and Communication Information System

    一种基于组网的物流 跟踪和通信 信息系统