


  • Radon Pollution in Touristy Karst Cave and Its Prevention


  • The beach was touristy in summer .

    夏季海滩为 观光客 喜欢

  • Design Idea of Touristy Road in Accordance With Natural Environment

    与自然环境相协调的 旅游公路设计新理念

  • This article mainly discusses the tax policies that will promote the transformation of our touristy resources advantage as a whole into industrial superiority and competitive edge .

    本文主要探讨促进我国 旅游资源整体优势转化为产业优势和竞争优势的税收政策。

  • But the road isn 't finished and at Yao Zhuang a farming village in Zhejiang construction puts us on a detour that lasts to the touristy waterfront town of Zhu Jia Jiao .

    走到浙江境内一个叫姚庄的村子时,我们 不得不 转向 通往 上海水乡古镇朱家角的公路。那里 也是一个 旅游 景点

  • We wee arriving in an extremely touristy town late at night with nowhere to stay and at peak season when hotel prices triple .

    三亚是个 旅游 首选城市,而我们在 旅游的旺季来到这里,而且又是在晚上 那么晚才找住的地方,露宿的费用 自然就高的离谱了。

  • She enjoyed it partly because'it 's not very touristy 'she said while removing the spelunker 's helmet that visitors must don .

    她一边摘下游客必须佩带的洞窟探险头盔一边说,她享受这次旅行的部分原因是它的 旅游味儿不是那么浓。

  • The research on the corresponding alternate relation between land and touristy one case study of Shaoguan region in Guangdong

    土地与 旅游的对应变换关系分析&以广东粤北地区为例

  • There is delicious irony in a building type that represents the transient and the touristy being left to define the instant city 's own self-image but it is also profoundly apposite .

    用代表短暂和 游客 喜好的建筑类型来确定一座速 成都市的自我形象极为讽刺,但也再恰当不过。

  • Visit some of the less touristy islands .

    游览一些 商业 那么 的岛屿

  • Moorish influences can still be observed in Granada today but they are now more of a touristy kind .

    今日的 格拉纳达依然可见摩尔人的影响,但说起来,这些影响大多只是 旅游 点缀而已。

  • ( In the evening the restaurant puts on a traditional singing and drumming performance that makes it too loud and too touristy for my taste . )

    (晚上,餐馆有传统歌唱和击鼓表演,我觉得太吵,太过于 观光 了。)

  • But this isn 't the case in some parts of central Bangkok like along some stretches of the touristy Sukhumvit Road where the feel is predominantly commercial .

    而曼谷中心区的某些地方,比如 游客扎堆的素坤逸路( SukhumvitRoad)上的一些地段,就不是这样。那里充斥着浓重的商业味道。

  • This amazing land breeds the most unique ethnic – Mosuo but the globalization and urbanization makes the sacred place a little over touristy .

    这里居住着中国唯一的母系氏族摩梭族。但是全球化和城市化让这块圣地 显得有点 开发过度。

  • Cogitation of Xuanwu Lake 's Touristy Plan

    对玄武湖 旅游规划的思考

  • Leshan is a scenery touristy city .

    乐山市是风景 旅游城市。

  • When you travel what kinds of culinary experiences do you look for and what advice do you have for travelers who want to stay away from generic and touristy places on the road ?

    问:你旅行时想获得什么样的美食体验?对那些想远离拥挤的普通 景点的游客,你有什么建议?

  • Many beautiful cities have become very touristy .

    很多美丽的城市成为 观光 地点

  • The coast is terribly touristy now .

    海滨 现在 到处 游客

  • Some land sections or land types Can been used to develop touristy And there is Certain Corresponding alternate relation between land structure and tourist structure .

    土地的某些类型或地段,可以用来进行 旅游开发,而且土地结构与旅游结构之间有一定的对应变换关系。

  • Research on Tax Policy Promoting Touristy Development

    促进 旅游 发展的税收对策研究