tower scrubber

[ˈtaʊɚ ˈskrʌbɚ][ˈtauə ˈskrʌbə]

[化] 洗涤塔

  • Layout of packed towers and design of internals for a packed tower flue gas scrubber are described . A comparison of dimensions and parameters to that of conventional equipped tower is presented .

    论述了填料 烟道气治理 装置的填料层及塔内件的设计,并和传统的塔型尺寸及各种参数进行了比较。

  • Alkaline packed tower scrubber

    碱性填充 塔式 洗涤器

  • The corrosion theory and anti-corrosion technology is studied in the quench tower scrubber and stack of the incineration unit .

    研究了废弃物焚烧装置中的骤冷 洗涤器、烟囱等部位的腐蚀原理和相应防腐技术;

  • The total specific surface of packed tower is a lot larger than that of spray scrubber and the filler layer is able to promote fluid turbulence enhancing mass transfer between gas and liquid so the desulfurization efficiency of packed tower is better than spray scrubber .

    填料塔的总比表面较空塔大很多,且填料层能够促进流体的湍动,加强气液间的传质,填料 的脱硫效果明显优于

  • The results show that the huge foam appearing in cooling tower and clogging of scrubber fillings and excess increasing of temperature in the outlet of washed gas may be eliminated effectively by the water replacement method .

    研究结果表明,换水法可以有效地消除冷却 产生的大量泡沫,避免 洗涤 填料的堵塞及净煤气出口温度的增高;