toward evening

[tɔrd ˈivnɪŋ][tɔ:d ˈi:vniŋ]


  • One day my colleague told me that it was safe to raise this specie of bird outside the cage . They would according to him act within close range of the cage and find their way back toward evening .

    有一天,单位里的同事告诉我,这种鸟儿还可以防到笼外养,它们不会离开笼子很远,到了 晚上,会自己 回到笼里。

  • The weather improved toward evening * These animals begin the night 's hunt at twilight .

    天气在 黄昏时分变 了。这些动物在黄昏时分开始一夜的觅食。

  • For example some theaters could show'Dragon 'geared toward younger children during matinees and save'Clash 'which is rated PG-13 and packs more violence for evening showings .

    比如,有些影院可能在下午场上映面向小朋友的《驯 龙记》,而将拥有更多暴力镜头的PG-13级《诸神之战》留给 晚场上映。

  • You 've been acting strangely toward me all evening .

    你整个 晚上我怪怪的。

  • Tomorrow will be mostly sunny with patchy cloud toward evening .

    明天大部分时间阳光灿烂, 傍晚多雾。

  • Snow came on toward evening .

    黄昏 以前就下雪了。

  • The sea smoothed down toward evening .

    海面在 傍晚时平静了下来。

  • Toward evening our sailing boat met with a beating wind .

    黄昏 时分,我们的帆船遇上了顶头风。

  • Toward evening peddlers selling various fancy goods would fill up the street .

    傍晚 时分兜售各种花哨小工艺品的小贩常把街道阻塞。

  • His leaving underlined his negative attitude toward the evening party .

    他的离席说明他不 喜欢这个 晚会

  • Toward evening it began to drizzle .


  • The wind woke toward evening .

    黄昏时,开始 起风了。

  • Very few remembered to look toward the northwest to see whether the comet and its wicked tail were still around One evening Will Bowen called dad on the telephone and said Charley I 'm downhearted and blue .

    几乎没人还记得要看看 那西北方是否还有哈雷彗星和它那邪恶的尾巴的踪迹一 晚上,威尔鲍温给爸爸打来电话,说查理,我很失落很担心。

  • Toward nine o'clock in the evening the two women retired and betook themselves to their chambers on the first floor leaving him alone until morning on the ground floor .


  • The day after tomorrow toward evening go to the place where you hid when this trouble began and wait by the stone Ezel .

    你等三日,就要 速速下去,到你从前遇事所藏的地方,在以色磐石那里等候。

  • Chinese university students are more tolerant toward having sex before marriage the Metro Evening News reports .

    《城市 晚报》报道,大学生 婚前性行为不再避讳。