trade prospects

[经] 贸易前景

  • Finally innovation of this paper is that it attempts to study bilateral trade through multi-angle while the regular market share model is used to predict prospects .

    最后,本文创新之处在于本文试图从 发展历程、 外贸 政策贸易结构、区位因素等多角度研究中南两国的双边 贸易 发展问题,同时采用经常市场份额模型对中南 贸易 前景进行了预测。

  • An EU-US trade agreement will weaken the prospects for both .

    欧盟-美国 贸易协定则会削弱欧美的增长 前景

  • The future international competition in the market will take service trade as its core rather than goods trade . And the competitive ability of the trade service in countries beckons the prospects of its future foreign trade .

    未来国际市场的竞争将由货物贸易为核心转向以服务贸易为核心,各国服务 贸易的竞争实力昭示着其未来对外贸易的 前景

  • The Third chapter is China and south Korean trade development prospects .

    第三章,中韩 贸易发展 前景

  • 20 Years of Trade and Investment Liberalization in APEC : Progresses and Prospects

    APEC 贸易投资自由化20年:成就与 展望

  • Trade polices and subsidies along with positive conditions for private sector investment are all key factors influencing prospects for the poor .

    贸易政策和补贴,以及为私营部门投资创造良好的条件,都是影响减贫 前景的关键因素。

  • What avail is it to discuss all these trade terms when the prospects of obtaining export licence are gloomy ?

    当获取许可证 前景黯淡,这时讨论这些 交易条件又有什么用呢?

  • Service trade shows its more and more important standard to measure a country 's international competitiveness especially under the integrative global economy and its competitive strength declares a county 's development prospects for foreign trade in the future .

    服务 贸易在各国经济发展中日益显示出其重要作用,成为衡量一国国际竞争力的重要标准,尤其是在全球经济一体化的今天,其竞争实力更昭示着一国未来对外贸易的发展 前景

  • In addition to possessing corresponding foundation and condition of application the trade system of right to use environment has applicable necessity and prospects .

    环境使用权 交易制度在中国既有应用的必要和 前景,也已具有相应的运用基础和条件。

  • The expansion in Global trade has slowed sharply with the World Trade Organisation warning that a loss of economic confidence harms prospects for export growth worldwide .

    全球贸易增长大幅放缓,世界 贸易组织(wto)警告,经济信心的丧失危害了世界各地的出口增长 前景

  • Sino ussr border trade : its History Prospects

    中苏边境地方 贸易发展的回顾与 展望

  • The basis for the calculation of compensation should be the amount by which future trade prospects exceed the level of the quota .

    计算补偿的依据应为未来 贸易 前景超出配额水平的数量。

  • An Analysis on APEC 's Effect upon Trade Flow in China and its Prospects

    APEC对我国 贸易流量的影响及其 前景分析

  • In view of the status quo of China 's textile clothing trade the paper explores the prospects for China 's textile clothing trade after the quota is cancelled and presents corresponding measures .

    本文从分析中国纺织品服装 贸易现状出发,探讨配额取消后中国纺织服装业的 发展 前景 发展对策。

  • Trade has played a vital role in shaping economic and social performance and prospects of countries around the world especially those of developing countries .

    贸易在表现经济、社会行为和世界各国 前景中起到了重要作用,特别是对于那些发展中国家。

  • The author looksahead the change of the patterns in world timber trade in the future byanalysing the prospects of plantation .

    通过分析人工林的发展趋势, 展望未来世界木材 贸易格局的改变。

  • Present Situation and Prospects of Textile Trade between China and Germany Application and Development prospects for Food Processing by High Pressure

    中德纺织品 贸易现状和前景超高压在食品工业中的应用及发展 前景

  • Meanwhile the global trade barriers have also greatly affected the enterprise ' exporting market which has further affect its profit expectations and prospects .

    同时,全球性的 贸易壁垒也大大影响了企业的出口能力和范围,进而影响了盈利的预期和 前景

  • That reluctance reflects fears that higher rates could choke off domestic recovery and push up Asian currencies against the US dollar harming trade prospects .

    这种不情愿反映出官方的担心,即利率上调可能扼杀国内复苏,并推高亚洲货币兑美元的汇率,从而损害本国的 贸易 前景

  • The meeting will be invited to consider the complex conflicts / trade offs that face many areas especially marginal ones including drylands when prospects for increased irrigation are limited .

    将要求会议考虑许多地区,尤其是边缘地区面对的“冲突/ 交换”复杂问题,其中包括增加灌溉的 前景非常有限的干旱地区。

  • Sino-India Trade Cooperation : Prospects and Barriers

    论中国与印度 贸易 前景与障碍

  • The main focus in Asia remains the dollar which many see as a direct threat to their trade prospects in the US rather than the Chinese currency .

    亚洲的主要焦点仍是美元,许多国家认为,美元(而非人民币)是本国对美 贸易 前景面临的直接威胁。

  • Since World War II The development of modern science and technology are advancing in particular the ongoing development of computer networks and communication technology applications greatly reducing the cost of cross-border trade as many users with a broad business prospects .

    二战以来,现代科学技术得到突飞猛进的发展,尤其是计算机网络通讯技术的不断开发和应用,使跨国 贸易的成本大大降低,为众多的用户提供了广阔的商业 前景

  • Based on these predictions we can tell that China will overtake the United States to be the world 's largest trader in2010 Li told a seminar on China 's foreign trade prospects in Guangzhou .

    李雨时在“广交会进口展与中国对外 贸易 发展研讨会”上表示,“基于这些预言,我们能预测中国将在2010年赶超美国成为世界最大的 贸易 ”。

  • World Trade : present and future prospects

    当前世界 贸易变化特点及 前景

  • An analysis of Sino-Russian economic and trade status que and Prospects

    中俄 经贸现状及其 前景分析

  • Secondly this paper focuses on the discussion of solutions to trade related competition issues in the framework of the . WTO analyzes various opinions of various countries and discusses the prospects of trade and competition policies in the WTO .

    接着,笔者借鉴开放经济条件下 贸易与竞争政策关系模型分析了有代表性的各成员方立场,强调了 发展中成员参与WTO谈判的立场,并探讨了WTO框架下贸易与竞争政策议题的 前景

  • At trade shows events or meetings ask your customers and prospects to sign up for your e-newsletters .

    交易会、事件或会议,询问你的顾客和 潜在的顾客来报名参加你的电子新闻。

  • Many of those privately placed bonds are difficult or impossible to trade but offer great prospects for distressed debt funds .

    这些私募债券许多都很难或无法 交易,但它们却给煎熬中的债券基金提供了美妙 前景