


  • For a while last night it seemed to be touch-and-go .

    昨晚 那段时间,可以 情势 危急

  • It had been touch-and-go for him in the hospital but he had eventually recovered .

    他在医院 病情 危急,但最终康复了。

  • Dangerous waters ; a parlous journey on stormy seas ; a perilous voyage across the Atlantic in a small boat ; the precarious life of an undersea diver ; dangerous surgery followed by a touch-and-go recovery .

    危险海域;在风大浪急的海面的危险旅程;用一艘小船穿越大西洋的航行是很危险的;一名 海下潜水员的危险生活;危险的手术后是 简略的恢复。

  • It was touch-and-go whether we should catch the train .

    我们能否赶上火车还 难说

  • She 's fine now but it was touch-and-go for a while .

    她现在好了,可是她 一度 病危

  • It was touch-and-go whether we would get to the airport in time .

    我们是否 按时到机场还 难说

  • For a brief period in the late 1970s and early 1980s it was touch-and-go .

    从20世纪70年代末到80年代初,时间 短, 危急存亡

  • It was touch-and-go whether he would get there in time .

    他是否 及时到达那里还 难说

  • The doctor says that it is touch-and-go whether the patient will survive .

    医生说这个病人是否 救活 不能 确定