trade law

[treid lɔ][treid lɔ:]


  • MOFTEC determined which products should be subject to import licensing according to the relevant provisions of the Foreign Trade Law .

    外经贸部依据《 外贸 》的有关规定确定实行进口许可证管理的产品。

  • Foreign Trade Law of the Federal Republic of Germany

    德意志联邦共和国对外 贸易

  • International Trade Law is a required curriculum for students majoring in Foreign Economic and Trade .

    国际 商法是对外经贸专业学生应必备的一门课程。

  • Opponents of the duties which include the UK and Nordic states have argued that such guarantees are impossible under Trade Law .

    反对这些关税的英国和北欧诸国辩称,按照 贸易 法律,此类保证是不可能做出的。

  • Currents International Trade Law journal & .

    国际 贸易 法律期刊,南德州 学院主办。

  • Symposium on International Trade Law

    国际 贸易 专题讨论会

  • He acknowledged one EU practice was found inconsistent with trade law but noted that both sides could appeal .

    他承认欧盟的一种做法被裁定与 贸易 法律相悖,但指出双方均可提起上诉。

  • Although actual policy moves so far by no means add up to a wholesale retreat from a globalised economy there have been enough of them to reveal considerable holes in the roof of international trade law .

    虽然迄今为止,实际的政策变动根本算不上从经济全球化全面撤退,但其数量之多已足以揭示在国际 贸易 的屋顶上存在颇多漏洞。

  • Opinion is divided as to whether this dispute – while breaking ground by using a particular trade law for the first time – is likely by itself to set off a protectionist spiral .

    美国首次使用这种特殊的 贸易 来破坏共同利益,这是否可能引起贸易保护主义的螺旋式升级,人们对此看法不一。

  • Register of Texts of Conventions and Other Instruments Concerning International Trade Law

    关于国际 贸易 的公约和其他文书的登记册

  • With regard to the international trade law people began to eye on those restrictive competitive conducts at the time when GATT was established .

    就国际 贸易 而言,早在关贸总协定创立时人们就开始关注贸易中的限制竞争行为。

  • Standing Sub-Committee on International Trade Law Matters

    国际 贸易 法事 常设小组委员会

  • Washington is also rewriting its domestic trade law to override an unhelpful judgment on that front from a US federal court .

    此外,华盛顿方面还在修订国内 贸易 ,以求推翻美国一家联邦法院在这个问题上做出的不利于美国的判决。

  • Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law

    联合国 贸易 委员会跨国界破产示范法

  • True the tapestry of trade law has large holes but the rules of the WTO which China joined nearly 10 years ago do have some constraining effect .

    没错, 贸易 法律框架存在着巨大的漏洞,但中国已加入近十年之久的wto所制定的规则,仍可起到一定的约束作用。

  • The knowledge returning back is deficient in European Union economy and international trade law need a law to study further especially .

    法律知识的还欠缺,特别是欧盟经济与国际 贸易 还需要进一步学习。

  • At this point American Trade Law substituted for its tariff law .

    从这个意义上讲, 贸易 取代了关税法。

  • Arbitration Rules of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law

    联合国国际 贸易 委员会仲裁规则

  • They also noted that Mr de Gucht was required to handle cases in accordance with EU trade law not diplomacy .

    他们还指出,德古赫特的责任是依照欧盟 贸易 法律(而非外交政策)处理案子。

  • He is also a special adviser to the Institute of International Shipping and Trade Law University of Wales at Swansea .

    他还在位于斯旺西的威尔士大学任国际海运和 贸易 学院的专门顾问。

  • Karen Fan graduated from the Economic Law Department of the Beijing Institute of Technology and got her master 's degree in International Trade Law from the University of Essex in Great Britain .

    毕业于北京理工大学经济法学系,后获得英国埃塞克斯大学国际 贸易 法学硕士学位。

  • Early in the administration of George W. Bush the former president applied provisions of US trade law to levy new tariffs on imports of steel .

    美国前总统乔治w布什(georgew.bush)在任职初期,曾运用美国 贸易 的相关条款,对钢材进口征收新的关税。

  • International Trade Law Treaties and Relevant Trade Instruments

    国际 贸易 法律条约和相关贸易文书

  • The main criteria used in determining whether a product was subject to export licensing as set down in the Foreign Trade Law were : ( 1 ) maintenance of national security or public interests ;

    确定出口许可证管理商品主要依据《 外贸 规定的标准:(1)为维护国家安全或社会公共利益;

  • WTO judicial panels and the appellate body have issued rulings against a range of aspects of zeroing in US trade law .

    世贸组织专家小组和上诉机构已作出不止一项裁决,反对美国 贸易 中涉及归零法的多个层面。

  • China was in the process of drafting safeguard legislation in accordance with Article 29 of the Foreign Trade Law and the Agreement on Safeguards .

    目前中国正在依照《 外贸 第29条和《保障措施协定》,起草有关保障措施的立法。

  • Working Group on International Negotiable Instruments of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law

    联合国国际 贸易 委员会国际流通票据工作组

  • Article 8 In any of the circumstances as provided in Article 17 of the Foreign Trade Law the goods concerned shall be prohibited from importation .

    第八条有对外 贸易 第十七条规定情形之一的货物,禁止进口。