trade hazard

[treid ˈhæzəd][treid ˈhæzəd]


  • Analyzing occupational hazard of organic solvent among branches of trade occupational hazard from electron industry toy industry printing industry horologe industry and other industry were serious .

    同时发现:有机溶剂 危害较大的 行业为电子、玩具、印刷、钟表及其它行业(珠宝首饰等)等。

  • The theory of incentives shows that headquarters has to trade off the incentive cost including the ex ante limited liability rents and the expected revenue produced by induced effort due to the moral hazard and limited liability of division managers in capital budgeting within decentralized firms .

    根据激励理论,在分权化企业的资本预算中,若分部管理者存在道德 风险与有限责任,总部管理者必须对包含事前有限责任租金的激励成本与激励努力带来的预期收益进行 权衡

  • Demand for dog meat is driving an illegal trade in stolen dogs especially in rural areas experts said and causing a human health hazard .

    专家表示,狗肉需求导致被盗犬只非法 交易现象日益猖獗,一些农村地区尤为严重,而这也为人们的健康 隐患