totem pole

[ˈtotəm pol][ˈtəʊtəm pəul]


  • Pillar works as the mostly important element of framework which going through the whole history such as stone pillar in Egypt totem pole of Africa wood class pillar in China class order of Europe steel pillar and reinforced concrete pillar in modern period .

    柱子作为柱梁结构的主要构件,贯穿整个历史时期,如埃及石柱、非洲 图腾 、中国木柱、欧洲古典柱式、现代的钢柱和钢筋混凝土柱。

  • You know I am at the bottom of the totem pole in this organization . I am afraid I can 't help you much .

    你知道我在这个机构里是 人微言轻,恐怕帮不上你什么忙。

  • Dashan : Oh look . We 've just passed a totem pole .

    大山:嘿,看,我们刚经过了一个 图腾

  • Totem - Pole Boost with no rectifier bridge can get better performance in theory .


  • Operating Conditions and Efficiency Improvement of Totem - Pole Output Stage


  • Blacks were low men on the totem pole forced to wear shorts-the uniform of young boys-while quarrying limestone and collecting seaweed .

    黑人 低人一等,在采石和收集海藻时被迫穿着短裤&这是小男孩的装束。

  • Davidson says he 's the lowest man on the Ranger totem pole .

    大卫森说他是 骑警 阶层最低的。

  • He be so ugly the last time I see him he be the top of a totem pole in seattle .

    他长得真难看,上一次我看见他的时候,他竟然是西雅图的 图腾 柱顶。

  • Totem pole at Jasper Alberta Canada .

    位于加拿大亚伯达省杰士伯的 图腾

  • As government jobs go the statistics jobs in agencies are low-prestige on the totem pole .

    就政府工作 而言,统计工作最不受重视。

  • Normally there are money eagle frog whale small people carved on the totem pole .

    正常的情况下,有钱,老鹰,青蛙,鲸鱼,小人形的图案雕刻在 图腾 上。

  • The material factors including architecture defense facilities water conservancy road totem pole in the village graveyard etc. play an important role in the village building .

    佤族聚落的建筑、防御设施、水利、道路、 、墓地等物质要素都发挥着不可或缺的功能。