tonic treatment

[ˈtɑnɪk ˈtritmənt][ˈtɔnɪk ˈtri:tmənt]


  • Acupuncture can significantly improve the curative effect of sudden deafness with acupuncture needle acupuncture feel more tonic role especially suitable for the treatment of asthenia syndrome .

    针刺治疗可明显提高突聋的疗效,利用切脉针灸金针针刺更具有 补益的作用,尤适用于虚证的 治疗

  • The control group received normal western drugs including anti-infective diuretic cardiac tonic and antiasthmatic and the treatment group was given western drugs plus intravenous ahylysantinfarctase 0 . 5u ( dissolved in 5 % glucose 300ml ) once daily for 7 days .

    治疗组在对照组常规抗炎、利尿、强心、平喘等治疗基础上,加用蝮蛇抗栓酶 0.5u加在5%葡萄糖300ml液中,静脉点滴,每日1次,7日为一疗程。

  • Uses restores vital energy the blood tonic invigorates the blood to raise the cloudy method treatment .

    采用补气、 补血、活血、养阴方法 治疗

  • Plasma Lipids of Type ⅱ Diabetics Before and After Zincic - tonic Treatment and Its Clinical Significance

    Ⅱ型糖尿病患者 补锌 治疗前后的血脂水平及临床意义

  • Through the animal experiment and clinical research of acupuncture the curative effect and safety of sudden deafness in the verification using needle acupuncture ; more tonic role especially suitable for the treatment of asthenia syndrome and provide scientific basis for clinical treatment .

    通过动物实验和临床研究,探讨针刺治疗在提高突发性耳聋上的疗效及安全性;验证利用金针针刺更具有 补益的作用,尤适用于虚证的 治疗,为临床治疗提供科学理论依据。

  • Modern physicians believe that knee osteoarthritis based virtual reality of the disease treatment direction to the liver and kidney tonic blood circulation and cold dampness and study a lot of experience side research help for the Chinese medicine treatment of knee osteoarthritis .

    近代医家认为膝骨关节炎为本虚标实的疾病,治疗方向多以 补益肝肾,活血化瘀,散寒化湿等,并且研究了许多经验方,为中医 治疗膝骨关节炎提供科研帮助。

  • Conclusion Immunologic tonic combined with ferralium are better than ferralium only in treatment the children with IDA .

    结论免疫 口服液联合铁剂 治疗IDA患儿免疫功能低下的疗效明显优于单纯使用铁剂治疗。

  • Methods : Chronic cardiac failure patients were treated in cardiac tonic and diuretic agent then in modified pulse-activating powder . BNP concentration in plasma and left ventricular ejection fraction of treatment were compared with control .

    方法:取患者在常规使用 强心剂、利尿剂及血管扩张剂的基础上予生脉饮加味 治疗,测定血浆脑钠素(BNP)浓度及左心室射血分数,并与对照组比较。

  • The Clinical Study of Applying Tonic Lifting-Thrusting Needling in the Treatment of Chronic Gastritis with Deficient Syndrome

    提插补法 治疗 虚证慢性胃炎疗效观察