tooth factor

[tuθ ˈfæktɚ][tu:θ ˈfæktə]


  • Formulae for Calculating the Tooth Form Factor


  • After getting the formula about the normal backlash and the stiffness of the tooth pairs of the gear the contact ratio and the load correction factor could be obtained .

    在获得齿轮内啮合传动的齿侧间隙计算公式以后,结合 齿对刚度的计算公式,推导出齿轮内啮合传动的加载重合度及载荷修正 系数

  • Study on Tooth Form Factor of Modified Internal Gears

    变位内齿轮 齿系数的研究

  • The Tooth Form Factor of Internal Spur Gears

    内齿轮的 齿系数

  • The permanent tooth germ plays an important role in physiological root resorption of deciduous tooth but not the alone factor .

    恒牙胚是引起 乳牙生理性根吸收的重要因素,但却非唯一的 因素

  • Tooth Root Stress and Effect Factor Analysis for Cylindrical Gears

    圆柱齿轮的 齿根应力及其影响 因素分析

  • Sliding friction between the tooth surfaces has an affect on the calculation of tooth surface contact fatigue strength . The calculation model for the tooth surface contact fatigue strength which considers the sliding friction can be obtained by introducing the friction effect factor .

    齿面间的滑动摩擦力对 齿面接触疲劳强度计算有影响,引入摩擦效应 因数,得到考虑齿间滑动摩擦的齿面接触疲劳强度计算模型。

  • Through analyzing effect of friction of tooth surface on reactive force of gear support abutment this article shows that friction of tooth surface is a factor that causes forced vibration of gear support abutment which is not ignored .

    分析了齿面摩擦力对齿轮支座反力的影响。表明 齿面摩擦力是影响齿轮支座强迫振动不容忽视的一个 因素

  • To review the current situation of tooth tissue engineering at home and abroad from the seed cells with strong growing and differentiated ability the suitable three-dimensional tooth scaffolds and growth factor .

    从牙组织工程中获取具有较强生长和分化能力的种子细胞、优选较为适宜的三维支架材料以及用以促进 牙齿再生的生长 因子3方面内容进行具体阐述国内外的研究现状。

  • The value of tooth deformation is the key-influencing factor on machining accuracy of tooth profile .

    轮齿的形变情况是决定齿形加工精度的 因素

  • CONCLUSION : Structure weak area of tooth was the internal cause of cracked-teeth occurrence and traumatic occlusal force was the external factor tha .

    结论: 结构的薄弱环节是牙隐裂发生的内在因素,创伤性(?)力是促使牙隐裂发生的外在 动力

  • The Deduction and Calculation of the Tooth Form Factor YFa and the Tooth Root Stress Concentration Factor Ysa


  • In this paper a approximate algorithm to dynamic factor and combined tooth form factor is proposed by means of BP neural network mapping so as to decrease calculation scale of them and improve calculation efficiency of gear calculating stress .

    本文提出了使用BP神经网络映射齿轮动载系数和复合 齿系数的近似算法,以便减少其计算规模,提高齿轮计算应力的求解效率。

  • The optimal amount of gear tooth tip modification is obtained when tooth dynamic load factor to minimum is as the optimization objective .

    以动载 系数最小为优化目标,获得最优齿顶修形量。与未修形时相比,改善了齿轮传动的 轮齿动态载荷特性。

  • Since the complexity of calculating dynamic factor and tooth form factor the calculation of gear calculating stress is inconvenient .

    由于动载系数和 齿系数计算繁复,给齿轮计算应力的求解带来不便。

  • We measured tooth mobility using T / 2 as main and η as assist factor .

    以T/2为主,η 为辅,度量 牙齿的松动度。

  • According to the characters of the new spatial cam sliding tooth precision transmission applying the single factor method the device 's transmission error is analyzed respectively while the input cam the sliding tooth frame and the face tooth have manufacturing error .

    根据新型空间凸轮活 齿精密传动装置的传动特点,采用单 因素法,分别对输入凸轮、活齿架、端齿等存在制造误差时的传动误差进行了分析。

  • The calculation shows that the number of contacting tooth pairs should not exceed 5 in general and the values of load sharing factor will decrease as the tooth number and specific load increase .

    计算表明,同时 啮合 齿对的数目一般不大于5对,载荷分配 系数随齿数和载荷集度的增加而减少。

  • Conclusion In patients with severe tooth wear absence of complete posterior tooth support was the main factor that influenced the functions of patients ' masticatory muscles . Those with incomplete posterior support had higher muscle tension and lower muscle functions .

    结论 后牙支持是否完整是影响重度磨耗患者咀嚼肌功能的主要 因素,后牙支持不全者肌紧张度增加,功能下降。

  • Based on the Fourier transform analysis of saw tooth signal frequency modulation the concept of power spectrum spread attenuation factor in the case of barrage jamming is presented .

    首先通过对 锯齿波调频的傅里叶变换,提出了阻塞式干扰下功率谱扩展衰减 因子概念;

  • The radial runout of tooth ring of the coniflex gear which is an important test item is an important factor influencing the accumulated error of tooth spacing and the error of tooth spacing .

    直齿锥齿轮的 齿圈径向跳动是重要的检验项目,是影响齿距累积误差和齿距误差的重要 因素

  • Normal growth and tooth arrange influence oral cavity not neat reason has two include congenital element and acquired factor .

    影响口腔正常发育和 牙齿排列不齐的原因有两个,包括先天因素和后天 因素

  • Proposed considered resultants to the inappropriate tooth including the manufacture error crudely services the error the structure distortion and so on various single factor function and time the multi - factors union function automobile door lock system reliability analysis method .

    提出了考虑到不恰当的 齿合量包括制造误差,粗暴维修误差,结构变形等各单 因素作用及多因素结合作用时的汽车门锁系统可靠性分析方法。

  • A second-order response surface model is established between the amount of gear tooth tip modification and tooth dynamic load factor by using experiment design method .

    运用试验设计方法,建立齿轮 齿顶修形量与动载 系数之间的二阶响应面模型。