


  • What does it matter ? Why are you hitting on my toon ? What does my toon have to do with me ? I control a toon I am not the toon .

    这有什么关系?你为什么要迷上我的 角色?我的角色和我有什么关系?我又不是那个角色。

  • That 's what I call one seriously disturbed toon .

    这就是我所谓的真正的 捣乱 卡通

  • To some this just means that their toon is a digital representation of something they could never be & and that 's role-playing .

    有些人用这种数字方式表达他们在 现实中无法表达的 自我&这就是 角色扮演。

  • I wasn 't working for a toon .

    我没给哪个 卡通干活。

  • The car was parked on the driveway of Toon team-mate Kevin Nolan 's house at the time .

    卡罗尔的汽车当时正停在他队友 罗兰的房子附近。

  • What I mean is would he be likely to come down to the toon of say one thousand pounds out of money that 's as good as a man 's own already ? '

    我的意思是,他会不会愿意从已经到我手里的钱中拿出 比方说一千镑分给我?

  • Intercropping of Chinese toon and crops is an effective way of exploiting sandy areas of the plain .


  • Drying characteristic of the Chinese toon under the different powers of ( high fire middle fire low fire ) microwave is studied in this paper .

    研究了不同功率(高火、中火、低火)下 香椿 的微波干燥特性,探讨了微波、 真空冷冻和热风等不同干燥方式对 香椿 品质变化的影响。

  • Enrique is currently in America on the Toon Army 's pre-season tour but our sources tell us he is ready to fly to Liverpool to undergo a medical and agree personal terms once the clubs agree a fee .

    恩里克目前正在美国参加 香椿队伍季前巡回赛,但我们的消息来源告诉我们他将飞往利物浦参加体检并在两支俱乐部就转会费达成一致后商讨个人条款。

  • History suggests these matters are dealt with before tribunal as they can be painful for both sides but it could go all the way a Toon insider said .

    “历史经验表明通过法律处理这类问题对双方来说都不是好的选择,但什么都有可能。”一个 俱乐部内部人士透漏。

  • Scholarly debate over how the dinosaurs died is fierce and the theory put forward by Toon and others adds one more twist to the greatest forensic mystery of all time .

    关于恐龙如何灭绝的学术讨论很激烈, 图恩等人提出的理论给这个一直以来争议最大的谜团又增添了一分曲折。

  • Study on salinized store and forming acid synamics model of Chinese Toon ;

    探讨了 香椿芽接种乳酸菌,低盐快速发酵的新工艺。

  • Providing employmentthe training toon all the employees including the new comer training to the temporary workers and contract workers .

    对所有雇员,包括临时工和合同工的 新人进行入厂培训。

  • Test on Seed Germinating Rate of Chinese Toon


  • Hypoglycemic Activity of Alcohol Extracts from Toon Sinensis in Diabetic Model Rats


  • Michael Owen finally broke his silence on his Newcastle United future today and delivered the news that most of the Toon Army wanted to hear .

    今天欧文在关于他在纽卡的未来这个问题上,终于打破沉默,并给出了大部分 纽卡 球迷希望听到的答案。

  • If a toon killed my brother I 'd hate me too .

    如果一个 卡通杀了我的兄弟,我也会恨我自己的。

  • The Toon are top of a shortlist of Premier League clubs being eyed by a group of companies from the oil-rich nation which has won the right to host the2022 World Cup finals .

    此收购集团来自新近赢得2022世界杯主办权的石油富国卡塔尔,他们对英超的数个俱乐部抱有兴趣,其中 纽卡高居榜首。

  • Tiny Toon Adventures Busters Bad Dream

    宾尼 大冒险-糟糕的梦

  • MARTIN O'NEILL : Might appease Toon Army if he got it but boyhood Sunderland fan not a cheap option .

    奥尼尔:如果 接任卡通 军团 放心。但是他本人从孩提时代就是个深度桑得兰球迷,所以选择他可能 代价很高。

  • Land dinosaurs all around the world perished from the intense heat of several hundred degrees Fahrenheit said Toon .


  • The Daily Express claim that the Toon are interested in bring the former Arsenal lynchpin back to the Premiership .

    《每日快报》报道, 纽卡斯尔有意将前阿森纳核心带回英超。

  • The data drawing drawings under the bright lights land surveying planning toon Lane Surveying and Mapping Institute of Surveying and Mapping Group members are busy with work .

    整理数据,绘制图纸,明亮的灯光下,土地勘察规划测绘院 红椿巷测绘组的队员们正在紧张繁忙地工作着。

  • Effect of Storage Conditions on Leaf Abscission of Chinese Toon

    贮藏条件对 香椿 叶片脱落的影响

  • Research on stability of quercetin of Chinese toon

    香椿 提取槲皮素的稳定性研究

  • The Toon Army came to protest against owner Mike Ashley but left St James Park in raptures .


  • Processing Technology Study of Chinese Toon


  • The news of the world says toon boss Sam Allardyce is on the lookout for a new keeper with Shay Given injured and has targeted Chelsea NO2 Cudicini on loan .

    《世界消息》报声称 喜鹊主帅阿勒代斯在吉文受伤后一直在寻找一名新门将,而切尔西2号门将成为他们租借的目标。

  • A toon killed my brother .

    一个 卡通杀了我兄弟。