tonsillar hernia


  • Surgical results showed that vascular compression or contact of the facial nerve root exit / entry zone ( REZ ) was present in 75 cases compression of the facial nerve due to cerebellar tonsillar hernia in one case and no vascular compression in 2 cases .

    手术结果显示面神经根部受血管压迫75例,1例为小脑 扁桃体 压迫面神经,另有2例 手术未见 异常

  • Results 1 . Cerbral superficial veins congested widening of the cor - tical sulci narrowed gyri and and mild cerebellar tonsillar hernia were present .


  • Results : In this group of the patients 29 cases were the cerebrovascular diseases 10 cases were the encephalitides 4 cases are the neoplasms and 1 case was the tonsillar hernia .

    结果:44例急性偏瘫患儿中,29例为脑血管病变,10例为脑炎,4例为占位性病变,1例为 小脑 扁桃体

  • Among 16 cases 12 cases had a good prognosis with 2 cases died of intraventricular hemorrhage or cerebellar tonsillar hernia .

    12例(75%)预后良好,2例分别因继发脑室内出血或 枕骨 而死亡。

  • Results The caudal poles of the tonsiles were pointed in 12 cases the cerebellar tonsillar hernia was 3.5 ~ 21 mm below the foramen magnum and 12 cases were with syringomyelia .

    结果:小脑 扁桃体下缘变尖12例。下 至枕骨大孔平面下3.5~21mm,12例伴有脊髓空洞。

  • Nursing care of 2 cases of severe posterior cranial fossa introcession complicated with chronic lower tonsillar hernia

    2例重度颅后窝凹陷并慢性 扁桃体 病人的术后护理