


  • You are being too modest .


  • I know you need your freedom too much to stay with me .

    我知道你 需要自由了,无法和我在一起。

  • She was drinking too much eating too much having too many late nights

    饮酒 过度,吃得过多,熬夜过于频繁。

  • ' I 'm getting a bike for my birthday . ' — ' You are not . ' – ' I am too . '

    “我 生日想要一辆自行车。”——“不行。”——“我就要。”

  • ' I 've come to see Miss Ridley . ' — ' Then I 'm afraid you 're too late sir . She 's gone . '

    “我来见里德利小姐。”——“那您恐怕来得 晚了,先生。她已经走了。”

  • People usually think of it as a ' boys ' book ' which of course it is and a very good one too .

    人们通常把它看作“男孩读物”,它当然是,而且 还是本很不错的 男孩读物。

  • That 's too bad .


  • Americans are never too keen to leave their beloved country

    美国人从不 急于离开他们热爱的国家。

  • This time he 's gone too far .

    这一次他太 过分了。

  • ' I 've got a great feeling about it . ' — ' Me too . '

    “我感觉这次一定没问题。”——“我 也是。”

  • He doesn 't want to meet me . I too have been afraid to talk to him

    他不想见我。我 害怕和他谈话。

  • Leather jeans that are too big will make you look larger


  • Depression may be expressed physically too


  • ' Nice to talk to you . ' — ' Nice to talk to you too . '

    “和你谈话很高兴。”——“我 一样。”

  • ' Oh excuse me . ' — ' I should think so too . '

    “哦,请原谅。”——“你 确实应该感到抱歉。”

  • I wasn 't too happy with what I 'd written so far

    我对于目前已写完的这些并不 满意。

  • She is all too aware that we should be grateful for good health

    我们应对健康的身体心存感恩,这一点她 清楚了。

  • She remembered it all too well

    她记得 清楚了。

  • ' I 'll try and get you a cake . ' — ' Oh Ann you 're too kind . '

    “我会设法为你弄来一个蛋糕。”——“噢,安,你真是 好了。”

  • The letter spoke only too clearly of his anxiety for her .

    那封信 明白不过地倾诉了他对她的渴望。

  • You gave me two too many .


  • Eggs shouldn 't be kept in the fridge it 's too cold

    鸡蛋不应保存在冰箱里,温度 低了。

  • The banks are being told to think about small businesses a little more . And about time too .

    银行被告知要更多地为小企业考虑一下。的确是时候该 这样 了。

  • They think this is too little too late

    他们认为这已经 为时已晚了。

  • We talked to her agent . He 's your agent too right ?

    我们和她的经纪人谈 了。他也是你的经纪人,对吧?

  • He won 't be too pleased to see you .

    他见到你不会 高兴的。

  • The shaking inside may be due to low blood sugar too much caffeine or too many cigarettes

    心悸可能是由于低血糖、咖啡因 过量或抽烟过多。

  • ' That money 's mine . ' — ' Of course it is and quite right too . '

    “那笔钱是我的。”——“当然是你的,而且也理应 如此。”

  • The government is now bringing in laws to reduce air pollution . But is it a case of too little too late ?

    政府如今正引入法律以减少空气污染。但这是否 为时已晚了呢?

  • We did learn to read and quickly too

    我们确实学会了阅读,而且 学得很快