tooth key

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[医] 拔牙键

  • And then the implementing of the automatic programming for key manufacture by G code is explained . Finally basing on the above analysis and study the special CNC system of key tooth milling machine is achieved it can code and program automatically for key manufacture .

    基于以上的分析与研究,开发了集自动钥匙牙花编码、自动 钥匙加工编程的通用性强,功能较完善的钥匙铣 齿机专用数控系统。

  • The installation of self-lubricative seal element of scroll tooth is a key technique for oil-free scroll compressor .

    在涡旋 齿端面加由自润滑材料制成的密封条是实现无油润滑的一项 关键技术。

  • Screw rotor has complex shape of tooth surface and high accuracy which leads to its processing is difficult . There is a big gap between home and abroad on the working performance and machining precision of its key manufacturing equipment & CNC screw rotor grinding machine .

    异型螺杆转子的 齿面形状复杂,精度要求高,加工难度大,其 关键制造设备&数控螺杆转子磨床的工作性能和加工精度,国内外还存在较大差距。

  • Objective Through statistical analyses of color-matching records the author compared the adaptability of Vita color tabs tooth color of the people living in Ningbo and the distribution frequency . The key points of clinical color matching were also given in the paper .

    目的通过对比色记录的统计分析,比较Vita比色板与宁波地区人群 牙冠颜色的适应性及分布频率,并提出临床比色 要点

  • The low wear resistance of the star-wheel tooth has now become a key technical problem to develop the single screw compressor further .

    轮齿的磨损问题已成为 制约单螺杆压缩机进一步发展的技术瓶颈。

  • Objective The character and strength of the external force received by a tooth plays a key role in maintaining the health of the periodontal tissue and its reconstruction .

    目的 牙齿所受外力的性质及大小对维持牙周组织的健康及其改建起着 关键性作用。

  • The lubrication of tooth surface is the key to realize the transmission of steel worm-gear .

    结果表明: 齿面润滑是实现钢蜗轮传动的 关键 技术 之一,且 齿 润滑对钢蜗轮传动性能影响很大。

  • Thus the method to adjust the development of tooth germ is very important in bone tissue engineering and tooth tissue engineering and it is also the key issue of engineering tooth applied in clinic .

    因此,牙胚生长因素的控制方法的研究是至关重要的,不但是骨组织工程和 组织工程研究中 重要 环节,而且是牙胚在临床应用的 核心问题。

  • So reasonable and flexible selection and matching the tooth profile parameters is a technologic key for designer .

    如何合理、灵活的选择、匹配 圆弧 齿轮 齿形参数是设计人员必需具备的知识 要点