


  • Personally my dentist is fantastic and he 's never had toothache .

    就个人而言,我的牙医好极了,而他的 从来没 过。

  • I was tortured with a toothache last night .

    我昨晚被 牙痛折磨了一晚上。

  • My tooth is paining . ; I have a toothache . ; My tooth aches .


  • I have got toothache so I must go to a dentist .


  • I 've had ( a ) toothache all night .


  • His face was swollen up with toothache .

    由于 牙痛,他的脸都肿起来了。

  • My eyes hurt . I have toothache and stomach-ache .

    我眼睛疼。我 牙疼,胃也疼。

  • She 's had toothache all day .

    她今天整天都 牙痛

  • It is important to see your dentist if you have toothache .

    这是很重要的,看看你的牙医如果你有 牙痛

  • A toothache racked my jaw .

    牙痛使我整个颚都 起来了。

  • This painkiller has slightly alleviated my toothache .

    这种止痛药略微减了一些我的 牙痛

  • I 'm suffering from a terrible toothache and I can hardly sleep for several days .

    我的 了,这几天我都很难入睡。

  • Don 't just try to put up with your toothache . Go and see the dentist .

    牙疼别硬挺着,快去 治治吧。

  • Toothache can really get one down .


  • I feel awful . I have a terrible toothache .

    我难受极了, 牙痛 要命

  • I have a bad toothache I want to see the dentist .

    我的 牙齿 厉害,我想去看牙医。

  • I was beside myself with toothache .

    牙疼 要命

  • No I am not . I have a terrible toothache .

    不,我不 担心,我的 牙疼的很 厉害

  • My sister has had a toothache all day .

    我妹妹的 牙疼了一整天。

  • I have a toothache . & join the club .

    “我 牙痛。”&“咱们一样,我也牙痛。”

  • His face swelled up with the toothache .

    牙痛 使他的脸都肿了。

  • His toothache was agonizing and nearly drove him mad .


  • I ate too much candy . I have a toothache .

    我吃了太多的糖果。 牙齿

  • A toothache has got me down .

    牙痛 折腾 我了!

  • Ice water aggravated my toothache .

    冰水使我的 牙痛加重了。

  • Last week I had a bad toothache mad the dentist had my tooth extracted .

    上周我 牙痛,医生又拔掉了我的牙。

  • I can 't chew my food well because of a toothache .

    因为 牙痛我不能好好地咀嚼食物。

  • She put some ice in her drink . Ice water aggravated my toothache .

    他往饮料里加了点冰。冰水使我的 牙痛加重了。

  • His face was swollen with toothache .

    他的脸 牙痛而肿了起来。

  • Her bad temper is easily accountable she has had a toothache all day .

    她的脾气不好是很容易解释的,因为她的 牙疼了一整天。