


  • Western blot experiment show that drought root hydraulic conductivity is not caused by variety quantity of tonoplast aquaporins .

    蛋白质印迹试验表明干旱胁迫条件下根系水导能力的 下降可能不是根系 液泡 水通道蛋白的表达量变化所引起的。

  • Measurement of quinacrine fluoresence was used to estimate activities of H + - transPOrt ( pH ) and Na + / H + antiport of tonoplast vesicles isolated from different salt-tolerance barley roots under salt stress .

    通过检测喹吖咽荧光猝灭和恢复,测定了盐胁迫下不同耐盐性的大麦品种根系 液泡 微囊质子泵活性(ΔPH)和Na+/H+逆向运输活性。

  • The electron-dense lead phosphate deposits an indication of ATPase activity mainly distributed on the plasma membrane and tonoplast in the mesophyll cells of palisade and spongy tissue in which there is no obvious differences of ATPase distribution and activities .

    标志ATPase活性反应的磷酸铅沉淀物主要分布在叶片栅栏细胞和海绵细胞的质膜和 液泡 上,ATPase在这两类细胞中的分布及活性无明显差异。

  • Study on Mechanism of indued cold inactivation of tonoplast H + ATPase in Rice

    水稻 液泡 H~+-ATPase诱导性冷失活机制研究

  • The tonoplast vesicle preparation was improved .

    优化了 液泡 微囊制备 方法

  • Regulation of calcium on ion distribution in NaCl treated cotton seedlings and relation between such regulation and H + ATPase activities in plasma membrane and tonoplast and H + pyrophosphatase activity in tonoplasts isolated from the young cotton roots were studied .

    研究了钙对NaCl胁迫下棉花幼苗体内离子分布的影响及其与根系质膜H+ATP酶、 液泡膜H+ATP酶和H+PP酶活性的关系。

  • Loose bound Ca was mainly distributed in the cell wall cell membrane tonoplast and plastid and more Ca was deposited in vacuoles .

    疏松结合态钙均匀分布在 果皮 果肉细胞的细胞壁、细胞膜、 液泡 和质体中,并在液泡内堆积;

  • The characteristics of tonoplast adenosinetriphosphatase ( ATPase ) and inorganic pyrophosphatase ( PPase ) in the chlorenchyma and the water storage parenchyma ( WSP ) of crassulacean acid metabolism ( CAM ) plant Ananas comosus ( pineapple ) leaves were investigated .

    研究了景天酸代谢(CAM)植物菠萝叶片绿色组织与贮水组织 液泡 ATPase和焦磷酸酶( PPase)特性。

  • Relationship between active oxygen damage and tonoplast H + - ATPase activity in leaves of barley seedling under salt stress

    盐胁迫下大麦叶片的活性氧伤害与 液泡 H~+-ATPase活性的关系

  • Research on Water Transportation of Drought Stressed Tomato Root Systems and Tonoplast Aquaporins Expression Detection

    干旱胁迫对番茄根系水导的影响及 液泡 水通道蛋白表达量检测研究

  • This study indicated that the difference of nitrate accumlation between petiole and leaf might be related to the tonoplast H ~ + - pumping activity .

    试验表明,硝酸盐在叶柄与叶片中的积累差异 与其 液泡 上的质子泵活性大小密切相关。

  • Tonoplast H ~ + - pyrophosphatase Involved in Plant Salt Tolerance

    液泡 H~+-PPase与植物耐盐性

  • In Silico Cloning and Analysis of Tonoplast H ~ + - ATPase A subunit cDNA in Medicago truncatula

    蒺藜苜蓿 液泡 H~+-ATPasea亚基cDNA的电子克隆与序列分析

  • The relationship between tonoplast H ~ + - pumping and accumulation of nitrate in non-heading Chinese cabbage

    不结球白菜体内硝酸盐积累 与其 液泡 上质子泵的关系

  • The compartmentation of Na + into vacuoles is implemented by Na + / H + antiporter located in tonoplast .

    其中,Na+在 液泡内的区域化是通过植物液泡 Na+/H+逆向运转蛋白来实现的。

  • TIP belongs to tonoplast membrane intrinsic protein and plays a key role in water transportation .

    TIP是一种 液泡膜蛋白,在水分运输中起作用。

  • The growth rate ( GR ) dry matter accumulation distribution of ions the amount of polyamines ( PAs ) bound to tonoplast proteins as well as lipid composition and the activity of tonoplast vesicles isolated from roots were investigated .

    幼苗生长速率、干物质积累、离子分布、 液泡 蛋白结合多胺含量以及液泡 脂组分与功能的影响。

  • Purification and Reconstitution of Tonoplast H ~ + - ATPase s from Soybean

    大豆 液泡 H~+-ATPase的纯化和重组

  • Vacuole H + - ATPase is a special membrane-bound transport protein located on the tonoplast and various inner membranes .

    液泡H~+-ATPase是一类特殊的膜结合转运蛋白,广泛分布于 植物 液泡 等内膜系统上。

  • Results The effect on tonoplast was differently made by MAE and conventional reflux extracting method .

    结果微波辅助萃取与传统提取对 液泡 的影响是不同的。

  • Tonoplast The membrane that surrounds the large central vacuole of plant cells .


  • Methods By transmission electron microscope the structure changes about tonoplast in RP and RCAS were observed .

    方法通过透射电子显微镜对葛根和刺五加药材细胞内 液泡 的变化进行观察。

  • The tonoplast structure remained intact ; The system construction and working flow are devised in the paper .


  • Functions of tonoplast transporters in plant cell metabolism

    液泡 转运蛋白在植物细胞代谢中的作用

  • And the plasmalemma and tonoplast transport sugar are active processes which need energy .

    苹果 果实 果肉细胞的质膜和 液泡 的运输是需要能量的主动过程。

  • Aquaporin ( AQP ) was discovered in recent years from plasma and tonoplast membrane .

    水孔蛋白(AQP)是近年来发现的质膜和 液泡膜上专一性、高效性水分跨膜运输通道。

  • After centrifugation of discontinuous sucrose density gradient the tonoplast H + - ATPase activity was mainly distributed in 22 % sucrose ; the lowest activity was in 25 % .

    番茄 微囊经过不连续蔗糖密度梯度离心后,22%蔗糖溶液富集的 微囊 液泡膜H~+-ATPase活性最高,25%蔗糖溶液中 液泡 H~+-ATPase活性最低。

  • In this paper fluorescence spectrum technique has been used to thoroughly study the mechanism of cold inactivation of H + ATPase on rice tonoplast .

    用荧光光谱技术以水稻 液泡 H+-ATPase为研究对象,深入探讨了 水稻 幼苗冷失活 现象的机制。

  • Stomata open and close through turgor changes driven by massive ion fluxes which occur mainly through the guard cell plasma membrane and tonoplast . The guard cell has become a model system for the study of signal transduction .

    气孔的开和关主要是通过大量的离子流进出保卫细胞使其 膨压改变而调节的,它已成为研究 植物细胞信号转导的一种模式材料。

  • Two types of pyrophosphatase ( PPase ) are present in plant tissues : soluble one in cytoplasm and insoluble one on the tonoplast membrane ( V PPase ) .

    植物焦磷酸酶( PPase)可分为存在于细胞质中可溶性的无机焦磷酸酶和与膜结合的不可溶性焦磷酸酶。