too far north

[tu fɑr nɔrθ][tu: fɑ: nɔ:θ]


  • Such a lean into opposition would also place the Sun too far to the North which had been noted of late on various message boards .

    这样向相反方向的倾斜同样会使太阳 北方 遥远,这最近在各种留言板上都被注意到了。

  • I noticed it also right away this morning ! I use the water tower East of my house as the reference and this morning she was too far North !

    我立刻今天早注意到了上它!我使用我房子东边的水塔作为参照物,它今天早上 偏北了!

  • If they are fletcher 's too far north .

    那样的话,弗列舍的位置就 偏北了。