It enforces the user to write Ada programs according to the Ada syntactic rules and supports top-down and stepwise refinement programming methodology . It also provides a set of interfaces with other programming tools .
它引导用户按照Ada的语法规则编写程序,支持 自顶向下逐步求精的 程序 设计方法,并提供了与其它软件工具的接口,使得用户在编辑状态下就可以执行其它的系统命令。
Top-down programming still works for procedural tasks but it doesn 't work well for systems that respond to real-world events that happen in a nondeterministic order .
目前 自顶向下 的 编程 模型仍被用于过程化的任务实现当中,但它不适用于发生顺序不确定的实时事件响应系统。
Students will study algorithms and top-down design and will implement algorithms in a procedural programming language .
学生将学习算法 式, 正向设计以及用程序性 编程语言实现算法。
By virtue of the adaptibility of ISPN to the stepwise refinement the top-down method of structured programming can be applied as well to develope large-scale concurrent functional programs .
由于 ISPN能逐步求精, 自顶向下的结构 程序设计方法也能移用于开发(大型并发)函数式程序。
美[ˈtɑpˈdaʊn ˈproˌɡræmɪŋ]英[ˈtɔpdaun ˈprəuɡræmiŋ]
[计] 自顶向下程序设计