


  • Sexuality : The degree and kind of a person 's sexuality reaches up into the topmost summit of his spirit .

    一个人对性渴望的程度和种类能够达到他灵魂的 高峰

  • The mast next above a lower mast and topmost in a fore-and-aft rig .

    紧靠低桅杆并在纵向绳索的顶部的 桅杆

  • The topmost projecting part of an entablature .

    一个柱上楣构的 顶端的向外突出的部分。

  • Sighing he dipped his brush and passed it along the topmost plank ;

    他叹了一口气,用刷子蘸上灰浆,沿着 上一 木板刷 起来

  • The topmost round of his azure ladder had been reached by this time .

    这个时候,他的蓝色梯子的 最高一级已经达到。

  • It was that topmost apple on which he had set his mind .

    他心目中所 渴望的却正是这 位置 最高的苹果。

  • Mother-in-law I and release underwent the imaginary technique teacher topmost story test .

    婆婆,我和释已经过了 幻术 高层的考验。

  • With this CDPATH set you can quickly change to any of your topmost directories

    在设置了这个CDPATH之后,您可以快速地更改到任何 顶层目录

  • High on the topmost rock of the mighty mountain a wonderful bird had built her nest .

    在这座大山 最高 的一块石头 ,一只奇异的鸟筑了巢。

  • If no conflicting sort qualifier is specified this is the default sort order for inquiries that return name values at this topmost detail level .

    如果指定的排序修饰符之间没有冲突,这是查询结果 顶端的结构层次上的名元素的缺省排序。

  • The number of pearls is not limited but only the topmost one is counted for score ( s ) .

    的数量没有限制,但是只有最 上面的块 能够得分。

  • When a designer requests an event handler the service will find the topmost handler on the stack that matches the class you requested .

    当设计器请求某个事件处理程序时,该服务将在堆栈上找到与请求的类匹配的 上面一个处理程序。

  • The topmost characteristic that affects the whole system the most is the speed with which it advances .

    对整个系统有着最大影响的 重要点,是技术进步的速度。

  • The push () method observes the current top node constructs a new node to be pushed on the stack and then if the topmost node has not changed since the initial observation installs the new node .

    push()方法观察当前最顶的节点,构建一个新节点放在堆栈上,然后,如果最 顶端的节点在初始观察之后没有变化, 那么就安装新节点。

  • The topmost level object in the directory . There can be only one and it acts as the superclass for all other objects .

    目录中的 顶级对象。该对象只能有一个,并且充当所有其他对象的超类。

  • The canvas tag represents the topmost container for all views and elements in an LZX application .

    canvas标记表示LZX应用程序中所有视图和组件的 顶层容器。

  • Copies the current topmost value on the evaluation stack and then pushes the copy onto the evaluation stack .

    复制计算堆栈上当前最 顶端的值,然后将副本推送到计算堆栈上。

  • Only return the topmost selected transform . A selected child of another selected transform will be filtered out .

    仅返回最 顶层选择的变换;其他选择的子对象将被过滤出。

  • Note first that JavaCC 's procedural syntax for the topmost simpleLang () production now specifies a return type : SimpleNode .

    首先请注意,最 顶层 simpleLang()结果的JavaCC的过程性语法现在指定了一个返回类型:SimpleNode。

  • Instead data-change-operations shall be confined to the top level SELECT or the topmost SELECT of a common table expression ( CTE also known as the WITH clause ) .

    相反,数据更改操作应该限制在公共表表达式(CTE,也叫做“WITH子句”)的顶层SELECT或最 上面的SELECT中。

  • The trees were leafless except for the topmost branches .

    除了 顶端的树枝外,这些树都没有叶子。

  • The Gradient Map should be the topmost layer first and the Hue / Saturation below it in the Layers Panel .

    在图层面板中,渐变映射层应该是 顶部图层,色相/饱和度图层在它的下面。

  • Copies topmost cell ( s ) to rest of selection .


  • Sorts a set and returns the topmost elements whose cumulative total is at least a specified percentage .

    对集合排序并返回最 顶端的元素,这些元素的累积合计至少为指定的百分比。

  • If more than one bar is displayed for each task only the information for the topmost bar can be displayed by clicking bar on the format menu .

    如果每项任务显示了多个条形图,则在“格式”菜单上单击“条形图”时,只能够显示 上方 条形图的信息。

  • The new liquid spray-on skin technology which binds to the topmost layer of skin is a world first Australian invention .

    这种新的液体喷雾剂技术,与皮肤的 外层结合,是由一个澳大利亚人在世界上最先发明的。

  • Groping his way franticly through the gathering gloom he emerged victorious on the topmost crag .

    他拚命摆脱阴暗的想法,终于他胜利地登上了 最高的悬崖。

  • The bird settled on the topmost bough .

    这只鸟儿在 最高的权枝上停了下来。

  • Therefore the volume down to the topmost perforation must be accurately known ( from the tally and surface volume of pipework ) .

    因此,(根据管道系统的计数和表面积)准确了解下降到最 顶层穿孔的体积。