transmission efficient

[trænsˈmɪʃən ɪˈfɪʃənt][trænzˈmiʃən iˈfiʃənt]

[电] 传输效率

  • Therefore it needs a rate control system as accurately as possible for ensuring smooth video transmission efficient channel utilization and to meet the quality of the video that the user needs .

    因此,需要一个尽可能精确的码率控制系统,用于保证视频的流畅 传输高效信道利用率和满足用户需求的恢复质量。

  • This scheme includes a networking algorithm based on routing distance which organizes a huge number of nodes into a reasonable multi-level tree network and hence make the inner data transmission more efficient .

    该模式包含一个基于路由距离的组网算法,能将数量巨大的无线传感节点组织成一个高效合理的多级树形网络,使得网络数据 传输更加 高效

  • The emergence of IPv6 resolves the problem of IP address resource shortage improves the speed of network transmission and the quality of data transmission and provides efficient and feasible scheme for secure network transmission .

    IPv6的出现解决了IP地址资源短缺问题,提高数据网络 传输的速度和质量,为网络数据安全传输提供了 高效可行的方案。

  • Multicarrier modulation is a form of parallel data transmission which is efficient to reduce the detrimental effects of multipath fading . It can improve the data rate in the wireless band-limited channel .

    多载波调制技术是一种并行数据 处理 方式有效 对抗多径衰落,可以提高无线带限信道的数据传输速率。

  • First is single tuple-based data transmission algorithm based on single RFID event the second is multiple tuple-based data transmission algorithm based on multiple RFID events and we proved the second data transmission algorithm more efficient than the first data transmission algorithm through the experiment .

    第一种单元组数据传输算法基于单个RFID事件,第二种多元组数据传输算法基于多个RFID事件,通过实验验证第二种数据 传输算法比第一种数据传输算法 效率较高。

  • High-speed wireless data transmission requires robust and spectrally efficient communication techniques .

    在无线环境实现中高速的 传输数据需要鲁棒的和频谱利用率 的传输技术。

  • In order to guarantee reliable transmission various efficient error control schemes are essential .

    为保障移动环境下数据的可靠 传输,需要采用各种各样的 有效的差错控制技术。

  • Stratospheric high-altitude relay platform for high-speed data transmission requires efficient error-correcting code technology to guarantee their communications reliability .

    平流层高空平台高速率的中继数据 传输需要有 高效的纠错码技术来保障其通信的可靠性。

  • Relayed transmission is an efficient method to improve the power efficiency and system capacity .

    中继 传输能够 有效 提高系统功率效率以及传输容量。

  • In the relay node the two codewords for local information and relay information are XORed in physical layer before transmission for more efficient use of system resources .

    中继节点在物理层把本地信息和中继信息的信道编码码字进行二进制异或叠加后 发送,实现对系统资源更为 有效的利用。

  • Generalized orthogonal transmission system and its efficient implementation method

    广义正交 传输系统及其 高效实现方法

  • The theory of even transmission line is an efficient way to analyze distributed parameter circuit .

    均匀 传输线理论是分析分布参数电路的一种 有效方法。

  • Through lossless compression of geometric data in the network transmission an efficient method which alleviates the network burden is proposed .

    通过对网络 传输中的几何数据进行无损压缩,提出了一种 有效缓解网络负荷的方法。

  • For the case of no transmission capacity constraints an efficient optimization method has already been developed for solving this problem .

    在不考虑 输电容量约束的情况下,已提出了解决这一问题的 计算 效率 较高 直接优化方法。

  • This paper briefly describes the importance of transmission pricing and different methods for recovering transmission cost stimulating efficient use of transmission resources and attracting investment in transmission networks .

    本文简要描述输电定价的重要性,各种回收 输电成本,激励 高效运用输电网和鼓励投资的方法。

  • Then it decides the direction and sequence of data transported in cluster network by dint of a global virtual logical model . The proposal makes the process of data transmission automatic and more efficient .

    然后通过一个全局化的虚拟逻辑模型来控制网络数据的传输方向和顺序,在实现集群网络一致性维护自动化的同时,提高了集群数据 传输 效率

  • A reliable routing algorithm of high-efficiency is a key factor for stable data transmission highly efficient decision-making and quick response between networks in these applications .

    而要保证网络能在这些应用中稳定的 传送数据、 高效的决策、快速的反应离不开一个可靠高效的路由算法。

  • Experimental results prove that data-joint transmission is feasible and efficient and it can be used to significantly improve the real-timeness of DSP image processing system .

    实验结果证明了数据拼接 传输可行且 有效,对提高DSP图像处理系统的实时性能具有现实意义。

  • It breaks through the limitations of regional national . Network transmission contains highly efficient rapid paperless interactive and many other advantages .

    它突破了地域、国家的限制,具有 高效、快速、无纸化、 交互性等诸多优点。

  • In this thesis distributed power control based on game theory in Cognitive Radio is studied . In order to achieve a better optimization of transmission power efficient communication should be ensured and fairness among cognitive users should be considered .

    本文研究了基于博弈论认知模型的分布式功率控制问题,确保通信 效率优先,兼顾用户间公平,以达到 发射功率的较好优化。

  • Third information sources is widespread and transmission is efficient .

    第三,信息来源的广泛性和 传播 高效性。

  • Conclusion Pyrethroid impregnated bednets before the malaria transmission season will be efficient for vector control in Jiangsu Province .

    结论在疟疾 流行季节前,用杀虫剂浸泡蚊帐1次,能够对媒介按蚊起到 有效防制。

  • The combination of space-time codes and a closed loop transmission diversity technique is an efficient way to improve the performance of wireless communication channels .

    合并空时码和闭环 发射分集技术是一种提高无线信道通信性能的 有效方法。

  • DAQ board of National Instrument as interface and PCI bus as data transmission mode efficient embedded DAQ board-PCI-6071E is connected with sensor component measure circuit and conditioning circuit which construct a boiler automatic monitoring system .

    采用虚拟仪器的I/O接口DAQ接口形式和PCI总线的数据 传输方式,将 性能的嵌入式数据采集卡 PCI-6071E与传感元件、检测电路、调理电路集于一体,构建了锅炉燃烧自动监控系统。

  • Therefore in order to achieve the trust and reliable data transmission method which is energy efficient in network it is necessary to make an in-depth research of key technologies of trust routing and transmission control .

    因此,为了实现网络 高效节能、安全可信的数据 传输,需要对路由信任评估与传输控制关键技术进行深入研究。

  • The data receiving system can be combined with the oil data receiving system which can be constituted a complete system of data transmission system which is efficient and stable .

    该数据接收系统可配合油井数据发送系统构成一个完整的油井数据 传输系统, 实现 高效、稳健的数据 传输

  • The limit velocity of baseband signal that logging cable can transmit is 200 kBit / s so it is very difficult to increase velocity of data transmission then high efficient modulation and demodulation technology should be adopted .

    根据奈斯特定律,测井电缆所能传输的基带信号的极限速率为200kBit/s,这给提高信息 传输速率带来很大困难。因此,需要采用 高效的调制解调技术。

  • It is pointed out that the second generation of wavelet model based on the lifting scheme and biorthogonal wavelet basis is currently one of the best wavelet filters for surface metrology as it takes advantages of linear phase near brick wall transmission and efficient algorithm .

    指出基于提升格式算法的双正交小波由于具有线性相位、好的幅度 传输 特性以及 较高的运算 效率,从而是当前用于表面计量的最优小波滤波器之一。