transportation network

[ˌtrænspɚˈteʃən ˈnɛtˌwɚk][ˌtrænspɔ:ˈteiʃən ˈnetwə:k]


  • Feature-based Modeling and Application of Urban Multimodal Transportation Network

    城市多模式 交通 网络特征建模及其应用研究

  • The determination of efficient paths in the transportation network is a key technology of stochastic traffic assignment .

    摘要 交通 路网中有效路径的确定方法是进行各类随机交通流量分配的关键技术。

  • The development and improvement of transportation network system is the precondition and important means of the construction of city cluster .

    交通 网络体系的发展和完善是城市群建设的先决条件和重要手段。

  • Transportation Network restricting on transportation time and transportation efficiency will affect the logistics action in Logistics Park .

    交通 路网对运输时间、效率等的限制将直接影响到物流园区内的物流活动。

  • Public Transportation Network Optimization Technology Based on Existent Urban Roads

    基于城市既有道路的 公交 线 优化技术方法

  • Application of Complex Network Theory to Urban Transportation Network Analysis

    复杂网络理论在城市 交通 网络分析中的应用

  • The transportation network is described as a series of nodes and connecting links .

    通常把 交通 描绘成一系列的节点和节点之间的联络线。

  • Through the transportation network of sample and experiment verified the algorithm is compared and analyzed .

    通过 交通 运输 网络示例和实验对算法进行验证,对比分析算法性能。

  • Research on optimization of transportation mode and route for hazardous materials transportation network

    危险品 运输 网络中运输方式和路径优化研究

  • The Optimization of an Imported Crude Oil Maritime Transportation Network for China Based on Demand Distribution

    基于需求分布的中国原油进口海运 运输 网络优化研究

  • Firstly the mathematics model and virtual transportation network for interval route optimization problem in multimodal transport is analyzed .

    联运路线优化问题直接关系到货物 运输 费用、时间和 运输 质量

  • Optimization Model and Algorithm Research of Multi-objective Public Transportation Network

    多目标 公交 线 优化模型及算法研究

  • This part of Tokyo has a substantial transportation network which makes for convenient transit and shopping within the area .

    东京这部分地区拥有充实的 交通 网络,使得这个地区的交通和购物相当便利。

  • Study of Public Transportation Network 's Structure and Reliability in Qingdao Development Zone

    青岛开发区 公交 线 结构及可靠性研究

  • Only then will we get the most out of an electrified transportation network .

    只有这样,我们才能从电气化 交通 网络中获得最大的好处。

  • Traffic Assignment Model of Wartime Transportation Network Based on Transportation Risk

    基于运输风险的战时 运输 网络交通流分配模型

  • Research on the Effect of Mass Transit Network on the Urban Transportation Network Based on Complex Network Theory

    基于复杂网络理论研究轨道交通线网对城市 交通 网络影响

  • Transportation network in addition to aviation the railways highways river and pipeline transport and taste .

    交通 四通八达,除航空外,铁路、公路,内河和管道运输俱全。

  • Exploring Transit-Oriented mode of Metropolis Development Optimization Model and Algorithm Research of Multi-objective Public Transportation Network

    面向公共交通的大城市发展模式探析多目标 公交 线 优化模型及算法研究

  • Real-time Transfer of Information for Real-time Optimization Method Research of Public Transportation Network

    面向实时换乘信息的 公交 线 实时优化方法研究

  • A new transportation network efficiency measure was proposed in this paper .

    提出了一种 交通 网络效率的定量衡量方法。

  • Urban Road Transportation Network Design Problem and Its Relative Problems Based on ATIS

    基于ATIS的城市道路 交通 网络设计及相关问题研究

  • Tin Shui Wai already has an excellent transportation network and a well-designed road system .

    目前,天水围已拥有相当完善的 交通 网络及设计妥善的道路系统。

  • Carrier 's Immunities and Responsibilities in Pallet Transportation network system of liability

    托盘承运人的免责和责任海上承运人对陆地 运输负责制

  • In order to solve the intelligent transportation system in transportation network analysis and the shortest path problem this paper proposes a weighted identification S-graph shortest path algorithm .

    为解决智能交通系统中 交通 运输 网络分析和最短路径问题,提出加权标识S-图最短路径算法。

  • Study on Application of E-Business in Transportation Network System

    电子商务在 物流 网络系统中的应用研究

  • Study on Construction Method of Container Comprehensive Transportation Network System

    构建集装箱综合 运输 网络系统方法研究

  • Maximum Flow Assignment Algorithm for Transshipment Nodes with Flow Demands in Transportation Network

    运输 网络中有流量需求的转运结点最大流分配算法