transportation charges

[经] 运输费用

  • In case of transhipment we have to pay extra transportation charges .

    货物如果转运,我们得多付 运费

  • Forms through the market rule with the management transportation charges not only is guaranteed the public basically goes on a journey the need to promotes the path passenger shipping industry healthy development also to have the important practical significance .

    通过市场规律形成和管理 运价,既是保证公众基本出行的需要,对促进道路旅客运输业健康发展又具有重要的实际意义。其意义在于:一是提高政府执政形象。

  • Standard transportation charges as the customer ask for the pick-up delivery service through Decaview Asia courier service in assigned area .

    当客户透过友嘉国际合约快递公司负责 运送服务,于一般都会地区收送服务时的 收费标准。

  • Consolidated invoicing is inclusive of brokerage duties transportation and delivery charges

    综合计价包括报关、关税、 运输和递送 费用

  • The verification of transportation charges shall relate only to the agreed price of the mode of transport in the country of exportation as indicated in the sales contract ;

    运输 费用的核实应仅与销售合同中列明的、出口国中运输方式的议定价格有关;

  • Based on a specially designed AlGaN / GaN HEMT transportation process of the trapped surface charges is investigated . It is confirmed that such process affects the current collapse effect .

    基于特制的无台面AlGaN/GaNHEMT,设计了一种实验方法,用以研究AlGaN/GaN外延表面陷阱态间的 电荷 过程。

  • The GDSs meanwhile are lobbying America 's Department of Transportation to force airlines to include core extras ( such as bag fees and check-in charges ) in the fares they quote to the GDSs to make for fairer comparisons with carriers that offer all-inclusive fares .

    与此同时,GDS游说美国 运输部强制航空公司在给GDS的费用中加上核心费用(如行李费和检查 ),这可以更加公平地对比航空公司之间的完全报价。

  • Dispatchment of the equipment transportation charges and insurance premium are due to the buyer .

    买方负责设备发运, 运输 费用保险费。

  • Please consider to quote in net prices without including any additional fees or transportation charges .

    请报不带有人和附加费用或者 运输 费用的净价。

  • The most important point of the research is to build early-warning indicators system of telecom major clients marketing . Comprehensively Implementing the Centralized Settlement of Major Clients ' Transportation Charges and Continuously Deepening the Carry-out of Major Client Strategy

    本研究在理论方面,主要从知识管理的角度, 提出大客户营销预警管理概念,分析了电信大客户营销主要风险,成因等;实行大客户 运费集中结算深化铁路大客户战略实施

  • License plate recognition system is an important part of the current intelligent transportation system which is generally used at highway bayonet charges car park petrol filling stations automated monitoring management to capture traffic intersections and other irregularities .

    汽车牌照识别系统是当前智能 交通系统中的一个重要组成部分,一般用于高速公路的卡口 收费、停车场和加油站等的自动监控管理以及交通十字路口违规抓拍等。

  • Party B shall directly issue invoices to and settle transportation charges with the shipper which is indicated in consignment note .

    乙方应直接向托运单中确认的托运人开具发票并结算有关 运输 服务 款项

  • Originally the product manufacturer provides straightly the freight buyer bears concrete transportation cost consults the post office freight standard ! Need the customs clearing charges outlet !

    本产品厂家直供,运费买家承担,具体 运输费用参照邮局运费标准!出口需报关

  • The main influential factors of financial supervision system of joint-venture railway are as following : railway dispatch power ; income settlement means ; transportation charges ; capital proportion and capital realization ; expenses . 5 .

    影响合资铁路财务监管指标的主要因素有以下几个方面:铁路调度权;收入清算办法; 运价 制定;资本金比例与资本金落实情况;费用支出情况。

  • With the development of transportation check the overload vehicle treatment and charges on traffic weigh the weigh-in-motion system is used more and more widely .

    随着 交通检查、超限治理和计重 收费工作的不断深入,汽车动态称重系统得到了越来越广泛的应用。

  • In the part of perfecting legislation the article mainly gives reasonable suggestion on the aspects in expression of facts about the transportation crime new charges of the transportation crime additional and legal penalty etc.

    在立法完善上,主要从 运输犯罪的罪状表述、应增设的新运输犯罪 罪名及法定刑等方面提出合理化建议。

  • Study on the China s Container Shipping Route between China and Japan Negative Freight Price Competition ; The verification of transportation charges shall relate only to the agreed price of the mode of transport in the country of exportation as indicated in the sales contract ;

    我国集装箱班轮运输中日航线负运费价格竞争分析 运输 费用的核实应仅与销售合同中列明的、出口国中运输方式的议定价格有关;

  • Good . Can I get lower transportation charges through slow irregular transit time ?

    好。我能否承租不定期运输 来降低我的 运输 费用呢?

  • FedEx is not obligated to act on any claim until all transportation charges have been paid .

    除非所有的 运输 费用已经付清,联邦快递没有遵照索赔行动的责任。

  • Our Customs House take into consideration transportation charges when calculates the taxes then they fix this cost for any farther delivery and take highest fee !

    我们的海关在计算关税时把 运输 费用也考虑进去的,然后他们采用这个固定运输费计算税收,用在以后任何一批货物上,收取很高的费用。

  • More and more professional technicians and users come to know that ice-storage air conditioning system has many advantages : peak shifting and valley shifting load sharing increasing investment profits from electric power construction and saving transportation charges for users etc.

    冰蓄冷空调系统具有移峰填谷,均衡电网负荷,提高电力建设投资效益及为用户节省空调 运行 费用等优点,已被越来越多的空调工程技术人员及用户所认可。

  • Highway transportation is an important pillar of the national economy industries and it charges with the materials the large-scale flow of the important tasks .

    公路 运输是国民经济的重要支柱产业, 担负着物资、人员的大规模流动的重要任务,也是突发事件的多发领域。

  • An Experimental Investigation into Transportation Process of Trapped Surface Charges of GaN-Based HEMT 's

    GaN基HEMT器件的表面陷阱 电荷 过程实验研究

  • Comprehensively Implementing the Centralized Settlement of Major Clients ' Transportation Charges and Continuously Deepening the Carry-out of Major Client Strategy

    实行大客户 运费集中结算深化铁路大客户战略实施

  • The claim amount may not be deducted from the transportation charges .

    索赔金额不得从 运输 中扣除。

  • Development of Management Information System for Collecting Transportation Management Charges

    公路 运输管理 规费征收信息系统的开发

  • All transportation and customs charges related to the replacement of goods are borne by the Seller .

    所有涉及因货物置换产生的 运费和报关 都由卖方承担。

  • without any deduction other than such expenses and charges as sales discounts rebates returns commissions indirect taxes insurance premiums freights packing expenses transportation charges

    扣除销售折扣、回扣、退货、佣金、间接税、保险费、 运费、包装费