transmitter data

[trænsˈmɪtɚ ˈdetə][trænzˈmitə ˈdeitə]


  • Finally an experimental system was discussed by regarding FM broadcast transmitter as non-cooperative illuminator . Simulation results by real collected data show applying these method has better the performance of target detection .

    最后给出了基于FM广播照射 的一个实验系统,利用该实验系统采集的 数据进行仿真,仿真结果验证了该方法的有效性。

  • A computer program under pressure transmitter and location of the transmitter of the data make a complete test report .

    电脑程式根据压力变送器和位置 变送器 数据,整理出完整的测试报告。

  • In the paper introduces bluetooth module that is made of base controller and the interface of RF receiver and transmitter and bluetooth interface for data and audio equipments by UART / PCM and USB .

    介绍由蓝牙基带控制器与RF 收发接口组成的蓝牙模块,通过UART/PCM和USB向 数字和语音设备提供的蓝牙接口。

  • SUNLIGHT TRANSMITTER Research of transmitter for high data rate UV communication system

    阳光输送机的研究 高速紫外光通信系统 发射 装置研究

  • The switching fundamental and its implementation techniques including optical transmitter with header generation and packet formation receiver with data restoration and switching node with route processing are described .

    探讨了包括信头产生和光分组形成部分的光 发射机技术,包括 数据恢复的接收机技术和包括路由处理的光交换节点技术。

  • The system can imitate the working conditions for the transmitter measure all parameters process the data isolate the fault and measure the performance of the machine .

    该系统能对 雷达 发射机工作环境仿真,能进行各种参数测量、测量 数据处理、故障隔离及性能测量等。

  • The system is composed of laser transmitter module optical module receiver module and data processing unit .

    本系统由激光 发射模块、光学测量模块、光电接收模块及 数据处理单元组成。

  • The basic components of the TEM system ( includingthe transmitter and receiver data acquisition preprocessing interpretation software ) as well as some forms of the emission current are introduced .

    同时还介绍了TEM系统的基本组成(包括 发射、接收、 数据采集、预处理、解释软件几个部分),以及常用的几种发射电流形式。

  • The monitoring system of the pulverized coal mass flow includes two parts : electrostatic transmitter in the field and data acquisition and management system in the control room . The measuring object of the system is pulverized coal pneumatically conveyed in the larger caliber pipeline .

    煤粉质量流量监测系统主要包括现场的静电 变送器和控制室内的内嵌A/D卡的上位机 数据采集管理系统两部分。

  • The CEMS make up of the SO2 / O2 / NOX meter the dust meter the flow meter the pressure transmitter hygro-scope / temperature transmitter and the data acquisition system ( DAS ) .

    CEMS系统由SO2/O2/NOX分析仪、烟尘仪、流量计、压力变送器、湿度/湿度 数据处理单元(DAS)等部分组成。

  • Combined with the thermal design principles and the thermal design requirements of the transmitter the methods and calculations of thermal design as well as the experimental data were discussed . 4 .

    结合热设计原理及本 发射机的热设计要求,论述了本 发射机的热设计方法,热设计计算内容及热测试试验 数据

  • The performance detection and analysis of the tags are realized . The reader is integrated with the functions of microwave transmitter receiver data collector digital signal processing ( DSP ) spectrum analyzer field strength meter and encoding .

    该阅读器集微波 发射机、接收机、 数据采集、数字信号处理、频谱分析、场强测试及解码等功能于一体,实现了对电子标签性能的检测与量化分析。

  • The application layer protocol with multi-pipe technique can support the multi-thread communication between the transmitter and the receiver and the command and captured data can be transmitted simultaneously in the monitoring system .

    基于管道技术设计了支持多线程通讯的应用层通讯协议,实现了监控系统中的命令和 数据并行 传输

  • The verification of the computer automatic measuring system of the standard orifice differential pressure gas flow rate including the examination of standard orifice restricting device static pressure differential pressure transmitter temperature sensor and data acquisition system etc. ;

    天然气标准孔板差压式流量计算机自动计量系统的检定,其中包括:标准孔板节流装置,静压、差压 变送器、温度传感器、 数据采集系统等 组件的检定;

  • A Transmitter for High-Speed Serial Data Communication

    一种适用于高速串行 数据通信的 发送器

  • Because the satellite wireless channel adopt the QPSK as the modulated and demodulated way the export of Synchronous Transmitter shouLD # be three lines plug ( include data synchronous pulse and the signal ground ) which lead to demodulation equipment .

    同时考虑到卫星无线信道采用的是QPSK调制解调方法,因此帧同步 发送器的输出应该是通往调制装置的的三线插接端口(包括 数据、位同步脉冲、信号地)。

  • In satisfied of accuracy requirements the paper then describes the situation of ultrasonic excitation circuit transmitter circuit receiving circuit echo amplifier circuit and high-speed A / D data acquisition part .

    继而在满足精度要求的情况下一一介绍了超声激励电路、 发射电路、接收电路、回波放大电路以及高速A/D 数据采集部分。

  • Thus a full duplex PPM wireless laser communication transceiver was implemented on a minimum MCU system with reliable quality and low cost . The transceivers act as a transparent data channel of universal asynchronous receiver transmitter ( UART ) which connects two data terminal equipments .

    以单片机最小系统实现一个简洁可靠、成本低廉的PPM调制全双工激光无线通信收发器,该 收发器为两个 数据终端之间提供一条透明的通用异步串行数据传输通道。

  • The embedded industrial control computer in this machine accomplished auto-monitoring and full-duplex control . The multi-functional detection kit in a single transmitter cell completes bottom control function and also collection the data .

    控保分机以嵌入式工控机作为平台完成自动化监测和双工控制;多功能检测盒完成对单个 监测单元的底层控制和 数据采集。

  • Mother-board programming : By programming on the FPGA and USB IC the mother-board accomplished the tasks of transmitter control baseband signal acquisition and transmission display-control data transmission and debugging data upload etc.4 .

    处理机母板程序设计:对FPGA与USB芯片进行编程,使母板完成了 发射机控制、基带信号采集与传输、显控 数据传输、调试数据上传等任务。

  • The device includes the transmitter for vibration signal acquisition and data processing and the receiver to provide a platform for soft-sensing modeling analysis . ( 3 ) The hardware and software systems are designed and developed in this thesis .

    包括振动信号采集与 数据处理的 发射 和为软测量建模分析提供平台的接收端。(3)设计并开发了球磨机振动信号采集与 无线 传输装置的软硬件系统。

  • In order to gather different depth of stressed data we need a control unit which can gather the datum from transmitter and transmit those data through GPRS module to the host data center .

    为了采集不同深度的水文数据,需要一个控制单元将采集回来的数据进行打包通过485 总线传送至 GPRS模块,GPRS模块将 数据通过网络传输到数据主站中心。

  • The transmitter 's data transmission applies the technology of pulse-code and digital frequency modulation .

    发射机采用脉冲编码和数字调频技术进行 数据传输。

  • The network operates on dual bus topology and the tunable transmitter and fixed receiver scheme to facilitate data multiaccess .

    网络拓扑采用环形,网络节点采用可调 输出固定输入的选波原则以利于 数据的多重接入。

  • The system is divided into transmitter and receiver by function transmit-side include data reception and modulation the receiver for signal reception and demodulation .

    系统可以分为 发送 和接收端,发送端实现信源 数据接收和调制功能,接收端则实现信号接收和解调功能。

  • Another way is that PLC connected with integrated warm humidity transmitter directly transmitted the analog signal data by way of serial communication .

    另一种方式是PLC与集成的温湿度 变送器以串口通讯的方式来实现对模拟量 数据的传输。

  • Under the condition of some super distance we can also make use of the big power transmitter instead of the small power counter transmitter to carry on the long range data .

    在某些超长距离情况下,还可利用大功率的正向光发射机替代小功率反向 发射机进行远程 数据回传。

  • This paper first introduces the basic principle of data fusion combining it with the intelligent transmitter through analyzing the experiment data and the results we testify that the information fusion technology could greatly increase the precision and stabilization of the intelligent system .

    首先介绍了信息融合的基本原理,然后结合本智能 变送器 系统,给出了实验标定 数据并对结果进行了分析,实验证明信息融合技术确实大大提高系统的精度和稳定性。