transmission frequency

[trænsˈmɪʃən ˈfrikwənsi][trænzˈmiʃən ˈfri:kwənsi]


  • Using banding segmented transmission Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing ( BST-OFDM ) Japanese NHK the ISDB-T standard .

    采用频带分段 传输正交 分复用(BST-OFDM)的日本NHKISDB-T标准。

  • Carry on the video frequency conference and the long-distance monitoring through the computer network transmission video frequency and the audio frequency have received for the user community .

    通过计算机网络 传输 视频和音频进行视频会议和远程监控已为广大用户所接收。

  • At the same time the author presents the methods of improving data transmission frequency and provides parameter data for designing transmission system .

    仿真的同时给出了提高数据 传输 的方法,为进一步设计传输系统提供了参考数据。

  • However multi-antenna and multi-code transmission in frequency selective fading channel results in severely co-channel interference and inter-code interference .

    然而, 频率选择性衰落信道下多天线和多码扩频 传输会产生严重的码间干扰和共信道间干扰。

  • Bingo ! But even more than that they will have the opportunity via video to experience the transmission of frequency almost directly .

    答对了!但是甚至比那还要多,他们将会有通过视频几乎直接地体会 频率 传输的机会。

  • The samples are tested and the measurement results show that the signal reception can well realized when the signal distance is about 1m under different transmission frequency condition .

    测试结果表明,在不同的 载波 频率下,信号的接收距离大约在1m左右,达到对信号的良好接收。

  • Digital communication technology includes digital baseband signal transmission digital signal transmission frequency band network and protocol adaptive equalization power spectrum estimation techniques .

    数字通信技术主要包括数字基带信号传输、数字信号的 频带 传输、网络与协议、自适应均衡、功率谱估计等技术。

  • It has a rather high transmission frequency and low attenuation .

    具有较高的 传输 频率和较低的衰减。

  • During maintenance work please bear in mind that the transmission frequency of the hand-held transmitter is different according to the country of use .

    保养工作期间,请记住,手持式发射器的 传输 频率因所在国家或地区的不同而不同。

  • Aiming at the testing problem of leakage current from ZnO surge arrester a kind of photoelectric transmission and frequency measuring system is designed using photoelectric isolation transmission circuit .

    针对氧化锌(ZnO)避雷器泄漏电流的测试问题,利用数字型光电隔离传输电路,设计了一种光电 传输频率测量系统。

  • The important conclusion of optimal transmission frequency was drawn from the theoretic and experimental research on coil quality factor which establishes the foundation of inductive power transmission .

    通过对线圈品质因数的理论和实验研究,得出了 无线能量 传输系统最佳工作 频率这一重要结论,为利用电磁耦合进行能量传输这一方法建立了理论基础。

  • Anti-jamming Strategy for Synchronization Information Transmission of Frequency Hopping Communication

    跳频通信同步信息 传输的抗干扰策略

  • The fine phase delay based on the DDS can achieve 1.41 ° phase resolution which equals 1.25 ns time resolution at a 3.096 MHz transmission frequency .

    基于DDS的相控发射细延时可达到1.41°的相位分辨率,对应3.096MHz发射信号下 1.25ns的相位延时。

  • The system mainly takes an indirect method to control the constant tension which consists of a modern transmission frequency transformer and an industrial control computer .

    系统采用间接法进行恒张力控制,利用现代 传动设备 变频器和工业控制计算机组成电气恒张力控制系统。

  • In this paper a theoretic analysis is given which indicates that information transmission density and transmission rate can be increased within a limited transmission frequency band by using symmetric ternary PCM technique .

    本文提出了采用对称三值逻辑PCM技术可以在有限的 传输 频带上提高信息传输密度和传输速率的理论分析。

  • This paper describes a method which utilizes the conversion of voltage signal output from temperature sensor to frequency signal and the transmission of frequency signal through space . Thus it realizes the on-line scanning monitoring of temperature automatically for high-voltage system .

    本文介绍了采用将温度传感器输出的电压信号变换为 频率信号并经空间 传送的方案,实现了高电压系统温度在线自动巡回监测。

  • Multi-level inverter has been widely used in power quality power transmission frequency control and new energy technologies etc. This technology has become one of the important research orientations in the power electronics technology .

    多电平逆变器已成为电力电子技术中倍受人们关注的重要研究热点之一,在电能质量、电力 传动 变频调速、新能源技术等领域得到了广泛的应用。

  • In view of the contradiction between the resolution and focal depth of the photolithographic system the influence of binary grating illumination on light intensity of the wafer and transmission frequency of the photolithographic system are studied in detail .

    针对光刻系统分辨力和焦深的矛盾,详细研究了二元光栅照明对硅片上光强以及对光刻系统 传输 频率的影响。

  • The results indicated that these materials can be used as the terahertz waveguide when the transmission frequency is not too high and the waveguide geometric size is not too large .

    结果表明,在 传输的太赫兹波的 频率不太高和波导的几何尺寸不太大时,这几种材料可以作为太赫兹波段的波导传输太赫兹波。

  • This kind of method combining search with track combining hardware with software can adapt the quick change of transmission frequency .

    这种方法采用频率搜索和跟踪相结合,软件和硬件相结合,以适应 发射 频率的快速变化。

  • We propose a wave impedance inversion method of the medium in the annulus space between the casing and the formation utilizing the compound reflected coefficients within the window of resonant transmission frequency of the casing in frequency domain .

    针对套管井反射式超声波水泥固井质量 检测问题,本文利用 超声反射波频谱中套管共振 透射窗内的复合反射系数,提出了定量反演套管-地层环空间内介质的波阻抗的方法。

  • With the increasing of transmission frequency of data communication cable the requirement of predicting SRL online became urgent according to the demand in last 100m of broadband user access network .

    随着数字通信电缆 传输 频率越来越高,为了达到宽带用户接入网最后100米的要求,对SRL的在线预测变得越来越迫切。

  • These simulation results will provide an important reference to the entire communications system . In accordance with input threshold we can determine the scope of transmission signal frequency .

    这些仿真结果将对整个通信系统的设计提供重要的参考,如根据通信系统接口的输入门限值来确定 传输信号 频率的范围。

  • FFT is one of processing methods that widely used in digital signal processing such as image / audio processing wireless communication and radar imaging system to realize signal processing and transmission in frequency domain .

    FFT变换是数字信号处理中应用广泛的处理手段,在图像语音处理、无线通信和雷达成像等系统中都有FFT/IFFT处理,以便于在 频域进行信号处理和 传输

  • Space-time coding technology is one kind of coding technology which combines channel coding technology with antenna diversity technology and can improve the efficiency of transmission frequency which is superior to the traditional single-antenna system .

    空时编码技术是一种将信道编码技术与天线分集技术相结合,且能提供远高于传统单天线系统的 频带利用率的编码技术。

  • The warning device adopts rail-ground transmission mode to transmit the signals of the coming train . The transmission frequency is 20 ~ 40 kHz . When signals feed in rails 1 200 V 2 μ F capacitor is used for isolation .

    报警器采用钢轨对地传输方式传输来车信号, 传输 频率采用20~40kHz,信号馈入钢轨时用1200V,2μF的电容器隔离。

  • He varied the transmission frequency .

    他变换了无线电 传送 频率

  • This article study electromagnetic field intensity coverage in the rectangular tunnel and rectangular hangar tunnel . Summarized their characteristics in different geometry size different electromagnetic transmission frequency different electromagnetic polarization mode shown there exists very obvious phenomenon of multipath fading .

    本文对矩形隧道和矩形棚洞内的场强分布进行了研究,总结了不同几何尺寸、电磁 传播 频率、电磁极化方式下,其中的电磁 传播特点,发现其具有很明显的多径衰落现象。

  • This paper introduces a method of evaluating the performance of Differential Frequency Hopping ( DFH ) Pattern i. e. checking randomness and equilibrium of the transmission frequency using Visual C + + and MatLab .

    为评价一种差分跳频图案的性能,即检验 跳频 序列的随机性的均匀性,本文引入VC++与Matlab混合编程方法。

  • In the experimental sea area the center frequency 20 kHz was a better transmission frequency i. e. less amplitude fluctuation and longer autocorrelation time ;

    在同样作用距离、深度下,中心频率20kHz是信道较好的 传播 频率,其振幅起伏小,自相关时间较长;