transmitted wave


  • It is useful to the measurement of transmitted time of sound wave in acoustic pyrometry and to the sound source location of ' four-tubes ' leaking in boiler based on TDE .

    不仅为声学测温中的 声波 飞渡时间测量提供了指导,而且对基于时延估计的锅炉四管爆漏声源定位有一定的参考价值。

  • To avoid the difficulty of picking up transmitted P-wave and converted wave phases this paper proposed a converted wave migration method by estimating the travel time difference between PS converted wave and PP transmitted wave .

    本文利用 PS转换波与初至P 的到时差,提出一种不需要拾取P波和转换波震相的转换界面偏移成像方法。

  • The transmitted wave usually evolves into a single peak soliton with an oscillating tail which is found to decay rapidly and the reflected wave into a slowly decaying wave train .

    透射 通常演化为单峰孤立波和迅速衰减的尾波,反射波演化为缓慢衰减的尾波列;

  • The spectral variation mechanism of the transmitted pulse when surface wave meets a defect in steel tube concrete is explained by using the diffraction theory .

    运用 的绕射理论阐明了 表面波遇到缺陷时 透射脉冲频谱发生变化的机理。

  • Pilot study of extracting voice feature parameters by transmitted wave

    透射 提取语音特征参数初探

  • Furthermore using this approximate representation we can know some new reflected and transmitted wave properties besides old ones and extract 28 new AVO characteristic sections from conventional CDP gathers .

    此外,利用此近似式可以得到一些以往已知的反射和透射 规律,并能揭示一些新的反射和 透射特征,还可以从常规的CDP道集记录中提取28种新的AVO特征剖面。

  • Echo Sounder is a kind of acoustic measuring depth equipment which can measure depth with the time between transmitted wave and echo on condition in which the speed of ultrasonic is fixed .

    回声测深仪是用来测量水深的一种声学测量设备,其以水中超声波的传播速度为确定条件,利用 发射 与反射回波时间差来测量水深。

  • Influence on the transmitted intensity of shock wave through different tactic orders of layered materials

    分层材料的不同排列次序对 透射冲击 强度的影响

  • In this article the time-space multiresolution modeling of multipath transmitted wave and the corresponding multiresolution focused processing are investigated and it is shown from the analysis of actual sea-trial data that the performance of MFP can be improved .

    本文对多路径 传播 的时-空多分辨建模及相应的多分辨聚焦处理进行了研究,并对实际海试数据作了分析,结果表明改善了MFP模糊度表面的性能。

  • The paper introduces some efficient ways for improvement the quality of remote signal transmitted by carrier wave .

    介绍提高 载波 传送远动信号质量的几项有效措施。

  • Transmitted wave field and reflection wave field of simple stratified 3D solid model are sur-veyed with our self-made P-and S - wave transducer on a solid physics analogue test system through the survey seismic profiles of many mode shapes are obtained .

    在固体物理模拟测试系统上,用自制的纵、横波换能器观测了简单的层状三维固体模型的 透射和反射波场,得到了几种振型的地震记录剖面。

  • An error model of transmitting array mutual coupling gain and phase error of the synthetic transmitted beam bistatic HF-Surface Wave Radar ( HF-SWR ) is investigated in this paper .

    该文研究了基于发射方向图综合的双基地高频 地波超视距雷达 发射天线阵互耦、幅度及相位误差模型。

  • The experiments were conducted on a modified SHPB test system . The variations of the incident wave and the transmitted wave as well as the deformation histories were recorded by a high-speed camera .

    采用改进的SHPB实验系统并配以高速摄影设备,分别记录圆环列的入射波、 透射 波形变化及变形过程。

  • The foreign use acoustic method for measuring seafloor gas seepage flow mainly by reflection wave this method is suitable for high flow rates for small gas flow situation we need to adopt the transmitted wave measurement .

    国外使用声波方法测量海底天然气渗漏气体流量时,主要用反射波,这种方法适用于大流量的情况,对于气体流量小的情况需要采用 透射 测量。

  • The approximate solution for the transmitted and reflected waves wave at the vertical wall of the step is obtained by using the methods of the matched-asymptotic expansion and the Green function and some mathematical tech technique such as the conformal mapping theory and the singular Fredholm integral equation theory .

    通过匹配渐近展开和格林函数的方法,借助保角交换和求解奇异Fredholm积分方程的技巧,获得了两层流体系统中弱非线性 内波在台阶直壁处反射和 透射的近似解。

  • The pulse pore water pressure results from the vibrating P wave transmitted in the pore water and the P wave and S wave transmit outward through the soil skeleton which produces strain potential on the skeleton of soil .

    脉动孔隙水压力是振动纵波在水中直接 传播的结果。振动的 、横波还通过土骨架向外传播,传播过程使土骨架产生应变势。

  • From the experiment we attain the characteristics of reflected wave and transmitted wave generated by SAWs interacted with the surface-breaking defects which show that the SAWs generated by laser line source are potential for the surface-breaking defects .

    通过实验获得了SAWs经过表面缺陷时产生的反射回波及 透射 波形的特征,说明了线光源产生的超声波非常适合材料表面缺陷的检测。

  • A survey of model studies on the conception of non-linear bedded structures & transmitted wave and reflected wave of high-speed intermediate layers

    非线性层状构造理论的模型试验研究&高速夹层的 透射 和反射波

  • The experiment research on the forward scattering of airborne radar transmitted wave with airscrews is presented in this paper .

    本文就飞机螺旋桨对机载雷达 发射 波前向散射的实验研究情况作了介绍。

  • The wave heights behind a submerged semi-circular breakwater shall be superimposed by diffracted and transmitted wave heights .

    半圆型潜堤后的波高将由绕射波高与 传递 波高迭加而成。

  • In the system of automatic hydrological measurement and telemetering the collected hydrological data are often transmitted by the ultra short wave of radio communication technology so that it is necessary for the binary digit to use modem technology .

    在水文遥测自动测报系统中,采集的水文数据常常应用 超短波无线通信技术进行数字 传输,因此需要进行二进制数据的调制解调工作。

  • Purpose To investigate the curative effect of combined meridian transmitted millimeter wave and Chinese herbs on intermediate and advanced carcinoma of stomach .

    目的探索毫米 循经 传导联合中药治疗中晚期胃癌的疗效。

  • A Sudden Variation of Transmitted and Reflected Wave Amplitude during Frictional Sliding between Two Interface

    界面摩擦滑动引起的 反射 波幅瞬变研究

  • The equipment convergences 30 channels seismic waves data into one channel signal in which the frequencies of data are different and multi system and transmits all signals transmitted through the digital micro wave .

    该设备将30路多种不同制式不同速率的地震波数据汇集成一路高速数据 ,通过数字 微波 传送

  • The main targets of the KDP crystals in high power lasers are roughness waveness and transmitted wave front . The ultra-precision machine and process parameters are presented by analyzing the effects on the three main targets .

    激光核聚变KDP晶体的3项主要技术指标是:表面粗糙度、波纹度和 透射 波前,通过分析影响这3项技术指标的因素,提出了实现KDP晶体精密加工的超精密机床和工艺参数。

  • Cooper and other researchers indicated that the shock wave is transmitted in the body in the form of stress wave shock wave and shear wave and damages internal organs after affecting the body .

    Cooper等指出,冲击波作用于机体后以应力 、激波和剪切波的形式在体内 传播,损伤内脏器官。

  • The technique uses not only the travel & time informations of first arrivals but also the informations of transmitted wave and reflected wave so that image result has quite good accuracy .

    它不仅利用了初至波的走时信息,而且利用了 透射 和反射波的信息,故成像结果具有较高的精度。

  • The field distribution of an L_ ( CR ) wave transmitted in rails is simulated and experiments of L_ ( CR ) wave transmission are conducted .

    作者用有限元法模拟了LCR波在钢轨中 传播的声场分布,并且对钢轨中LCR 的传播作了实验。

  • Experiment Research on the Forward Scattering of Airborne Radar Transmitted Wave with Airscrews

    飞机螺旋桨对机载雷达 发射 波前向散射的实验研究