transverse mass

[trænsˈvə:s mæs][trænsˈvɜ:s mæs]


  • Huck rivet transverse vibration test rig is designed and developed to adapt mass coercive spot-check of railway truck .

    为应对铁路货车铆钉 质量强制抽验的要求,设计研制出哈克铆钉 横向振动试验台。

  • This computed tomographic ( CT ) scan with contrast of the abdomen in transverse view demonstrates multiple mass lesions representing metastases from a colonic adenocarcinoma .

    腹部 横断面CT显示肝脏多发性 肿块,属结肠腺癌转移性病变。

  • All transverse joints are sealed with water stop and all longitudinal joints are grouted after the concrete mass gets cooled to a certain temperature to achieve a monolithic section .

    为此, 缝须设置止水,纵缝则待 坝体冷却后灌浆,将柱状坝块连成整体。

  • Use of Seismic Transverse Waves for Testing the Rock Mass in a Prospecting Adit

    地震 横波测试刍议

  • In the geotechnical engineering the anisotropy is a very important characteristic of rock masses while layered rock masses usually display transverse isotropic behiviors which has obviously influence on deformation and stress distribution of rock mass due to excavation .

    各向异性是岩体的一个重要性质,层状岩体在地下工程和边坡工程中常常表现为 观各向同性特征,对 岩体的开挖变形和应力分布具有显著的影响。

  • Not only the transverse vibration and axial torsion because of the effect of mass depletion as well as the non uniformity of the rocket structural geometry but also the liquid sloshing of propellant are considered in these equations .

    该模型不仅考虑了运载火箭(变 质量、变结构) 横向振动和轴向扭转的影响,还进一步考虑了贮 箱内液体晃动的影响。

  • In the paper the equations of motion for the vehicle_bridge_MTMD system are presented and the effectiveness of suppressing the transverse vibration of the deck steel plate girder bridge with multiple tuned mass dampers ( MTMD ) is investigated by the field test and simulated calculation .

    本文建立了车-桥-MTMD系统振动方程,对利用多重调频 质量阻尼器(MTMD)抑制铁路上承钢板梁桥 横向振动的效果进行了模拟计算和现场试验。

  • Combination of generalized differential quadrature method and finite element method for analysis of transverse vibration of circular plates with an elastically mounted mass

    微分求积法与有限元相结合分析带弹性安置 质量圆板的 横向振动

  • Firstly the analytical expressions of dynamic stiffness matrix of plane beam for transverse vibration with considering the shear distortion and rotary inertia of mass are presented by directly solving motion differential equations of a uniform Timoshenko beam .

    首先通过直接求解等 Timoshenko梁单元的运动微分方程,导出考虑剪切变形和转动 惯量影响的平面梁单元动态刚度阵的解析表达形式;

  • Then by using ANSYS APDL language to establish the finite element model of vertical circular transverse translation stereo garage which uses a beam element element and mass element .

    随后通过使用ANSYS的APDL语言建立垂向循环 横向平移立体车库的有限元模型,其中用到了梁单元、面单元和 质量单元。

  • The effect of the transverse motion on the circular mass spectrometer

    粒子 横向运动对环形 质谱仪性能的影响

  • By using3D ANSYS software the transverse action mechanism of rock bolts in discontinuous rock mass was analyzed .

    采用数值分析软体ANSYS建立3D模型,分析了 锚杆 横向作用机理。