transfer cost

[trænsˈfɚ kɔst][trænsˈfə: kɔst]


  • This paper analyzes the transfer scenario in three layers of time-space network constructs transfer arcs which will be used to optimize the transfer cost and builds the corresponding mathematical model .

    在对三层时空网络中的中转情景做了分析之后,构建了中转弧用于解决 中转 费用的优化,然后给出了综合货运动态服务网络设计优化数学模型。

  • The transfer-number scheme has the lowest transfer cost in consideration of the single-car cost .

    该移拨数目方案在考虑单车运费的条件 下移成本最低。

  • The increase of flow and transfer cost impedes the transfer of rural surplus labor and impedes the transfer of the labor force outside .

    流动和 转移 成本的增加阻碍了外部劳动力的流入和农村剩余劳动力的转移。

  • It also found that compared with non-knowledge workers the influence of the variable transfer cost has more notable effect on the intention of knowledge worker turnover .

    研究发现,与非知识型员工相比, 转换 成本对知识型员工的离职意图作用更加明显。

  • Transfer cost and time and mode of payment ;

    转让 价格及价款支付时间和方式;

  • Empirical Research on of Firm Knowledge Transfer Cost

    企业知识 传导 成本实证研究

  • Finally through customer delivery value customer satisfaction and transfer cost three sectors it discussed deeply the means of customers ' retention and royalty .

    最后通过客户让渡价值、客户满意和 转移 成本三个方面,提出航运企业客户保持和忠诚的策略。

  • In addition for the purpose of transfer cost decrease and investment risk control the steady of investment portfolio should be guided too .

    为了减少 交易 成本、降低投资风险需要适度保持投资组合的稳定性。

  • Minimun Cost Flows in a Network with Transfer Cost

    带有 换装 费用的网络中的最小费用流问题

  • Second combined with Shanghai SN company production and operation situation we analysis the project transfer cost control present situation and the mail problems of project transfer existing in the company .

    其次,结合上海SN公司生产经营状况,分析了项目 转移 成本控制现状以及项目转移成本控制中存在的主要问题。

  • Finally social efforts to decrease transfer cost narrows regional economic disparity .

    最后,社会致力于 迁移 成本的降低,将缩小区域经济差异。

  • The paper analyzes the existent of the knowledge boundary discusses the domain of the knowledge boundary by the comparison model between knowledge transfer cost and benefit .

    本文分析了企业知识边界的存在性,并以知识 传导 成本与收益模型分析企业知识边界大小及其动态性。

  • The fixed degree is related to the early investment which is called transfer cost . The investment is more the transfer cost is higher and then the fixed degree is higher .

    锁定程度的大小与早期的投入有关,即 转移 成本有关,投入越多,转移成本越高,则锁定程度越高。

  • Knowledge transfer cost is the barrier during the process of knowledge transfer .

    知识 传导 成本是指知识传导过程中的壁垒和难度。

  • The loyal customers are the core of assets and the main target of customer retention . The main target of customer retention is to maximize customer equity maximize the loyal customers and maximize the customer transfer cost .

    忠诚顾客是企业顾客资产的核心,顾客维系的主要对象是忠诚顾客,顾客维系的目标是顾客资产最大化、忠诚顾客最大化、顾客 转移 成本最大化。

  • The increase of compatibility of inter-bank terminals to some extent will decrease the card holders ' transfer cost which will greatly influence its market structure and functions of network effects .

    银行终端系统兼容性的提高在一定程度上降低了持卡人的 转换 成本,这将对借记卡的市场结构和网络效应的作用形式产生很大影响。

  • The individual obstacles system obstacles and the transfer cost of their role have formed the main obstacles but government will play a crucial role in this process .

    新生代农民工所面对的个体障碍、制度障碍、角色 转换 成本障碍等构成其角色 转换 过程中所面临的主要障碍,而政府在其角色 转换过程中所起的作用更是至关重要的。

  • After that a traffic distribution model which considers the optimization of transport cost and transfer cost between different services is built the model also considers some key constraints .

    之后构建的流量分配数学模型考虑了综合货运服务网络中运输费用和不同服务之间 中转固定 费用的优化,也考虑了其它必要的约束。

  • By Donald · j · Carty CEO of American Airline . As the rapid development of technology the life cycle of product becomes shorter and shorter . Customer has higher and higher requirement on the product while the transfer cost is lower and lower .

    美洲航空公司CEO,Donald·j·Carty,AMR(1999)随着科技的迅速发展,产品生命周期逐步缩短,客户对产品的要求越来越高,其 转换 成本却越来越低。

  • The Transfer Cost Caused by Asset Specificity in Technology Innovation

    技术创新中资产专用性造成的 转换 成本问题研究

  • A meager opinion of the disposal ways in the transfer cost of the existing ownership of non-financial assets

    现有非金融资产所有权 转移 费用处理方式刍议

  • It was found that in the competition equilibrium the market power deciding factors is network externality transfer cost and diversity cost .

    分析发现在竞争均衡中网络外部性、 转移 成本和成本差异度是决定竞争双方市场势力的决定因素。

  • The rise of coal price causes increase of need to transfer the cost of the coal industry . Related downstream industries such as electricity and metallurgy face cost pressures .

    煤价上涨推动了煤炭行业 转移 成本的需要增加,给电力、冶金等相关下游产业带来了成本压力。

  • Resource constrained project schedule is widely adopted because it is closer to management reality but present research doesn t optimize active resource transfer cost .

    资源约束项目计划因更接近管理实际而得到广泛应用,但目前的研究未将活动间的资源 转移 成本纳入优化范围内。

  • It is very important to understand the exact meaning and characteristics of water saving society for enhancing the water saving building steadily and actively for decreasing the system transfer cost and getting through the birth pangs transfer smoothly .

    准确地把握节水型社会建设的内涵和特征,积极、稳妥协调地推进节水型社会建设,对于减少制度的 变迁 成本,平稳地度过制度转型的阵痛期具有积极的意义。