
[trænˈsækʃən, -ˈzæk-][trænˈzækʃn]


  • If a problem occurs we will call the rollback () method on the transaction object .

    如果出现了任何问题,我们将调用 事务对象中的rollback()方法。

  • Supports full online and offline backups and crash point-in-time and transaction recovery .

    支持在线和离线完全备份以及崩溃、时间点和 事务恢复。

  • In this workspace we can see the full topology of the Buy Stock transaction .

    在此工作空间中,我们看到了BuyStock 事务的完整拓扑。

  • We did not conduct a single transaction until just now .

    我们到现在才 开市

  • It provides a long-running transaction model that allows increasing consistency and reliability of web services applications .

    它提供的长期运行的 事务的模型提高了Web服务应用程序的一致性和可靠性。

  • The OS and Domino executables share one disk and the transaction log and page file share another .

    操作系统和Domino可执行文件共享一个磁盘,而 事务日志和页文件共享另一个磁盘。

  • This sample provider class uses a simple directory structure to manage user group and transaction authorization .

    本文的示例provider类使用一个简单的目录结构来管理用户、组和 事务授权。

  • If you do go into the red you get charged 30p for each transaction .

    如果你真的出现透支,那你每笔 交易要支付30便士的费用。

  • The transaction server has one and a half processors allocated ( this being the minimum ) .


  • This is achieved by using a transaction element and a compensation element .

    这是通过使用 事务元素和补偿元素来实现的。

  • A file system that spans two volumes is allocated for transaction log data .

    我们为 事务日志数据分配了一个跨越两个卷的文件系统。

  • The arguments to this callback function include a transaction handle and a result set .

    这个回调函数的参数包含一个 事务句柄和一个结果集。

  • The exporter can enter into consignment transaction .

    出口商可做寄售 交易

  • Transaction rate and time are not provided unless statistics are enabled for each domain .

    除非对每个域启用了统计信息,才会提供 事务率和时间。

  • We have explained the basic layout of how the coordination and transaction system in Web services work .

    我们已经解释了Web服务中协调和 事务系统如何工作的基本情况。

  • However they provide only the rules and semantics for transaction processing .

    但是,它们仅提供了 事务处理的规则和语义。

  • This lets you set rollback and release savepoints in a transaction .

    它允许您在 事务中设置、回滚和释放保存点。

  • Each transaction is logged to ensure the integrity of the data in the database .

    对每个 事务进行日志记录,从而确保数据库中数据的完整性。

  • Then you can generate the transaction reports .

    这样您就可以生成 交易报告了。

  • If this occurs we would have a situation where the Distributed Transaction is partially committed .

    如果发生了,我们将陷入分布式 事务已经部分提交的情形中。

  • They have made huge profit out of the transaction .

    他们从 这笔 交易中获得了巨额利润。

  • This article shows you several options of implementing transaction authorization on InfoSphere MDM Server .

    本文展示了在InfoSphereMDMServer上实现 事务授权的一些选项。

  • Transaction duration can be shortened by investing in network configuration hardware and software .

    通过对网络配置、硬件和软件进行优化,可以缩短 事务持续时间。

  • Life is all about trade-offs and transaction processing is no exception .

    生活中充满了折衷, 事务处理也不例外。

  • To solve this increase the value according to the transaction complexity and the level of concurrency required .

    为了解决此问题,可依据 事务复杂性和需要的并发性水平来增大该值。

  • They were uncertain of the total value of the transaction

    他们还不确定 这笔 交易的总价值是 多少

  • Many trade-offs and issues are associated with this transaction strategy .

    很多折衷和问题都与这个 事务策略相关。

  • The new device can also cancel the check after the transaction is complete .


  • He was always in the middle of a business transaction .

    他总是忙着做 生意

  • Neither side would disclose details of the transaction

    双方均不肯披露 交易细节。