transaction handling

[trænˈsækʃən ˈhændlɪŋ][trænˈzækʃən ˈhændliŋ]

[计] 事务处理

  • Directories generally do not support complicated transaction or roll-back schemes found in database management systems designed for handling high-volume complex updates .

    目录通常不支持在数据库管理系统中为 处理大量复杂更新而设计的并发 事务或者回滚机制。

  • The web-based middleware which provides the functionality of information exchange and transaction handling is the key of WWW technology .

    中间件为Web提供了信息交互和 事务 处理的功能,是WWW技术的关键。

  • MovieDAO is a DAO that demonstrates all of the techniques discussed in this article : transaction demarcation logging and exception handling .

    MovieDAO是一个展示本文中讨论的所有技术的DAO: 事务界定、日志和异常 处理

  • The second t-test test net of transaction costs and net market risk after deducting the handling of market risk mainly according to the Fama French model the three-factor model fit the A-share market .

    第二个t检验,检验扣除 交易费用和扣除市场风险的情况下,扣除交易市场风险的 处理,主要是通过根据FamaFrench模型,拟合A股市场的三因素模型来完成的。

  • In the case of geographic data access objects the paper illustrates the geographic data access class realized by oriented-object technology . Concrete work is as follows : Accomplish with programming of the core class including the service dispatch class transaction handling class and database access class .

    论文具体的工作如下:遵循架构式软件设计思想实现了整个系统的软件结构的设计,并完成了系统主要核心类的设计和编码工作,包括网络服务调度类、 业务 处理类和数据库访问类等。

  • By default Integration Developer generates some qualifiers to provide transaction handling and reliable asynchronous message delivery .

    默认情况下,IntegrationDeveloper生成一些限定符来提供 事务 处理和可信任异步消息传递。

  • System is logically divided into the new terminal platform subsystems communication subsystems front the core transaction processing center bulk handling systems and other subsystems .

    系统在逻辑上划分为新终端平台子系统、通讯前置子系统、核心 交易处理中心、批量 处理系统和其它子系统。

  • A New Model of Mobile Transaction Handling

    一种新的移动 事务 处理模型

  • This article showed how and when to use the QoS qualifiers to provide transaction handling security handling and data validation .

    本文展示如何使用QoS限定符来提供 事务 处理、安全处理和数据验证,以及何时使用。

  • If you used Spring AOP for transaction handling you could place the appropriate method calls declaratively rather than having to place each one individually .

    如果使用SpringAOP进行 事务 处理,那么可以声明性地安排适当的方法调用,而不必逐个安排。

  • The main factors causing the decrease of efficiency in the citrus fruit postharvest handling industry included that the scale of the transaction is small and postharvest handling technology level is low the consumption is limited and government support is insufficiently .

    然后剖析了影响我国柑橘商品化处理发展的主要因素,主要包括: 交易规模太小;加工 处理企业技术水平低;

  • Once this state is reached two options to do transaction handling are available a manual one or automated one .

    一旦达到这个状态,可能需要 处理 2中 事物操作:手工 处理或者自动 处理

  • By applying carefully the database functions of transaction handling and concurrent access the platform guarantees data reliability and data integrity in multi user network environment .

    该系统还利用了数据库自身的 事务 处理与并发控制功能,解决了在多用户网络环境下的数据完整性和可靠性问题。

  • Think of transaction handling and referential integrity .

    考虑一下 事务 处理和引用完整性,就能够明白这有多么困难。

  • Do you any solution to correct transaction handling with that much data ?

    您是否有一些对这样数据的正确 事务 处理的解决方法?

  • The EDI Transaction Handling Model Based on Active Rule

    基于事件触发机制的EDI 事务 处理模型

  • On the downside we have issues of security transaction handling and scalability .

    从消极的方面来看,我们会遇到安全性、 事务 处理以及可伸缩性等问题。

  • The transaction handling can be done manually as described in the Hibernate documentation but this approach is error prone and often causes huge amounts of transactional code duplication .

    但是文档中的 ­方法是 存在错误倾向的,并导致很多事物处理的代码成倍增加。

  • In a heterogeneous environment you will usually find a Transaction Manager that is responsible for the handling of Distributed Transactions .

    在异构环境中,您通常会发现一个 事务管理器(TransactionManager),负责 处理分布式事务。

  • System is mainly divided into authorization management transaction management exception handling system maintenance .

    系统主要分为授权管理, 事务管理,异常 处理,系统维护等。

  • And also event and event handling transaction and transaction handling and error handling in LS : DO are analyzed .

    此外,还分析了LS:DO中的事件及事件处理、事务及 事务 处理和错误处理方法。

  • To provide mature accurate efficient Location Based Services for users the functions of transaction processing and long-time transaction handling have become the requirements of modern GIS system .

    为向用户提供完善、正确、高效的基于位置的服务功能,事务处理、长 事务 处理 能力成为现代GIS系统应具备的功能。

  • Callers will have varying transactional requirements so the service layer should allow the caller to affect transaction handling .

    调用者将会具有不同的事务需求,因此服务层应该允许调用者影响 事务 处理

  • Research of the Long Transaction Handling Mechanism Based on the Workflow

    一种基于工作流的长 事务 处理机制的研究

  • The system role management transaction rollback security incident handling and fault tolerance aspects of system security analysis .

    本系统从角色管理, 事务回滚,安全事件 处理和容错性等几个方面对系统安全性进行分析。

  • The same goes for the transaction handling .

    对于 手工 方式 处理 transaction 方法,也在 Hibernate 文档中已经做了 描述

  • Application programmers should be sure to test the behavior of the transaction manager in such situations to sufficiently accommodate any necessary special handling .

    在此类情况中,应用程序编程人员应确保测试了 事务管理器的行为,以充分适应任何必需的特殊 处理

  • There are various ways to automate the session opening and closing and also the transaction handling for standard cases .

    有许多自动处理方法来处理session的打开和关闭操作,也有很多方法 处理 transaction的普通用法。