transaction library

[trænˈsækʃən ˈlaɪˌbrɛri][trænˈzækʃən ˈlaibrəri]

[计] 事务处理库

  • Based Oracle 9i the prototype system is implemented to store and manage distributed massive spatial data to support version management among multi-users long transaction processing and operation of massive map library .

    该系统原型在商用数据库Oracle9i实现,可完成海量空间数据的分布式存储与管理、多用户的版本管理和长 事务处理、以及海量 图库的管理与操作。

  • First by analyzing the contradictions between the two issues the fact that the equipment cost is positive to library purchase cost it is found while the transaction is happen between the producer and the library ; mathematical model can be constructed by interconnecting producers and libraries .

    通过分析两个问题相互之间的矛盾,找到了设备在由生产者 出售 图书馆时,设备生产成本等于图书馆采购成本 相等这一事实,将生产者和图书馆相关联,形成数学模型。

  • Overall the thesis provides an empirical analysis in the aspect of human resource and proposes solutions for the corresponding questions . It also makes sense on the problems that caused by the transaction between the traditional library and digital library .

    本文对本项目的人力资源方面进行了实证分析,针对相应的问题提出了自己的看法和对策,对于解决传统 图书馆向数字图书馆的 转型中存在的人力资源管理的实际问题也有一定的借鉴意义。