transition state

[trænˈzɪʃən stet][trænˈziʃən steit]


  • The reaction rate constants have been calculated according to conventional transition state theory variational transition state theory and tunneling corrections respectively .

    根据传统 过渡 理论、变分过渡态理论及相应的隧道效应校正,计算了本重排反应的反应速率常数。

  • Energies of some optical transitions and the charge transfer transition are calculated based on the transition state theory .

    过渡 理论计算了部分光学跃迁和电荷转移跃迁的能量。

  • As we said at the beginning of this message you are entering a critical transition state .

    就像我们在这则讯息最开始所说的,你们正进入 转型的关键 状态

  • This particular transition state has to do with the collapse of the collective lies of your culture .

    这个特定的 过渡 状态与瓦解你们文化中的集体谎言有关。

  • The equilibrium structures and transition state have been optimized of which all have Cs symmetry .

    优化得到平衡几何构型和 过渡 结构,其均为平面分子,具有Cs对称性。

  • The structure transition state exists near every the energy transition state in the two reactions .

    在这两个反应过程中,都在 过渡 附近形成了环状的结构 过渡 ,结构 过渡 与能量过渡态出现的先后次序与反应的热效应有关。

  • In transition state the coarseness of the wall of the tube act differently on the working fluids .

    过渡 区时壁面粗糙度对不同工质的影响不同。

  • Transition state for the isomerization is studied by using reaction pathway method .

    用反应途径法(reactionpathway)得到了甲酸顺反异构化的 过渡

  • This paper analyses the calculated loads sustained on some aerial gunelements in its operating process in motion transition state .

    本文分析了几个航炮零件在运动 渐变 状态工作过程中取得的计算载荷。

  • The result shows that the transition state of the rearrangement reaction has a three-membered ring structure .

    结果表明,该重排反应经过一个三元环 过渡

  • In this paper the rate constant and equilibrium constant of the crack reaction of methyl silicane were obtained with the transition state theory and quantum chemistry calculation .

    本文采用 过渡 理论和量子化学计算方法,首次计算得到了甲硅烷裂解反应的速率常数和平衡常数,并对结果进行了讨论。

  • And this will be a very helpful and important mind-skill as you enter further into this planetary transition state ( i.e.the emergence of multiple Chaotic Nodes ) .

    当你进入这个行星更深的 转变 阶段时(即多重混乱事件的出现),它将成为非常有帮助且重要的“心智技巧”。

  • All above results show that the reaction experiences the six-member ring transition state with two-step path .

    这表明该反应主要经历六元环 过渡 的两步反应历程。

  • Three models of theories on changeable transition state in β - cancellation reaction were summed up .

    综述了β-消除反应中可变 过渡 理论的3种模型。

  • Then what is the reason of corruption at the transition state of our system .

    那么,在我 新旧体制 转型 时期,导致腐败现象产生的原因是什么?

  • Your planet is entering a critical transition state characterized by a multiplicity of Chaotic Nodes .

    你们的星球正在进入一个关键性的 过渡 状态,其特征是出现了多重乱世高潮点。

  • One of the greatest difficulties for embodied beings is the transition state of consciousness you call death .

    对于一个身处肉体中的存有来说,最大的困难之一就是:你们称之为死亡的意识的 过渡 状态

  • The geometries relative energies and activation energy of the tautomer and transition state were determined .

    确定了互变异构体及 过渡 的几何构型、相对能量和活化能。

  • The geometry optimizations of reactant transition state intermediate and product are made at MP_2 / SDD level .

    MP2/SDD水平上优化了反应物、 过渡 、中间体和产物的几何构型。

  • The transition state structures were further confirmed by calculating the analytical force constant matrix .

    过渡 结构都用分析力常数矩阵计算进行了确证。

  • Also 8 minimum points and 6 transition state are optimized under HF / 6-31G ( d ) level .

    此外,还在HF/6-31G(d)水平下计算了6个 过渡 和8个极小点的优化构型。

  • The three-member ring structure transition region and structure transition state were found out .

    得到了各反应通道的结构过渡区和结构 过渡

  • The transition state of complicated reactions can be conformed with the method which can instruct experimental research .

    利用该方法可以确定复杂反应 过渡 ,从而为实验研究起理论指导作用。

  • Finally the thermodynamic and kinetic parameters have been investigated based on the statistical thermodynamics and transition state theory .

    基于统计热力学方法和 Eyring的绝对反应速率理论求得该反应的热力学和动力学参数。

  • The equilibrium states and the transition state have been verified according to the number of imaginary frequency through vibrational analysis .

    通过振动分析对平衡态和 过渡 进行了验证,并得到了零点能。

  • This article discusses the femto-chemistry because it involves femtosecond laser pulses and its research or monitor into chemical processes of transition state and intermediate .

    讨论由飞秒激光脉冲所构成的飞秒化学,及其对化学反应 过渡 状态或中间体的研究和检测。

  • You have entered a transition state of consciousness .

    此时你就已经进入了一个“意识的 过渡 状态”。

  • Using this method the reaction potential energy surface of other stationary points were optimized geometries has been the result of a transition state and one intermediate .

    运用这种计算方法对反应势能面上其它驻点进行几何构型优化,得到了的一个 过渡 结果和一个中间体。

  • This simple vibratory realm will be a great ally to you as you pass through the current planetary transition state .

    这个简单易行的振动状态,将会是一个伟大的伙伴,伴你通过行星当前的 转变 阶段