transition temperature

[trænˈzɪʃən ˈtɛmpərəˌtʃʊr][trænˈziʃən ˈtempəritʃə]


  • Measurement of glass transition temperature ( Tg ) change was carried out using the MD simulation .

    对杜仲胶的玻璃 转变 温度进行了分子动力学模拟。

  • Influence of Annealing Treatment on Glass Transition Temperature

    缓冲预处理对玻璃 转变 温度的影响

  • The Effects of Different Measurement Methods on the Glass Transition Temperature of Polymer

    测试方法对聚合物玻璃 温度的影响

  • And what we are supposed to get out of this is what 's the phase transition temperature ?

    从这个可以得到什么?, 转变 温度是多少?

  • Modeling of the glass transition temperature of swelling PET in supercritical carbon dioxide

    聚酯(PET)在超临界二氧化碳中溶胀玻璃 转变 温度模型研究

  • Theoretical Prediction of Glass Transition Temperature of 1 Aqueous Solution

    1丙二醇水溶液玻璃 温度的理论预测

  • At the phase transition temperature for the two phases those things have to be equal .

    对于两个相的 相变 温度,这些东西应该相等。

  • A Study on Glass Transition Temperature of a Powder Coating Polyester Resin

    粉末涂料聚酯树脂玻璃 温度的研究

  • After freeze-drying treatment the glass transition temperature semi-dried litchi was increased by7 ℃ .

    经冷冻干燥处理后的半干型荔枝干的玻璃 转变 温度比半干型荔枝干产品的高约7℃。

  • The isothermal compression behaviors of MgCu-Y7Nd bulk amorphous alloy nearby the glass transition temperature ( Tg ) and at temperature in the supercooled liquid region are observed .

    研究了MgCuY7Nd大块非晶合金在玻璃 转化 温度Tg附近及深过冷液相区的等温压缩变形行为。

  • And the introduction of Na almost has no effect on the transition temperature .

    同时,钠的引入几乎没有影响到超导体 转变 温度

  • Effects of Resin Glass Transition Temperature on Tension / Compression Properties of GFRP

    树脂玻璃 转变 温度对GFRP拉/压性能的影响

  • All polyesters have low phase transition temperature they have good solubilities in common organic solvents .

    所有聚酯均具有较低的相 转变 温度,在普通的有机溶剂中具有较好的溶解性质。

  • QSPR study on glass transition temperature of polyacrylates

    聚丙烯酸酯玻璃 温度的QSPR研究

  • Plastic Deformation Glass Transition and Prediction of Glass Transition Temperature for Metallic Glasses

    金属玻璃的塑性变形、玻璃转变以及对玻璃 转变 温度的预测

  • Use of NMR to Study Influence of Resistant Starch on Glass Transition Temperature of Dough

    核磁共振技术研究抗性淀粉对面团玻璃 转变 温度的影响

  • The microstructure molecular weight molecular weight distribution glass transition temperature and dynamic properties of synthesized SIBR were characterized by IR GPC DSC DMA .

    采用IR、GPC、DSC、DMA等仪器对合成的SIBR的微观结构、分子量大小及分布、玻璃 转变 温度和动态力学性能进行了分析测试。

  • The glass transition temperature of PLLA decreased with the increase of cooling rate .

    玻璃 温度和结晶度随着降温速率的降低而增大。

  • The results of DMTA show that the title polymer is insoluble in most of organic solvents and has a high glass transition temperature and high thermal resistance .

    动态机械热分析(DMTA)表明发生配位反应后该配合物进一步交联,从而难溶于大部分有机溶剂,其玻璃 转变 温度和耐热性能均得到很大提高。

  • The addition of a plasticizer may lower the melt viscosity elastic modulus and glass transition temperature ( Tg ) of a plastic .

    同时,加入增塑剂,还可以降低塑料在熔融态时的粘度、弹性模数及玻璃 转变 温度(tg)。

  • Glass transition temperature of polymers in supercritical carbon dioxide

    超临界二氧化碳介质中聚合物玻璃 转变 温度

  • There is our phase transition temperature .

    这就是 转变 温度了。

  • During the air pressure test the test temperature shall be higher than the brittle transition temperature of the metal material .

    气体压力的试验时,试验温度必须高于金属材料的脆性 转变 温度

  • Passive Oxidation Mechanism and Transition Temperature of Silicon Carbide

    碳化硅材料被动氧化机理及 转捩 温度分析

  • Their dielectric anisotropy phase transition temperature and phase states were determined .

    测试了各 液晶的介电各向异性、 相变 温度和相态等。

  • The researchers have not demonstrated that their sample has exhibited zero resistance a transition temperature or even the Josephson effect .

    这些研究人员并没有用演示证明,他们的样品具有零电阻、存在 相变 温度,甚至也没有证实约瑟夫逊效应的存在。

  • This shall remain below the heat deflection temperature or glass transition temperature .

    保持在热变形温度或玻璃 温度以下。

  • Niobium is the metallic element with the highest transition temperature .

    铌是 转变 温度最高的金属元素。