transition interval

[trænˈzɪʃən ˈɪntəvəl][trænˈziʃən ˈintəvəl]


  • The transition interval between the two behaviors was around 3 months .

    两者间的 过渡 时间为3个月。

  • The transition depth of snow to ice there was 38-39m above it density increased gradually downward but at rather high rate below that depth due to appearance of water table reaching 900kg / m 3 in 5-6m interval .

    主冰穹顶成冰深度为38- 39m,此深度以上密度自上而下缓慢增加,但以下由于含水层的出现,密度迅速升高,在5-6m 区间达到900kg/m3。

  • 20 th the 80s ( the NewPeriod ) Is the Chinese modernization transition time richest culture tensity and the cultural complex history time interval .

    20世纪80年代(也称新时期)是中国现代化 转折时期最富有文化张力和文化复杂性的历史 时段

  • Discussion on pH transition interval of sodium alizarin sulfonate

    茜素磺酸钠pH 变色 的探讨

  • It is obvious that there is a definite transition interval of temperature between ferromagnetic state and paramagnetic state of the metal and the Curie temperature is only an intermediate value .

    由曲线可见,金属由铁磁态到顺磁态的相 转变,存在一定温度 间隔 转变过程,居里温度是这一过程的中间温度。

  • Transition interval Field : A pre-defined area of a computer record .

    变色 范围转变区, 转变 间隔信息组:一个电脑记录内的预定区间。

  • For both of above questions algorithms and examples for verification are presented . ( 2 ) Interval probabilistic timed automata is constructed to describe stochastic real time system in which the value of discrete transition probability is an interval .

    针对每个问题,给出了求解算法和验证的实例。(2)提出了区间概率时间自动机模型,来描述离散 迁移概率为 区间值的实时随机系统,并研究了 区间概率 时间自动机的模型 检测问题。