


  • We stopped worrying about the ship 's safe arrival when she sailed into the harbour with all her flags flying .

    看到飘满彩旗的轮船驶进港口,我们才不再为它 能否安全返航而 担心

  • Without worrying about me and I 'm the bitch !


  • You should learn to read a person 's thoughts from his face . Anyone can see she 's worrying about something .

    你这人真不识眉眼高低,谁都看得出她正在 发愁

  • Angolans are worrying about a return to war .

    安哥拉人 担心战火重燃。

  • I heard lots of complaining and worrying but not much contentment .

    我听到很多的抱怨和 担忧,很少的知足。

  • It 's worrying that they 're doing things without training .

    他们没经过培训就做这些事情,这 担心

  • It starts him worrying a little .

    就使他开始有点 着急了。

  • When children travel far from home mothers never stop worrying .

    儿行千里母 担忧

  • I have sleepless nights worrying about her .

    我好几个晚上都睡不着, 一直 担心她。

  • I 've spent many sleepless nights worrying about it .

    我已度过了许多不眠之夜,为此事 担心

  • Since had you in my heart has too many worrying ;

    自从有了你,我的心中有太多的 牵挂

  • You look troubled ; what 's worrying you ?

    你看上去很烦恼,是什么 使忧烦

  • She gets to worrying if I leave her too long .

    如果我离开她太久,她就要 担心 起来了。

  • Poor Donald 's been worrying himself silly .

    可怜的唐纳德一直在 杞人忧天

  • It 's no good worrying about it now

    现在就 为此 发愁根本没用。

  • Her determined romanticism was worrying me

    她坚定的浪漫主义情怀 感到 担忧

  • Stop worrying about what you 're feeling . Let yourself go .

    不要 想着自己是什么感觉。放轻松点。

  • Children use fantasy to explore worrying aspects of real life .

    孩子们用幻想来探索实际生活中 令人 的各种 事情

  • ' It 's worrying isn 't it ? ' – ' Absolutely . '

    “这 担忧,不是吗?”——“确实是。”

  • All of our lives have improved with lack of worrying about it .

    我们的生活得到了很大的改善,少了很多 担忧

  • That 's the one thing that keeps worrying me . ; That 's my only worry .

    只有这件事 开。

  • I don 't stay awake at night worrying about that

    我并没有 因为那件事而 心得彻夜 不眠

  • What are you worrying about ?


  • And all this worrying will be for nothing .

    我们的所有 担心都将化为乌有。

  • The situation in Ethiopia in particular is worrying

    埃塞俄比亚的局势尤其令人 担忧

  • This is really worrying !

    人心 啊!

  • I ought to relax and stop worrying about it

    我应该放松一下,不要再 担心它了。

  • What 's the use of just worrying and doing nothing about it ?

    你干 着急 什么用?

  • Cross chided himself for worrying

    克罗斯怨怪自己 操心