working atmosphere

[ˈwə:kɪŋ ˈætməˌsfɪr][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ ˈætməsfiə]


  • These are harmless jokes which also contribute to a good healthy working atmosphere .

    这些都是有益身心的恶作剧,可以提供我们一个健康的 工作 环境

  • As a tool of conveying information oral communication of secretaries is also a good way to coordinate interpersonal relationship and to create harmonious working atmosphere .

    秘书口语不仅仅是传达信息的工具,更重要的是用来协调人际关系,创造良好的 工作 氛围

  • Besides the monotonous working atmosphere together with the simple repeat at work makes Marian realize that there are no prospects in her career .

    另外,枯燥单一的 工作 氛围以及机械性的重复令玛丽安意识到了自己的职业生涯毫无前景可言。

  • The Q value of driving mode is as high as 260 so that the gyroscope is capable of working under atmosphere .

    检测模态的Q值达260使陀螺能在 大气工作

  • Harmonious interpersonal reltionships are very important in creating a good working atmosphere .

    和谐的人际关系对于创造良好的 工作 环境很重要。

  • Clean working environment and good working atmosphere to help nurses improve the enthusiasm ease the work pressure concentrate on care ;

    整洁的工作环境和良好的 工作 氛围,有助于护士提高工作热情,缓解工作压力,集中精力完成护理工作;

  • A smooth development of medical activity is necessarily based on a good doctor-patient relationship which concerns the working atmosphere the growth and the development of the medical personnel .

    良好的医患关系是医疗活动顺利开展的必要基础,是关系到医务人员 工作 环境和成长、发展的重大问题。

  • The spirit of workers in working atmosphere exerts a relative impact on their safety in production . Concentration and attention on their work will directly or indirectly influence safety performance in various ways .

    员工 工作 情绪对安全生产有着相当的影响,表现在工作投入和注意心理等方面,直接或间接地影响企业的安全生产状况。

  • It disturbs the feeling of trust and the working atmosphere .

    这会破坏彼此之间的信任感,影响 工作 气氛

  • Rational enterprise culture is to make the working atmosphere harmonious healthy and progressive .

    理性企业文化就是要将 工作 氛围变得和谐、健康、向上。

  • In order to achieve these objectives school must create easy working atmosphere to transform teachers ' pressure to initiative and provide working time and space for them ;

    要达到这些目标,必须创设宽松的 工作 氛围,使班主任变压力为动力,给班主任工作以空间和时间;

  • To further improve employee satisfaction the bank should build a fair and reasonable remuneration system improve staff career management and create a harmonious working atmosphere .

    为了提高员工满意度,该银行应构建公平合理的薪酬体系,完善员工的职业生涯管理,并营造和谐的 工作 氛围

  • The working atmosphere in our company is pretty harmonious and everybody gets a foothold .

    本公司的 工作 氛围很和谐,每人都有一席之地。

  • I guess the working atmosphere is a lot more relaxed and casual in California .

    我想加利福尼亚那边的 工作 气氛一定比较悠闲,自在。

  • Spring may not yet be here but it 's not too early to start thinking about how to plant the seeds of a happy working atmosphere .

    虽然春天还没有来到,但要开始考虑如何播下使人愉快的 工作 氛围的种子已有些晚了。

  • Start-up companies also have a more casual working atmosphere .

    新兴公司还有更随意的 工作 环境

  • But I have insisted on That is moved by everybody 's working atmosphere .

    但是我坚持下来了,那是因为被大家的 工作 气氛所感动。

  • The sound working atmosphere among employees and their constructive attitudes are crucial to success .

    员工之间良好的 工作 氛围和建设性态度对于成功是根本性的。

  • The above situation we propose to promote the scientific management system ; build incentive mechanisms ; to create a good working atmosphere and attention to their full development and other countermeasures .

    针对上述情况,本文提出倡导科学化管理体制;构建激励型工作机制;营造良好的 工作 氛围和重视自身的全面发展等相应对策。

  • We provide our employees not only attractive and considerate offer package but also great development opportunity and open positive and relaxed working atmosphere .

    我们不仅为员工提供具有竞争力的薪资和晋升机会,同时也为员工提供轻松、和谐、积极向上的 工作 氛围

  • As an American-owned company while our headquarter bases in Los Angeles we also provide our employees a great working atmosphere which is also an open equal and passionate one .

    作为一家总部设立在洛杉矶的美资公司,我们同时向员工提供一个开放,平等,富有激情的 工作 环境

  • Implement Open-door policy feedback to associates ′ questions and assist to solve their problems establish harmonious working atmosphere ;

    执行门户开放政策,帮助同事公正地解决所关注的相关问题,积极营造和谐的 工作 环境 氛围

  • Our country is a coal-fired country SO2 brought by a lot of coal 's burning has been working grievous atmosphere pollution .

    我国是一个燃煤大国,大量的煤炭燃烧导致的SO2排放造成了严重的 大气污染。

  • Experimental Study of working atmosphere on laser five drilling

    激光精密打孔中 工件 气氛的实验研究

  • Conclusion The nursing managers should pay attention to release nurses ' job stressors attach importance to their psychological health create amiable working atmosphere and give them much more understanding and support .

    结论护理管理者应注意缓解护士的工作压力,重视护士的心理健康状况,努力创造轻松愉快的 工作 氛围,更多地给予护士理解和支持。

  • The results show that ( 1 ) Social Sports Management Center of Shaanxi Province the organizational culture scale test work in the working environment of the family members look forward to a warm and harmonious working atmosphere .

    研究结果表明:(1)陕西省社会体育管理中心通过组织文化量表测试更希望在家庭式的工作环境下进行工作,组织成员更期望与温馨融洽的 工作 氛围

  • Note managers should use an effective management style to create a good working atmosphere and to create a good working environment .

    说明管理者应运用有效的管理方式,制造良好的 工作 氛围,创造良好的工作环境。

  • As well research and development staff is different from other enterprise staff ; they require relatively loose working atmosphere relatively stretch working system and different performance appraisal system .

    同时,研发人员与一般企业的员工不同,他们需要相对宽松的 工作 环境,相对弹性的工作制度,绩效考核体系也存在不同。

  • There is no denying that a good working atmosphere is vital for the smooth operation of an organization .

    不可否认,好的 工作 氛围对一个组织的和谐运转至关重要。

  • Working atmosphere : comfortable harmonious united and companionate .

    工作 环境:轻松和谐,团结友爱;